Want a blogging buddy? It will up your morale

Two WordPress.com bloggers, Ashkir at Stars In Silence, and Kate at Spastic Musings decided to team up to help each other out. They both signed up for Post A Week, with the goal of encouraging and checking in on each other:

Me and Kate are going for the postaweek2011. 🙂 . We decided we’ll help motivate each other and we started up different blogs side/by/side.

The buddy system works on the principle of social connections. If you have someone else you’re doing a project with, odds are good at any moment at least one of you can help motivate the other.

If you’re looking for a blogging buddy, Do the following:

  1. Leave a comment to this post saying “I’d like a buddy”
  2. Briefly (1 or 2 sentences max) describe the kind of blog you have (the theme or topic)
  3. Say whether you’re doing Post A Day or Post A Week
  4. Mention you’d like to try sharing the goal with someone else

Alternatively, if you see a comment for someone that fits your 2 and 3, reply and mention you’re interested. Then follow up by contacting each other on your blogs.

You can help out by:

  • Checking in on each other’s blogs
  • Leaving comments and feedback
  • “liking” posts you see each other publish
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  1. I’d love a blogging buddy as well. I’m currently blogging about anything that strikes my fancy that day, but hope to refine my focus during the year. I’m doing a post a day challenge. Thanks!


  2. I’d love a buddy too.

    Going for a blog a day but it’s looking more like a blog every couple of days at the moment.

    I’m in Dublin and I guess I’m all about books, music, films and whatever else crosses my mind at any given moment!

    Hope a few of us get a buddy out of this!

    Good luck.


  3. Such a great idea – can feel really lonely when you’re staring at a blank screen!

    I’d love a buddy – I’m keeping a general blog; but mainly about ways to experience the world when you can’t get out into it much, for whatever reason – health (mine), financial, locational – whatever. Cool websites, web cameras, books, films, online and offline experiences.

    I’m aiming for a couple of posts a week – daily if I can.


  4. I’d like a buddy if I can find another person that’s interested in ball jointed dolls because that’s all I’m going to talk about


      1. It’s a resin, plastic, doll with socket joints that helps them pose and stand all by themselves. They’re more realistic looking and a few more anime looking. There are different sizes and are very customizable (change the hair, eyes, clothes, even the face), avg height is around 60cm so taller than a barbie


  5. “I’d like a buddy”

    My blog is about life through the eyes of a small town girl from Oklahoma. I’m a free-lance writer, blogger, model, actor, and own a small consulting company to keep the passions paid. I’m a story-teller and I’m silly a little too silly for some, so beware.

    I’m a post a week, with 5 posts a week goals. I averaged 1.5 post a week last year and increased my productivity before the year was out (not knowing that wp would be offering a challenge) and saw an increase in traffic/comments/followers. So, I’m already – ready!!


    1. Primarythoughts, I am a freelance writer too—wanna buddy up? My blog is called LifeLines, and my tagline is “helping you share your story.” I’ve taken on the PostAWeek challenge this year.


  6. I am looking for a blogging buddy. I love to have guest bloggers so my readers can read from a fresh new blogger. I am a Christian and I love God. I am always putting God in my posts along with inspirational posts. I would love to have someone that shares those same values.


  7. I’ve signed up for postaday but am more like 5 posts a week right now. I blog about travel, business, and fitness (I’m a gym owner who loves adventure travel – all travel really) would love a blog buddy with similar interest(s)


  8. “I’d like a buddy”
    My blog is about digital media and technology trends. Though it rambles at times I am trying to stay focused on how media and technology affects our society.


    1. Hey,
      I’m also into the technology trends, although my blog is more toward mobile tech. Would like to be your blog buddy…


  9. I’d like a blog buddy. I’m signed up for postaday.

    I am currently involved in a 365 challenge to step outside and enjoy nature every day. My daily posts involve photography, a little about what I discovered during my outdoor adventures, some travel, and whatever else comes to mind. Another goal I have this year is to declutter so that may show up from time to time as well.


    1. Robing – I think we have a lot in common. If you would like to buddy for post a day I’ll look at and read yours if you look at and read mine.
      Have one young buddy/budding writer, after reading your blog, think we may have fun. Love the humor. Se what you think?
      www. starbear.wordpress.com


      1. ROBIN! Sorry was tyoing too fast! 🙂
        (Time to unsubscribe from e-mails from this post. Mailbox overwhelmed.)


  10. Heya everyone, I am writing this because I am looking for a blogging buddy. My blog is about my writing, travels, art, inspirations, culture, and life in general…and would love to find a buddy who is also a first-time blogger who is aiming to PostADay like me, with similar interests. Would love to hear from you!


    1. hi Miss K,
      I just checked out your blog and love to be your blogging buddy if you are equally willing. I’m doing postaweek but have been aiming for 2-3 posts per week (although this is my first week of the challenge). Anyway, head on over to my corner of cyberspace and see if you are interested.


