Grab a sentence from the nearest…

Topic #73:

Grab the nearest book (or website) to you right now. Jump to paragraph 3, second Sentence. Write it in a post.

Bonus: Make up a sentence to follow the first one, but make it go in an entirely different direction that the actual book or website does.

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  1. In the fall of 1998, Beverly decided to invite a group of friends to dine at the farm. The chickens were laying and it was an extraordinary site.


  2. from “Revive Us Again” by Mark A. Finley: “The paraclete is one who stands with us at all times comforting, instructing, strengthening, guiding, and filling the future with hope.” Do you have a friend like that? đŸ™‚


  3. “Markets in the future are disregarded to make our model simple to work with, and this simplification will be essentially harmless at this level of analysis.” Do you think the model in question knows Tyra Banks?


  4. “And it distressed me that Lord Cromwell’s name, even more than that of the king, now evoked fear everywhere.”
    Dissolution, C.J.Sansom (2003)
    Quote taken from the book in my bag, which is my current read – given to me as a gift – as I sit in the cafe within the lovely Pheonix Cinema, London (the oldest purpose built cinema in the UK), eating Smoked Haddock Kedgeree and drinking a pint of ‘Dark Star Espresso Stout’ – just to really set the scene.
    What a interesting daily blog idea – I love this one.


  5. “Outside, the rain had stopped but the glass was still pebbled with bright drops.” The Killing Floor, Lee Child (1997)


  6. A time to remember forever…..
    The hit of Hurricane David to the Dominican Republic. The noise of the sea, the shaking and falling of trees, and the absolute chaos in which the country stood for more than 3 months, was a real shock to me. More than one month without running water, no electricity, and no facilities to lead a normal life…Really unforgetable


  7. “I go downstairs half-shot in the middle of the night because the smoke detector’s beeping, trip over the cat and alsmot kill myself, and your symapathies are with the cat.” Full Dark, No Stars – Stephen King


  8. Exciting! The nearest book to me-> Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all small stuff by Richard Carlson…and I landed in Topic 5…Develop Your Compassion! Just perfect! đŸ™‚ Can’t wait to write about it!


  9. Ugh. I hate these. I usually see these when it’s dinner time and I’m sitting next to a cookbook. I’ll just grab my nook. “He assures me that all the facts related therein are strictly and wholly True, but refuses to give either the Surnames of the Persons Concerned, or the Place where these Extraordinary Events occurred.”


  10. No momento estou lendo um livro bastante interessante. Quando o peguei nas mãos achei que não iria gostar, comecei a ler qual não foi a minha surpresa? Estou gostando é muito leve, estou quaze no final do livro.
    O nome do livro: Tirando os sapatos, autor Nilton Bonder Rabino da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, ele escreve muito bem e o melhor super moderno.
    Nem parece Rabino. Não suporto radicalismo.
    Abraços a todos!


  11. In his 1953 semi-autobiographical book with Guy Bolton Bring on the Girls!, Wodehouse suggests that Jeeves was based on an actual butler called Eugene Robinson that he employed for the purpose of study, and recounts a story where Robinson extricated Wodehouse from a real-life predicament; he also says that he named his Jeeves after Percy Jeeves (1888–1916), a then-popular English cricketer for Warwickshire. Percy Jeeves was killed at the Battle of the Somme during the attack on High Wood in July 1916, two months before the first appearance of the eponymous butler who would make his name a household word.


  12. “The next thing he knows it`s Sunday lunchtime, and he`s sitting under fake oak beams and prints of fox hunting, nursing a pint of “real” ale born and bred less than twenty miles from where he sits, sipping, looking to take the edge off his hangover.”

    Taken from A Man Walks Into A Pub (A Sociable History of Beer)
    by Pete Brown


  13. A Gate At The Stairs, Lorrie Moore
    “Once brought out into the light, he would be in a perpetual, holy condition of bedazzlement and wonder; no story would ever be equal to the thing itself.”
    Then he bit into his grilled cheese (yellow American on white bread)


  14. I got this… from Wikipedia

    Their interference with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action, or elimination of natural hormones in the body are responsible of homeostasis, reproduction, development, and/or behavioural changes sameway as the endogenous produced hormones.

    Guess what… I am preparing my examination for tomorrow. It’s about hormone…
    Huh… bloody hormone… đŸ˜¦
