Want a blogging buddy? It will up your morale

Two WordPress.com bloggers, Ashkir at Stars In Silence, and Kate at Spastic Musings decided to team up to help each other out. They both signed up for Post A Week, with the goal of encouraging and checking in on each other:

Me and Kate are going for the postaweek2011. 🙂 . We decided we’ll help motivate each other and we started up different blogs side/by/side.

The buddy system works on the principle of social connections. If you have someone else you’re doing a project with, odds are good at any moment at least one of you can help motivate the other.

If you’re looking for a blogging buddy, Do the following:

  1. Leave a comment to this post saying “I’d like a buddy”
  2. Briefly (1 or 2 sentences max) describe the kind of blog you have (the theme or topic)
  3. Say whether you’re doing Post A Day or Post A Week
  4. Mention you’d like to try sharing the goal with someone else

Alternatively, if you see a comment for someone that fits your 2 and 3, reply and mention you’re interested. Then follow up by contacting each other on your blogs.

You can help out by:

  • Checking in on each other’s blogs
  • Leaving comments and feedback
  • “liking” posts you see each other publish
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  1. This is a great suggestion indeed, kudos for this! 🙂

    I’d love to have a blogging buddy as well. I’m new to blogging and I have a Personal Blog so it’s a bit lame, but I can tackle about serious topics if I get enough interest of it. It’s plainly about my daily life, mini rants and stuff that just catch my attention. Anyways, I’ve signed up for the PostADay2011. Anyone interested on helping me out is very much welcome. 🙂


      1. Your blog looks very interesting so along with being a blog buddy, I actually subscribed to your blog as well 🙂


    1. My blog tends to be like yours…whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. I usually write about family or work or my needed knee surgery…and I sometimes use plinky for prompts and ideas. Don’t know how this is supposed to work. I’d like to write once a day, but don’t always have the time. I usually catch up on weekends and write several at once. Would like to write more often. Good luck and let me know. I’ll read yours if you read mine. LOL


  2. I’d like a buddy too!
    I have a photo blog and challenging myself to post at least a picture everyday in spite of crazy schedules and hectic school work. Having new friends to support and encourage, or simply to interact, vice versa is always a good option!


    1. Hey do you want to be buddies? I have a hectic schedule too, but it’d always be nice to have support! My blog is called “Holding the Future Hostage” which is actually the name of my novel that I’ve written and aspiring to publish. So I post about my novel when new things come up but other wise it’s just random but fun things. I would love to support you in your photography! If you’re interested, let me know!



  3. I’d like a buddy, and I’m interested in sharing the goal with someone else. I’m starting a Weekly Post. My topics are beauty tips, cooking tips, self help and sharing funny stories.


  4. I would like a blogging buddy. I signed up for a blog a week. My blogs are personal, usually about home life, or work, or the economy hitting too close to home, or my needed knee surgery…whatever strikes my fancy. I use plinky some, but tend to write really short blogs using those prompts. Anyone game?


    1. Hi estherlou! I’m Leianne! I would like to be your buddy, I blog mostly of my life too, generally anything under the sun. I am posting for blog a day though but maybe we could work it out? 🙂


      1. Hey leianne, since I do blog just my everyday life as well, wanna be blog buddies? i entered in post a day


  5. i want a buddy, or two or three….i’m kind of kinky that way…harhahaha…seriously, my blog is about food that i eat and make, stuff that i find interesting, pictures of bacon, random musings…come join me and be my buddy…im going for a post a day


    1. Hi Steve,
      I was just reading your blog and I subscribed. How do you feel about being blog buddies. I signed up for post a week but I’m really hoping to post more often than that. I love how random your blog is and food is one of my favorite things.



    2. Hey Steve, I’m a bit technically challenged so I’ll be making this proposition public instead in the privacy of your inbox. I’m not typically one to beet around the bush so lets get down to the nitty gritty. I’d like you to be my blogging buddy. I have a deep passion for food and would love someone to give me a sear in the rump roast once in awhile to ensure I keep writing. I’d love to post once a day but I’m shooting for once a week at the moment.


