What keeps you up at night?

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  1. What keeps me up at night? Uumm! Not a lot really. There are many nights when I cannot sleep. The night before last it was images that I had seen on Facebook of immense cruelty to animals.. Then it could be sitting at my computer just before I go to bed.That is very bad for the eyes and certainly stops me from sleeping.The brain is overworked.
    Then there is the problem of what I shall write about on my blog the next day.
    Usually it is when something is troubling me and its always something that I cannot do anything about…

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  2. Keeps me up: My blog
    Helps me forget: My blog
    Just kidding.
    Life stresses (career, life direction, responsibilities) keep me up at night, but cooking and making new connections through blogging, help me approach the day with joy and gratitude.

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  3. what keeps me up at night ? a book, and Facebook ! yes in bed with my i Phone, shall I call it my ask-phone, cant leave it, my favourite pet, my companion, late at night, I fall asleep, wake up again, iPhone “es-tu là” are you here ?

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  4. Keeps me up? My brain đŸ™„ My husband literally falls asleep in seconds; I do not. A thought enters my mind, and then another and another…whirling around mess of stress & worry. Eventually I fall asleep, feel fine the next day until bedtime: repeat cycle…

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  5. Hardly anything. I turn of my puter long before I get in bed. I read a book, then it’s lights out, close eyes and drift off to the magical land of nod. If I do feel any worries, doubts, questions etc I follow through a few meditative excersises which usually do the trick. I love sleeping!

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  6. Random thoughts or noises. If I wake up just a little and then a random thought pops into my head it’s over. It spurns a bunch of other thoughts and ideas and then I can’t get back to sleep. Not too long ago, I woke up and ended up planning out my whole wedding and I’m not even engaged!

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  7. I’m originally from NYC — the city that never sleeps. I used to sleep through fire engine sirens, traffic noise, people, music from local nightspots, and all the sounds a city embraces. In 1978, I moved to Connecticut and I used to complain that I could hear my hair grow! It was so quiet that I could not sleep for the first several years I lived here.

    My daughter moved back to NYC many years ago and teaches in a troubled school in the poorest district in our country, the Bronx. She lives now in a wonderful pre-war apartment at the edge of Washington Heights and the beginning of Ft. Washington neighborhoods in upper Manhattan.

    My husband and I visited last weekend and could not sleep a wink. The sirens, the constant noise, someone yelling “TAXI” to the top of their lungs at 3:00 am. And one thing I forgot about is in the old New York apartment buildings, the heat is always turned up to 300 so we couldn’t close the windows.

    On our way home, we realized how close her apartment is to the Westside Highway, how great the wine shop, the deli and many restaurants are; and she has parking. I looked at my set of keys to apartment and figured I could stand the noise in exchange for a wonderful weekend in Gotham’s Big Apple.

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  8. Has anyone else noticed that the blogs for the tag for postaday2011 aren’t advancing through all the pages?

    Some of them seem to get stuck around page 5 and never show up again and some of the blogs listed on page 5 get repeated for several pages after that.

    For what it’s worth this page with the vodka bottle is appearing on several pages at this time.


    This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed this. đŸ™‚

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  9. The normal things that keep all adults awake at night…bills, kids, work, stress. Most often though, it’s pain. I REALLY enjoy sleeping; I’m disabled so it’s really the only time I’m totally pain free! Just sucks to wake up to it over and over.

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  10. Some nights I just can’t let go of the day. Perhaps it was one of those days that leave me slack jawed in awe, and are so wonderful I’m too stubborn to let them leave. But maybe it was a day that left me feeling battered and tumbled and questioning everything. However it is, it seems that as soon as I can let go of the day – whatever it was – then I can usually fall asleep.

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  11. O que me tira o sono são as preocupações que são muitas, ando tão cansada, que até tenho dormido, mas acordo um monte de vezes durante a noite.
    Durmo muito mal, procuro ler antes de durmir que fico mais calma, por adorar ler quando percebo já é muito tarde.
    Abraços Mina!

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  12. Being excited about the growth of my health and wellness business keeps me awake. When I see that my customers are getting their products and my team is growing TOGETHER, I get excited and I stay awake brainstorming how I can help them reach their goals.

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  13. My thoughts keep me up at night. I’m usually thinking of things that I need to do. Sometimes I have really good ideas of things I want to write. The best way to get those things off my mind is to get them down on paper (or on the computer screen). Actually, the motions of handwriting seems to help me relax a bit more for some reason. Also, if I turn on the computer I tend to surf over to something else I want to read and then I’m awake longer.

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