  11. I’d like a buddy

    I’m attempting the daily version of things. My blog is on music. I’m posting a song a day in a similar vain to a diary. Hopefully, by the end of 2011. I’ll have my entire year documented through the wonderful medium of music. My blog so far has been inspiring, personal, honest and candid.

    It would be wonderful to buddy-up alongside somebody similar.


    1. Interesting and very ambitious blog idea to post a song everyday. All my encouragements and wishes for inspiration to write the songs. 😉


  12. I’d like a buddy, my blog has little of a theme, its a place for me to improve my writing skills, i am looking for a buddy with the same goals as me, get better!


    1. Why don’t you team up MyEnglishThought that I mentioned in my post today. She might be interested. She hasn’t stopped by the blog yet because I would have known.


  13. Nice idea!
    I’d be interested in this as well, though I’d have to check out the other person’s blog a fair amount.

    Blog: Adventure Writer’s Blog
    Challenge: Post-A-Day
    Focus: Various – Christianity, Travel, Writing, All Things Reviews (Movies, Books, Music, Technology, Food, Anime, Manga, even a bit of LEGO® coming up!)


  14. My blog’s basically a place to stick up my stories so far, but I’m attempting PostAWeek this year. Posts will mostly be about writing, or student life (as I am a student). Any interest?


  15. I’d like a buddy. 😀
    I’m posting every day, and my blog is about game development. It’s like a developer diary. And I hope I’ll post every day until I finish the project. If you are on the same route, then I’d like to be blogging buddies. Contact me!! 😀


      1. PS2: I’m speaking of my second and well, main blog: hiscrack.wordpress.com
        The first one is just a test with no actual content.


  16. ‘I’d like a buddy’

    My blog is about writing; the process; my work; trials and tribulations; observations, etc. I’d enjoy having someone to help keep me focused. What I lack in discipline I make up for in enthusiasm!


    1. I picked up one buddy from this list already, but it looks as if you and I might be a good match too. Check out my site and let me know if you’re interested in buddying up.


  17. I would love a blogging buddy. Having some acountability will definitely help me stay on track with my goal to blog more often.

    My blog has no specific theme…it’s often random posts on what is going on in my life, or it will be on recipes that I have been trying/using, or some photography. I am doing a combingation of the BlogADay/BlogAWeek challenge. I get the daily post sugggestions and am trying to do at least 2-3 per week. Let me know if you are interested in being my “blog buddy”!


    1. Hey Stacey,

      I’d be up for being a blog buddy with you. Sounds like we’ve got similar posting goals, and I could definitely use some accountability too. My blog is food / photography themed.


      1. Sarah, thanks for being my buddy…i hope we can be a great source of encouragement to each other. I’m still quite new to this blogging world so I hope maybe you can teach me a few things along the way 🙂

        What is your blogs website?


    2. Stacey, I’m over at artofnom.wordpress.com. I just subscribed to your blog.
      I’m new to the blogging thing too, so we’ll be learning together.


      1. I’m not sure I’m fully ready to commit to this, but my interests mirror yours. I’m at dandelionpsringfarm.wordpress.com and livingbyletters.wordpress.com.

        Best of blogging to us all.


    3. I’m interested Stacey :] like what my blog’s name means, I just post about random thoughts that pop out in my head, although I think I’ve posted some serious stuff or two. 🙂 Let me know.


      1. The more the merrier….and more accountable 😉

        Let me know what your blog’s are. It would probably be more helpful for me if you just subscribed to mine and then I can find you there and subscribe to yours! Thanks! I look forward to growing our blogs together 🙂


  18. Hi
    I’d like a buddy!
    My blog’s just a bit of an outpouring over a period of life-change really as I now work from home after years of working in classrooms – it’s about trying to make “downshifting uplifting!” and our quest to create a something of a self sufficient country cottage out of a house and garden in town (seriously, it’s so far in town that Marks and Spencers is our road’s corner shop)! I’m working on the Postaday but also have a page where I’m trying to post a needlecraft project a week – so it might be good to exchange ideas with knitting and crochet interests!
    Please feel free to check me out or contact me! X


    1. I left a comment at your blog and have subscribed. My focus craft is fibre arts and quilting, but I’m also knitting. Am signed up for post a week for both my blogs, textisle.wordpress.com and onesizefitsnone.wordpress.com (homeschooling and literacy).


  19. I’d like a blogging buddy.

    My blog is a food / photoblog, with photos sometimes of food and sometimes landscape. I’m doing postaweek, but am trying to do 2-3 posts per week. A buddy would definitely help me keep to my goal!


  20. My blog is about life as a third culture kid and army brat. I’m home schooled and it’s just full of random posts of what i’m interested in. Feel free to drop by and leave comments!