  6. I would like a buddy! At this moment, myblog is more eclectic than I would like. I use it to share humor, writing, about where I live and a few insights on life from an “older” perspective. My goal, besides postaday2011, is to focus on my work, ie; writing and art while building an audience and following for my writing, photography and artwork. Yes, I am financially motivated, as well.
    Perhaps it is time to start a new blog?
    It would be great fun to share success with a committed buddy!


    1. Would you like to be my buddy? My blog is about me just turning 18 (life, the universe and everything) and my writing. It sort of varies from day to day, but basically I’m using it as a tool to get me motivated to write a little more.


      1. Gina- Yes! Let’s Buddy up! I am 65 – so this could be interesting – You are X- gen and I am… feel like I am 23 most days…. and self discipline is why I’m doing this – If it’s not fun, I don’t do it, and this will be fun.
        I’ll subscribe to you and how would you like to go from here/there?
        LOL! Like the title of your blog, even….


    2. “Older” perspective? I just turned 61. I tend to write about whatever I feel motivated about at the moment. I’ll write several on the weekend, and then there are gaps in writing. I would like to write more often. Let me know. I’ll read yours if you read mine. LOL Not sure how this is supposed to work.


      1. Ah! Now I’ve found your blog. If you still need a buddy, please let me know. Thewordstressblog.wordpress.com
        I’m Pam. Hope to hear from you!


    3. I would love to be your body. I share many of your goals, including the writing goal, the financial goal, and your interest in art. Best of all, though, I love snow!

      Though I have more ready access to the world of social networking and I am working everyday at gaining some facility with it, still, I am approaching sixty and the world moves at a slightly slower pace for me than it used to, and I like that. Thus, I would love to share with someone who has to scoop snow off the satellite to gain internet access.

      Let me know.


      1. Starbear.
        Whoops! I would probably love your body, though I’m married and faithful so would have to be coy.

        But more than that even (well, maybe not more, but certainly more to the point) I’d love to be your buddy!


    4. Hi! I am pretty new to blogging, I only started last March but have been trying to build a reader base while keeping myself artistically involved. I am in school for Graphic Design at Miami University, Ohio and to escape from classes I like to try to keep up the blog. Aside from the postaday 2011, my goal is accomplish more artwork outside of my class requirements and stay connected to the art world in a non-academic way. You seem like a really interesting person and I’d love to stay motivated with you this year! My blog is http://ariannekrekeler/wordpress.com. Let me know if you’re interested in buddying up!


  7. I’d like a buddy.
    I blog about my children, my oldest daughter has Down syndrome. I also blog about reaching my goals in 2011.
    I’m doing postaday.


  8. I’d like a blogging buddy. I am a writer. I am currently working on a screenplay, a romantic comedy, called Monkabeans, and am blogging about that story and the writing process in general.


  9. Hi all

    I’ve signed up for ‘postaweek’ but hope to post at least once most weeks. My blog is about me trying to find some sense of flow and calm in my life and to make the way I live more sustainable. Most posts are about my climbing and my time spent outdoors as well as appreciating nature and our world. I also blog about many humorous (to me!) life situations that I find myself in from time to time. I love to take photos.

    I’d love a blogging buddy that will help me post once a week. In return I’ll give you loads of encouragement, link to your posts and your site and hopefully we can be a good team this year!

    Please get in touch if you’d like to be my blogging buddy.



      1. Hi Alison

        I’ve just read your first post and yes, I’d say we have some similar ideas! I’ve subscribed to your blog and will put a link to it. Email me if you can see my email address and we’ll get going!!



    1. I think we might make good blog buddies. We’ve got quite similar blogs and interests. Regardless, I’ll be subscribing to your blog as it looks pretty good.


