Why do some people’s dreams get realized, and others don’t?

Topic #175:

Why do some people’s dreams get realized, and others don’t? Make a list of the factors you think are involved, including the ones people do and don’t have control over.

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  1. My “dream” just came true 🙂

    Only yesterday I signed up here on wordpress. My blog is about creating your own life – how to make your dreams come true. I couldn’t decide on a topic for a first post when I stumbled across your prompt.

    Thank you for getting me started!

    PS: Please give me a couple of days to write the post 😉


  2. Maybe because the nature of dreams is never to be realised, and those who realise their dreams can no longer have any. Whose the winner then, those who do realise their dream sor those who don’t? I sometime wonder what dreams are left to be dreamt without winners taking them all. My take on it: http://frederichkelpi.wordpress.com/


  3. Good question. I wrote about this in my blog a few weeks ago:

    I wait for my dreams to come true

    I examined it from motivation, birthday and Buddhism’s point of view. Hope you will find it interesting.

    In short, dreams come true when we have the right dreams and did the right things when the opportunities arise, propelling our actions to further positive opportunities.

    But, how the heck do we identify these right dreams and right things to do….I would say: when we do something for quite a while (testing phase) and we don’t get the desired results, try another approach. If it still doesn’t work out, maybe the our timing or skill sets is just not right yet.

    By then, you can choose to:
    A) continue trying, or,
    B) do something else.
    Keep repeating this phase until you find the right deal.

    So, for some people, dreams come true because of their luck, finesse or good gut or judgement.
    For others, it comes out of sheer madness, hard work or massive trial & error. Not fearing failure. But not enjoying failure as well. Maintaining a vision. A flexible vision.


  4. Just the way life works. If we all realized our dreams can you imagine the world we would live in? Too many factors, too many variables, too many dreams. I like what richardbaderinwa says, do not give up. And ok, you may not realize your dreams but you will get somewhere. Make the most of the journey that you can.


  5. The ones whose dreams are realized may have many reasons behind their achievement. The failed ones also have many failing reasons. Somehow it remains a mystery. But then generally it is seen that the successful is molded in a different pattern form the failed. For instance, the patience, perseverance, resolution, doggedness and the likes of the former may be much stronger that those of the latter. The one who succeeded never stopped before attaining success. One who couldn’t, gave in half way through. Again there is a problem determining the way. The achiever may have put in all his might for five years in his pursuit and reached the goal. The non-achiever may have done the same thing or may be more for the same period but failed. So, perhaps the next thing for us to say is, both met with their respective destiny which was determined by each one’s molding.
    According to ancient Indian astrological philosophy, the molding is determined by inheritance factor which in turn is determined by the planetary position at the time of birth of a baby. It was believed that the birth month, day and time determined a newborn’s inheritance of the quantum of positive and negative factors from its parents. That sealed the destiny of the child.
    One step back: it was also very strongly believed, the child’s destiny, partially if not wholly was decided at the moment of fertilization. If the position of the celestial bodies at the time of coitus and conception was in favor of achievements, nothing would stop the child from achieving the things in its journey through life. That’s why the post marriage union of the man and the wife used to be deferred, if required till the arrival of an auspicious moment.
    All these may be the contributing factors for a person’s realizing or non realizing a dream. God knows!
