What occupation did you want as a child?

Topic #116:

What occupation did you want as a child? Given what you know now as an adult (or more of one than you were), would it have been a good choice for you?

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  1. As a child, I considered several occupations, such as veterinarian and dental hygienist. Decades later, my life has worked out quite differently–but I believe it is according to the Lord’s plan for me. I actually wrote a series of posts on this very topic earlier this year. It is entitled, “My Journey to Hasten Home”. Feel free to check it out!


  2. I was just a dumb kid who wanted nothing more than to be a professional athlete. Once I realized that I didn’t have the physical tools to do that I considered some other options (but I never followed through on them). In looking back, they would be cool jobs to have today but I’m not so sure my quality of life would be any better.

    When I Was Younger…


  3. I always loved English. In one particularly challenging English class, I received a surprisingly high grade on an English assignment, even though, when I handed it in, I had a moment of doubt whether I had captured the topic of the assignment. That feeling, coupled with an inspiring trip to Washington DC , made me think I wanted to have a career that involved writing. I though Washington DC was the most alive, exciting place I had ever visited and I wanted to write speeches for politicians.

    Well, I’m terrible at understanding politics, and I probably would not have survived in that environment. However, I can see how, with a bit of guidence and the right education, I probably could have been quite happy as a columnist or working for a magazine.


    1. We may not have everything in common for I wasn’t crazy about English until I became a paralegal in my 30s, but I had thought about a career in political science when I was a high-schooler. Now in my 60s, those days of idealism are long gone, though not completely forgotten. Like you I wouldn’t want to engage in politics, especially in the current environment no matter how much money was offered. Also like you, I would love to write for a magazine, or at least have an article published.

      not so sure that’s ever going to happen…but i can keep dreaming…and trying…hugmamma. đŸ™‚


  4. Adventurer. But, the fat lady hasn’t even warmed up. So, I think there is still time to make it happen.


  5. When I was a child, I have always dreamt about becoming a songwriter. I used to write songs in my notebook so that someday, when I learn how to play a guitar, I would strum and make a melody singing what I wrote. Now, I am 25, knows how to strum my guitar…and my notebook full of song that I wrote is missing. ^_^
    I graduated BS Chemical Engineer… totally different. ^_^
    Ces’t la vie.


    1. You’re still young enough to try for your dream. Just take one step…then another…then another.

      i’ll be rooting for you and your dream…hugmamma. đŸ˜‰


  6. Quando criança, o meu sonho era ser uma bailarina claro que famosa. Chorei muito por meus pais não me deixarem realizar o meu sonho.
    Quando casei fui cursar o balé classico . Mas só em sonho como adultos, já não possuimos a flexibilidade que o balé exige, ai é a diferença de praticar desde a infância.
    Abraços a todos!


  7. The only thing I never did that I wanted to do as a child was be a fireman. I’m not big enough. I did become an actor, sang, played guitar, was a photographer, made noises for cartoons, worked in a doctor’s office, had a happy marriage (2nd try) and made 20k/year, which for some reason seemed like enormous wealth when I was a kid. The other dozen jobs either didn’t exist when I was little or I hadn’t heard of them.


  8. I wanted to be a magician and a glass blower! I guess I actually am… One has to be a magician to be a mother, business owner, own a historic home and learn to be a widow at 49. (And I’m still sane, I think!) Glass blowing is a little too much for me but I do work with torches to weld jewelry so I guess I got close on that one.


    1. Awesome! You’ve got life figured out to a tee. Making the most of what life serves up…and having fun in the process. Hooray for you!!! đŸ™‚


  9. I wanna do everything, I wanna try everything, I wanna be everything. Any limitation asking me to pick something since childhood has been an enigma to myself. Things come along I do them or I don’t


  10. I wanted to be a princess, oh wait, I am a princess. HAHAHAH

    Seriously though, I wanted to write cartoons. I don’t think I would have succeeded though, I don’t have the self discipline needed.


    1. Love your sense of humor! I’m a princess too…my husband’s. And I’d love to learn to illustrate books. But you’re right, that requires discipline which I only have for writing, my passion. đŸ˜‰


  11. As a child I was enchanted by teachers.I felt their magnetism to be infectious.Teachers could answer questions,they had a wealth of knowledge,they could talk well, be explicit, explain and entertain.They could walk in out of uniform, wear make-up, never seemed to need to study,wore shades,flat shoes with painted nails…My list goes on.
    As an adult I feel it is the right profession for me since it is a morning job,it is a low pressure job, also teachers who dress well are well liked, thought to be more professional, wearing bright colors bring more energy to a class room.It is therefore kind of a childhood dream come true for me.


  12. My earliest recollection of what I wanted to be as a child was a hula dancer. Growing up in Maui, hula lessons were like ballet lessons for little, mainland girls. So, of course, when I saw hula dancers entertaining at a hotel show I would witness infrequently, I wanted to be one of them when I grew up. They not only danced beautifully, but they looked to lead a glamorous life working in a hotel. What little, island girl wouldn’t want that fantasy for herself?

    Now that my daughter is a professional ballet/contemporary dancer, I’ve witnessed first-hand the REAL life, behind-the-scenes picture, which while still amazing, requires unimagineable self-discipline, hard work, high threshhold for physical pain and emotional stress, and tenaceous stamina in the face of rejection, ongoing health concerns and low pay. But passion for her career is what sustains my daughter.

    I know I don’t have that kind of passion for hula dancing or any other kind of dance, as a job. I only have it for writing. đŸ™‚


  13. As a child i have always had this unrealistic thought of been the greatest footballer of all time đŸ˜•


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  16. As a child, I played school with my dolls and teddy bears instead of house. It was as though I had already decided I wanted to be a teacher, a decision I did pursue and bring into reality. Today, I am still educating through my business, my writing and my day to day interaction with others. It mut have been my “calling”, for I find an overwhelming sense of fulfillment in seeing knowlege become a benefit.


  17. I wanted to be so many things when I grew up. Thanks for suggesting this topic because now, even if it’s not what I’m doing, I at least know how to pull all my talents together. There’s something satisfying about writing it down! đŸ™‚

