Describe a dream you’ve had more than once

Topic #265:

Describe a dream you’ve had more than once.

Everyone has a dream, or nightmare, they’ve had more than once. Either write a post describing one, or explaining why you think it you’ve had the dream multiple times.

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  1. ¿Cómo se hace para soñar diariamente, y más complicado aún, soñar el mismo sueño repetidas veces?
    Aunque se dice que todos soñamos, unos los recuerdan otros no.
    Unos sueñan despiertos, otros dormidos en sus sueños ni despiertan.


  2. I had nightmares… recurring dreams that made me fear even just blinking. I had this note about my bad dreams, put into words as how I felt back then when I had those dreams. Thought I was gonna die. Here’s a link to the post. Kindly ignore the erroneous writing as I am nothing but a mere jotter. >>>


  3. i have had a dream more than once , in this dream I was a celebrity that flew to Japan and photographers were taking pictures and the shots sounded like the cameras you used to get back in the 30’s / 40’s and I was walking on what I beileve was a red carpet , can someone help me understand this ?
