Poll: How long does it take to write a post?

As part of today’s  fun, here’s a poll. I’ m curious how long it takes people to create a new post and get it ready to publish.  Of course some posts take longer than others, so answer on average.

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  1. It can be as little as thirty minutes but up to a day or more when I have a strong point I’m trying to express. If I don’t have a good, rolling start within thirty minutes (no matter how long it takes me to complete the post) then I know it’s probably not meant to be and I let it go.


      1. Mine were gifts from a certain Goblin King.
        And by gifts, I mean they ran away and I found them!
        Maybe my blog will fill up with the crazy thoughts that pop into my head.


  2. As most of my posts are an update on my fiction writing, between 15 and 30 minutes. But my advice and discussion articles take a lot longer, usually 1-2 hours.


  3. It takes 30-an hour, well it all depends on what i wanna add more on it..And after that i will have to ask my loving husband to edit it for me, but most of the time it will take me 30-1 hour to write a post…


  4. It really depends on the day, the idea, the post. I’ve written some that I am STILL revising, even though they were posted months ago. Some sit and percolate in my head. On average, though, I don’t have much time so I have to post quickly.


  5. Woah that’s a tricky one! I usually start slowly, erase half of what I wrote, save a draft to open another post with a topic that crossed my mind, finish writing, try to spot grammatical errors, etc… I still edit posts weeks after they’re published if I find mistakes.

    Point is: I don’t know :p


  6. When I’m writing one of my typical reviews – whether for movies, music, video games, or other media, I typically take around 20-35 minutes in writing each one. At times I’ll simply draft out the basic “premise” then add the rest of the content when needed.

    For posts like my Nintendo DSi vs Nintendo 3DS review, which takes time for research as well as brainstorming and gathering the proper graphics and tags with the aid of Zementa, total time spent may come close to an hour. Without Zementa however, it’d be a much heftier job.


  7. For me, writing the post itself takes 30-60 mins, however, the hard part comes from deliberating over which song to put up. I’m aiming to do postaday2011 with a song a day to create a musical diary. I can spend a couple of hours more choosing the song, mulling over whether it’s suitable and asking myself, do I feel this song and do I feel like this song is something I believe in/resonate with and then I’ll put it up.


  8. My average is 15-30 minutes if under 750 words. Otherwise I split it into 2 20 minute blocks over a day or so.


  9. It depends on what kind of post, and which blog. On my technical blog (where i write about computer networking concepts), it takes 1-2 days to come up with a single post, as a lot of research and referring is required. On my personal blog, it takes 2-4 hours, if no research is involved (as I always like to make some images for my posts) and longer, otherwise.

    From my experience, I tell you one thing – the longer you research and write better, more organic traffic (from search engines) comes your way. Its MUCH BETTER to write few good and well researched articles than a lot of average ones. You get a lot of readers for them.

    Destination Infinity


  10. On the days when I come to the computer with an idea in my head, it’s usually faster. I’d say 30-40 minutes. But other days I open the computer not knowing what my post will be (but committed to writing every day) and it can take 60-90 minutes or more because I’m toying with a couple of loose threads until something starts to take shape. I do love the postaday challenge! Thanks.


  11. Fun poll!

    I wonder how many people are using their blogs to post on specific topics, e.g. politics and world events, tech, food, education, etc. as opposed to using WP as an online journal of whatever happens in their day.


    1. Good question. I suspect most people who use wordpress.com or wordpress.org to host their blogs are writing niche specific content. Most blogs you see online are in fact “WordPress” blogs, as they are the #1 selected for blogs. I suspect more of those involved in the daily/weekly challenge are treating it as a “journal.”

      All of the niche and really interesting blogs I read are WordPress or Blogger, (and a few smaller ones on Tumblr or Posterous) but that’s just where the blog “lives,” it doesn’t dictate what it is about. I started my blog prior to the daily post thing so I never intended mine to be a personal journal as experiences beyond my own life and world are of interest to me as well. My niche is psychology (on WP) and photography (on Blogger).

      This would be a good poll, I agree.


  12. To be honest it takes me a while to post a topic. A lot of the time I save as a Draft for a couple of days and then go back to re-read it to see if it makes sense to me before I post. I can take me 2-3hrs, or a few days. I guess that’s a bit much, but trying to get better.


  13. it changes what do you write abaout .And if you want to write in foreign language although you are a for me in turkish.But I want to follow others.That’s why I spend more time for translate while reading and writing.
    On another note, Can I tell what I mean?


  14. I can’t really say how long it takes me to write a post because I usually take notes throughout the week and then write a full post on Saturday.
    So basically this is my writing process:
    – create a new post draft when I come up with a topic
    – add notes to existing drafts whenever I think of something to say, usually first noted on paper
    – create a sentence-based version of the next post (and maybe one more)
    => sometimes includes researching the topic and adding new notes before/while making it a proper text.


  15. My latest post took me a week. Hahahahahaha!! But then normally more 2-4 hours. I have no idea why. There isn’t particularly much content, but it just takes me time to think about it. LOL


  16. My latest post took me a week. Hahahahahaha!! But then normally I take 2-4 hours. I have no idea why. There isn’t particularly much content, but it just takes me time to think about it. LOL


  17. Just starting out, but I find a post takes me about 15 minutes to write and another 15 to edit. Since a lot of my posts are about the writing experience in Linux, I like to include screenshots – and those can take forever to set up, especially if I’m doing a sequence >_<

    So in total a post could take me anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. But I'm getting better at images!


    1. Good point. For my WordPress blog here & daily posts etc., the times that I wrote above stand. However, for my business blog for photography, posting times are much longer. The blog here is more of a hobby. There, I have photographs, instructional posts or very long written ones and those take more time.


  18. My post is taking me an average of 4 hours a day to write, edit, add images, video links etc. And if I’m not writing, I’m thinking about what I’m going to write in my next post.

    At some point I intend to reclaim my life!


    Enough is Enough


  19. Wow. Under fifteen minutes? And I’m already having troubles with trying to NOT get distracted whilst blogging 🙂


  20. Usually it takes me a couple of hour. Yes I know it’s quite long and it’s not just because I’m writing in my second language but more because I need time to think about my post, to kind of built it already in my mind. Writing could take some time too but once I’m “launched”, it could be quite quick.
    Of course I do need about 20 min to read it over and over and to correct it before to press the publish button.


  21. I take less than an hour because treat my blog like my personal diary. It’s therapeutic and helps to be anonymous. The most time is spent on the editing and uploading of the photos. I want the writing to sound off the cuff so I leave it raw…just whatever comes to mind at the moment.


  22. i like to keep my post short and sweet so that I dont waste too much time reading it again looking for typos. I selected 1-2 hrs because since i started the challenge i now write 2-3 posts a day and schedule them for the future. and i limit myself to only 1hr a day maximum – school work is more important!
