What have you feared that turned out to be much easier than you expected?

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  1. To be honest, all the legal things that I have been a part of, I feared
    things that were of no way going to be a problem, yet, being human
    makes you have the “fear” to protect yourself….


  2. I have a very hard time thinking of things that turned out to be as bad as I feared they would be.

    But then I wonder if they turned out better in part because I was afraid.


  3. One of the top three fears of wannabe early retirees: “But what will I do all day?!?”

    A month after early retirement they’re all wondering what the heck they were worrying about.

    I keep a 3x/week posting schedule and the blog is loaded up through the 30th, so the post about this question will go up on 4 July!


  4. New job and in the end I was praised. An operation that saved my life. Another operation that saved my life. Life is full of challenges full of hope, it does not compare to war zones , fear in war countries, starving children, life gives you a learning curve and you just have to get on with it.


  5. Setting up this blog because it’s my first time doing anything like this ever, and college. I’ll be graduating in May with a bachelor’s degree. đŸ™‚


  6. Looking at the bright side, we all have fears. Aren’t we? Because we are only people created in the image and likeness of God. No matter what we fear about, it is natural because we are only people with feelings. There’s so many things, places, person, to name a few, to fear about. But you know what, the best part of it is that you get to know yourself better than others do. For instance, you may not be aware of some of your qualities that only other people can have the chance to notice it because we don’t want to accept the fact such insecurities that often times leads to misunderstanding.


  7. In the early 80s I was hired by a local school district to help students struggling with writing and – math. When I was told this I was dumbfounded and deafened by the message my high school math teacher had whispered in my ear (as he returned my test), “I hope you are better at writing than you are at math.” And so it was prophesied. That summer I took home an armload of math books and old state tests in preparation for my new job.

    After 20 years of teaching English and (hopefully) appreciation for the word and literature in general, I have come to see that finding the variables or unknowns in math is much, much easier than discerning the unknowns in human nature. Alas.


  8. Maybe the reason why things we fear turn out to be better than we thought is due to the fear in the first place. And when we come through it and have time evaluate the process we realise it wasn’t so bad after all, so all we really fear is the fear part.


  9. Nossa essa pergunta caiu na hora certa para mim, ontem levei uma queda de uma altura de 80 centimetros do chão, tive um mal estar repentino.
    Cai em cima da mão esquerda, virando a mão, bati a cabeça no fogão, e machuquei o cóxix.
    Resultado estou com o braço esquerdo engessado até a ponta dos dedos, quebrei perto do dedinho da mão.Nunca imaginei que acontecesse isso tão fácil. Não sei até quando ficarei assim, estou profundamente triste.
    Abraços a todos!


  10. New job in a new country, connection with new people I didn’t know from Adam and finding out that I should have done this a lot sooner in my professional life! Also, being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and eventually having to quit that new job, again… surprise at how easy I was and am actually finding it. Life has its ups & downs, that’s for sure, but it’s how you react to it that will tell you if you’ve succeeded or not!


  11. Seems that a lot of what we stress about, and the stressful events we are subject too have effect our ability to “bounce back” afterwards. Good thing is, once we have faced our “scary” objective, we all become better for it knowing that we’ve faced it once and can do so again in the future.



  12. Is there going to be a topic today? 2pm my time and I’m still not seeing anything đŸ˜¦


  13. Well…. I feared having my first child! after all the horrible horrific stories Ive heard! whoo! BUT it wasnt bad at all for me! I feel once you’ve had a baby there is NOTHING more you should really fear…..except dying for me!


  14. Being at the receiving end of betrayal is painful but not as difficult to endure as you feared it would be when it actually happens.


  15. it may be something stupid but the thing that i feared that turned out easier for me was telling the truth! i had always been the type of person that kept things personal about what i do..it wasn’t until i was told that holding back the truth ends up doing more damage than just coming out and saying the truth!
