What 5 books have influenced you the most?

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  1. Hum, that’s difficult, but if I have to choose five special destinations that marked my life, I’d go for Rome, London, Cardiff, Toronto and the Hawaiian islands.
    Regarding movies,I should say the following: Dead Poet’s society, Possession, Psychosis, The Illusionist
    As for the books, here’s a post I wrote a while ago about the books that have changed my life http://wp.me/p10iHd-21


  2. in chronological order:
    1) Children’s Bible by Anne de Vries (translated into German) – as this was the first book I remember having read to me. My favourite story was that of the good shepherd. It introduced me to the Bible which became another influential book, but I will not repeat that one in this list. And it helped me learn to read. When my mom tried to simplify the vocabulary, I would follow the words as she read out loud, and apparently could recognize by age 4 that she was leaving out words that were not in the original text or replacing them with others with a similar meaning 🙂
    2) an anthology of children’s stories. they were from a library, so I never kept track of the title or editor. But loved them! They encouraged me to keep on reading.
    only 5? in that case, I better skip some
    3) The Chronicles of Narnia – all of them. Have read the series multiple times, once even in the middle of exam week during my university studies as they were such a welcome respite from all the stress. Would I have experienced less stress if I had used the reading time for studying and writing papers instead? I highly doubt it.
    4) The Lord of the Rings trilogy – long before the movies were made (which I loved!) Sheer joy!
    5) To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (which remains one of my alltime favourite novels) which I first read in school and have read many times since since. A poignant message for all times.


  3. Interestingly, I think the five books that have influenced me the most aren’t necessarily the five I liked the most. For example, I’m a great fan of Yeats’ poetry, but I don’t see much sign of Yeats’ influence in my own poetry.

    So – perhaps the list would go (in no particular order): Collected poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins; of Louis MacNeice; the first two books of Mervyn Peake’s Ghormenghast trilogy (taken as one); R.D. Laing’s “The Divided Self”; Iris Murdoch’s “The Bell”. But if the humorous fantasy novel I’m writing, maybe also Tom Holt’s “Snow White and the Seven Samurai”; and if I look not at my writing but my reaction to various situations, maybe Charles Perrow’s “Normal Accidents”.


  4. Generation X by Douglas Coupland
    A part of the whole by Steve Toltz
    But I Survived by Tadeusz Sobolewicz
    Spring Awakening by Frank Wedekind
    How to think like a bat by Peter Cave


  5. 5 books that have influenced me the most? Hmm.

    1.) Nanny Diaries
    2.) Pocketbooks. haha
    3.) Hannah Montana
    4.) Values Educ.
    5.) Cinderella



  6. Their Eyes Were Watching God (Z.N.Hurston)
    The Sun Also Rises (E.Hemingway)
    Deadeye Dick (K.Vonnegut)
    Immortality (M.Kundera)
    Children of the Moon (J.Ivanauskaitė)
