Do you blog anonymously or as “yourself”? why?

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  1. I blog as myself, but I use an ambiguous name so people read the content of the material I provide, instead of viewing my material with the possibility of it being judged based on my gender.

    I’m in the process of writing a novel that I will also keep under an ambiguous name. 🙂


  2. Anonymously (sort of). I use a pen/screen name that I created based personal attributes and my real name, and have used for several years. There are those (even a few that I only know through the Internet) who know my real name, but I don’t openly advertise it. Plus I am a guest author on another blog that I don’t own, and to maintain continuity, I use the same monicker there as well.


  3. Anonymously. I am ‘Sam’ to the internet and nothing more…but seriously if someone I knew in real life found my blog and knew who I was, there would be disastrous consequences! I’m not afraid of being judged this way.


  4. I blog with my name, nothing really interesting about being anonymous for me, seriously being anonymous is boring according to me, I like fame and glory but thats not why i write the blog with my name, i write it with my name ‘cos i am not afraid of critics or appreciation, i don’t care if someone calls me a sucky writer, i write to satisfy myself.


  5. In the first place, if you write because it is your passion, what is the use of it if you are scared? I would rather prefer wirting as myself than hiding in the closet and being afraid. Just so that you do not harm anyone and what you write does not offend someone at all.

    Enjoy what you’re doing.


  6. Sometimes I kind of wish I went the anonymous route, but then again, I think that the preference for anonymity may depend more on the nature of the content. I love the sense of community that I’ve achieved with subscribers and those kindred spirits that actually visit my blog and read the posts, so I’m very open with them. I believe that my writing is a ministry of sorts, and my only goal is to touch, if only one reader at a time, on a deeper level than if they read a soundbite or what others deem buzzworthy.

    On the other hand, not being anonymous can be a bit of a problem, as some folks tend to inject their own dysfunction into the writing and take it a bit personally. Regardless of what I write, I will always be truthful and ask of myself what it is I am trying to accomplish when I write. Staying focused on the goal always allows me to a greater self discovery and actualization than I set out to achieve when I begin a post, so in that sense, it really matters not whether I am anonymous.


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  8. Well I do blog as myself but I do not tell my friends or anyone I know my blogging site. I blog but rather get opinions and comments from those that don’t know me. Plus, I sometimes mention some of my friends in my blogs.


  9. I blog as myself, because my blog is about me. And its a blog where I want to help others, so I have to write as myself. I just don’t discuss work too deeply, and family and other personal things are not very much mentioned.


  10. Is anger constructive? This is a double ended sword i think, “Theres a time and place” springs to mind here, sometimes its better to excersive some self control. But venting anger / fustrations is very constructive for a persons mental health.
    We all feel emotions and they effect the world around us in certain ways.
    If It calls for it we shouldn’t hide behind what’s expected from us, We should be true to who we are.
    Sometimes the consequences for out way any logical reasoning to “Vent”. So in a certain ironic way anger is more damaging. Emotions are truely beautiful things. Makes us all human. If we can’t express them we become stressed and worn out. That leads to depression ect.
    anyway i’m rambling. I’d Say anger is constructive If expressed in a controlled manner.


  11. I blog as myself, it makes my blog feel much more alive and personal. But I gave myself a nickname because I’m don’t want them so-called nose-pickers to know my full name.


  12. Anonymously.

    My blog is something I write from my personal beliefs and views. I don’t even trust my family that much to even say what I believe in. For me, it’s better to blog anonymously


  13. If I blogged, I would give myself a fictitious name,only to protect myself from wierdos on the net. These days, any innocent remark can be used against you eventually,or am I paranoid?


  14. Anonymously, since I am a public figure (although not of any significant magnitude ) and work with lots of different people that may disagree with some if the things I write. Not that I am particularly controversial, but I don’t want anyone to think that I am representing my organization. I am a manager as well, and I am certainly on a personal level with my employees, but I do not want them to be all that informed about my status – they shouldn’t have to take that into consideration when they need me. Does that make sense? Blogging is playtime for me. 🙂


  15. I blog with a pseudonym of as “Dad’s Taxi”, my friends and family know who I am. I don’t like to blog with my real name, because I don’t think I could blog as openly that way!


  16. Anonymously, since I mostly write about things that happen at work. I prefer to keep the stories real while withholding enough detail to not jeopardize my job. I don’t share my blog with people I know personally (with a single exception) which adds a further layer of anonymity. At some point my wife and I want to co-blog about some more personal stuff, and we plan to do so using pseudonyms.
