Do you blog anonymously or as “yourself”? why?

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  1. I blog as myself (Laurie Buchanan), under my company name (HolEssence). As an anchor writer for three different magazines, my blog –Speaking from the Heart — is part of my platform.


  2. Both actually, if that’s possible for someone with a distinct lack of multiple personalities. I don’t use my last name, but anyone who knows me, also knows me by RoughWaterJohn the Pirate. To the casual observer or reader, it’s just a blog title/personality, but there are images and true stories of day to day life on a Pirate ship, if you’re willing to scroll back far enough. What I write and post are my thoughts and my words, not the words of a character or personae. If you only read my words and saw the images I post, you may not be able to recognize me if you saw me at the Pirate supply store, but you would ‘know’ me.


  3. I blog/write as myself and the main reason has to do with prior publication of my work. I was writing for a while under a pen-name and I felt it was confusing for my readers.


  4. I blog anonymously because I don’t want the site to come up if someone searches my name. I don’t really write anything that would bother my employer, but at the same time, creativity is not valued there. I just don’t need the hassle.

    I do need the creative outlet.


  5. To the world wide web, I’m known as Carmen. My blog is about my escapades (and those of my friends) with men and I chose to do it annonymously to spare the subjects from any embarassment and of course, myself.

    Yet sometimes I think I’m ready to put the real me out there instead of leading what feels like a double life.

    I guess it depends on our material and the potential audience.


  6. I blog as myself because if I don’t feel like I can stand behind my words and be proud of what I produce, I probably shouldn’t be saying it in the first place. 🙂


  7. I blog as myself because I consider it part of my freelance writing career. I am also hoping to create a community of dog lovers in Eastern Iowa and the Midwest region, and that will (hopefully!) include some real-life interactions. So it’s not like I could show up as my Gravatar! 🙂


  8. I blog as myself. At least that is what the voices tell me I’m doing. lol No really there are no voices except my book characters. 🙂 I blog as myself because I stand behind what I say and I feel that my voice and words are valid. Interesting question.


  9. I use to blog anonymously but made a personal decision to blog as myself six months ago using my real name. Still, with that being said, I’m very careful not to give out info about where I live and where I work. I also stay away from posts talking about friends, family, and employers!


    1. I’m with you. I don’t mention people by name (unless they give me permission), I don’t talk about other people (again, unless I have received permission), and I don’t mention my employer. For me, I think these are ‘smart’ decisions. 🙂


  10. i used to blog anonymously because my blogs were personal for me. but now i am okay to blog openly specially if it is about a product or something everyone can identify with.


  11. I think it all depends on the message of the blog. I write to inspire, to motivate and to inform. And I wish to be identified with my blog. So, even though I do not blog with my given name, I blog with a name that most who know me, know that I’m the author of the blog.


  12. Partially. I am not out and out but it’s not hard to know who I am. Unlike facebook where I post to everybody’s attention, here I can be somewhat incognito though unconcealed. I am not so concerned about what I post or be found out for personal thoughts because if anybody were to have any judgements or opinions on them, they are already in my past. I am no longer who I was when I wrote those perplexing thoughts. Blogging is after all for me, a journey of personal development. Who I was I no longer am. So anyone gonna make a fuss about will get my total disregard.


  13. I blog as myself, but I completely get why people use alter-egos, particularly where the subject matter is controversial. As I am representing me I do think twice before I post, I like to feel confident that it is a true representation of what I mean and believe in life.

    If you were not transperently you, it would give you a few extra freedoms, and I like that the internet provides for both of us. Those of us who expose ourselves within our identity and those of us who expose ourselves incognito.

    Right now I blog as me, and that works, but I can see reason to blog anonymously in the future. It’s all about purpose.

    n.b. I was concerned about blogging as myself initially due to the repeated concerns about protecting your identity. I agree any blogger should be conscientious about the specific personal detail you put out there, hopefully with a little less ‘exact time & place’ references, you can be safe blogging as you. The balance of life…


  14. Anonymously! I hate people keeping an eye on me! I’ve had it on facebook! I want a new life, where no one knows me or judges me without getting to even know me properly! So yes! Blogging serves this purpose for me.


  15. ANONYMOUSLY!! 🙂 I’m pretty evasive. Haha. And I can say whatever I want, and be whoever I am by being unknown. Though, I blog anonymously, I still blog as myself–which is by being true to myself, to who I am, and to my values. 🙂

    Here’s my about page, wherein I clarify that I blog anonymously. 🙂


  16. Thank you for featuring my question! It’s really neat to read all the responses. I’m on the fence with this kind of thing now so it’s been nice to get insight. One tiny thing though :3 it’s spelled “Brigitte” not “Brigette” 😀 thanks!