  21. Hi folks,
    I support several #postaday/postaweek bloggers and while their blogs might not be in the same style as mine (broke the mold when they made me. 🙂 ) or cover the same topics, they are really interesting nontheless. I have subscribed to these blogs and putter across daily and either make a like or comment. It’s great to reach out to people across the world and discover other interests and share opinions.
    Who is Piglet…?
    I’m an expat living in Portugal. I’ve signed up for a postaweek (although I post 3-4 times per week) and write about anything that takes my fancy re everyday life in Portugal. I have set myself a weekly recipe challenge so would love to hear from other foodies. I also blog about gardening and trying to grow my own veg, places of interest in Portugal and anything else that takes my fancy.
    Please don’t all rush at once to connect to me… 🙂
    I also have a wicked sense of humour 🙂
    Kind regards


    1. Eu sou muito lisangeado de te conhecer ! ( Oh my god, there was a time where I could still talk / write in Portuguese, it seems to be a such long time ago now ! )
      I’ve subscribed to your blog to follow your everyday life in Portugal ! 🙂


    2. Hello PiP,
      I subscribed to your blog. It looks interesting. Makes me thirst to visit Portugal. I would love to be part of a weekly recipe challenge.
      I write on a variety of topics from my life (gratitude, procrastination, decluttering, religion and recipes) I and from work (chronic pain, women’s ministry, children’s ministry and small groups).
      I always have the goal of posting daily but do good to get in 2-3 posts a week. Perhaps a blogging buddy would inspire me to make that a priority.
      Cheers, Susan


  22. I’d like a buddy! I’m a ‘post-a-week’ kinda gal recently distracted by the flu and Tucson. My blog is about yoga and writing and managing a ‘freelanced life’ through middle age and menopause. Check out my blog, see if we’re a fit.


    1. I would love to be your buddy. Although our blogs are about totally different things, I have just turned 50 and and in the pre-menopausal stage. It sucks! Would be nice to have a blog buddy that could understand how that affects the motivation to blog. My blog is at http://20mvp.wordpress.com/.


    1. I would love to be your buddy. Although our blogs are about totally different things, I have just turned 50 and and in the pre-menopausal stage. It sucks! Would be nice to have a blog buddy that could understand how that affects the motivation to blog. My blog is at http://20mvp.wordpress.com/.


  23. Great idea. Although it kind of looks like there might be more people who want a buddy than are willing to be a buddy. I guess we just have to find good matches.

    I’ll take a buddy if someone has interests up my alley. My blog is a repository of creative problem solving ideas for making things happen within a corporation. Instead of feeling stuck or trapped by corporate policies and bureaucracy, you can ‘orbit’ the hairball of bureaucracy and be creative in making a difference, without having to leave your constant paycheck, benefits, or connections.

    I’ll be trying to do a post a week, but probably will do more because of that cool wordpress ‘post by phone’ feature.

    Be my buddy or even guest post at http://grootship.com


    1. just my thoughts. also, the thing is i cannot really find anyone who blogs down my alley. kinda explains the barrenness of the comments section and page hits, though. 😛


      1. Well, Dr. Skeptic, I don’t know if I qualify as blogging “down your alley,” so maybe the whole blog buddy thing won’t work out, but I liked your dog blogger cartoon so much I decided to subscribe to your blog! And if I’m ever able to make a reasonably intelligent comment on one of your posts, I certainly will! Nice to meet you.


      2. @melanie

        You subscribed to my blog. Hence the pleasure is ALL mine! 🙂 Yeah, I am selfish that way. Let me check out your blog, and sure, I love reading stuff on my way to and fro, so I am gonna subscribe to yours as well! 🙂


    2. Hmm, if you want a buddy, shouldn’t you be willing to be a buddy as well? 🙂 I always thought it was a two way street.

      I think the reason for so many “want a buddy” posts is that it’s much easier to post a request and wait for someone to notice you, than scroll down through all replies clicking on blogs looking for a match.


      1. Exactly what I was doing… scanning through comments if someone commented on mine. Indeed a two way…
        I read your blog post. Interesting write up 🙂
        I try writing daily. Just putting it into habit. I write random stuffs, mostly on Life/family/places. Chk out my blog, See if you like mine/ can contribute to improve it.


  24. I would like a buddy and am a “Post A Week ” kind of gal. I don’t have too much of a theme–just thinking about life, kids, and what to do with my “career. ” I am trying to improve my writing skills.


    1. cj, I’m not committing to a buddy right now but I do visit and read several every day and offer my encouragement. You might find some useful information in my post today.


      1. Please come on by “Beauty Out of Chaos” (cjdwhite.wordpress.com) anytime. I’m not as boring as I seem here–just trying to learn how to blog and be natural about it. 🙂


  25. Hi, I would like a buddy! My blog Etchy Sketchy is about art, craft, cooking and life in general. I’m doing postaweek but have managed to post a litte more than that.


  26. I want a buddy! I just began my blog. A bit about my life in New Mexico, city girl in the country, part phot blog, lottsa humor! “Attempting” daily but it gets tough. Mostly animal and scenic photos. Who’s in?! Anyone, anyone?


  27. Kiwidutch, a fanatical foodie, who’s camera follows her though her cooking, crafting and travelling passions.

    I’m already a blog-a-day Gal, so if you share interests and think I might be a good buddy, contact me.