      1. Hi Dan

        Thanks for subscribing and for saying my blog looks pretty good :o) Just from reading a couple of your posts I’m inspired to do a better job on mine! I’ll be subscribing to your blog too – hopefully you’ve get my email address too and we can get going.

        Wow I have two blog buddies, one of each flavour and I’m pretty happy about that!



  10. I’d like a blogging buddy.

    My blog primarily focuses on my goals of losing weight and getting fit, but occasionally focuses on my life as a bigger person in the theatre/opera world.

    I signed up for posting once a week, but try to post once a day Monday through Friday.


    1. Your post caught my eye, because I am “weight challenged” LOL and also, because I used to sing and sang in local operas and with our symphony once. I’d probably enjoy reading your blogs. I tend to write about life and work, hubby and kids, whatever. Let me know.


    2. Opera. I love opera, simply love, love, love it and the classics. I love theater as well. I’d be happy to be a buddy of yours, if you’re okay with a fiction writer whom loves random things and classical music and opera. :P. Drives my family nuts how loud I have it hahaha.


    3. I love your idea about ONEderland. I am/was a WW dropout. And I especially love the fact that you said “KISS MY A__” in response to New Year’s resolution naysayers. Maybe with some support and accountability I can get to ONEderland, too. I’m in.

      I’m doing the post-a-week challenge and I have two blogs. One is about my passions and peeves, and the other (I’ve just started “theWriteProfessor” as a result of this buddy idea) will be about grammar cause I’m such a geek about it.


      1. I’ll admit, sometimes I cuss like a sailor. Hope you don’t mind! Sorry it took me soo long to reply, had to turn off the comment notifications that were FLOODING my inbox.

        Looked for links to your blogs, but can’t find them!!! I’ll search for theWriteProfessor and see what I find.

        Hope to hear more from you!


  11. This is rad. I could use something like this. Blog with me. I don’t care what you’re writing about.

    I’ll try the post a day. I’ll probably write mostly about software and math. There might be more personal stuff like my job and working with others creating software, atheism and skepticism, food, and kittens.


    1. Hey,
      Math, software and random stuff is much in the same vein as my blog. Pretty keen to get in on the buddy system. Trying for postaday…
      So check it out.


  12. I’d like a blogging buddy. I am a writer. I am currently working on a screenplay, a romantic comedy, called Monkabeans, and am blogging about that story and the writing process in general.
    Blogging every day.


    1. Have you found a buddy? I would be interested if you have not 😀 I have witten a “script”, granted it was in 30 day for Script Frenzy but I did write one. I have also completed a “Novel” again it was for Nanowrimo 😀


  13. I am an educator and my blog is specific to inspiring children to read, and strategies that support parents at home with this process.


    1. That sounds really interesting (as were the posts of yours I just read).

      Not sure you’d be as interested in my blog, which is about the books I read and the crafts I do (although there haven’t been as many of those lately).


    2. Ruth, can I be your blogging buddy? I homeschool my son (ok, we just started; he’s a preschooler) and we do read a lot. I just started my blog and plan to update it at least once a week (but hopefully more often than that). I plan on writing about toys we make, games we invent, books we read, and also about joys and challenges of raising a bilingual child.


    3. I am interested in being your buddy. I am a community worker in Australia, supporting parents with parenting skills and early literacy strategies.



    4. Hi Ruth, Hakea, Yelenam, and Kaet!

      I’d like to buddy up ~ my homeschooling blog is onesizefitsnone.wordpress.com

      It’s from my perspective as a grandma of a three-year-old in an extended family situation, with a fair bit of philosophy and opinions thrown in. Yelenam, I looked at your snow day post and this could be a lifesaver as we may get some soon!

      My other blog is textisle.wordpress.com
      that one’s been going longer and is about quilting, fibre arts, other crafts, and thoughts on life. There are so many quilters blogging I’m surprised that apparently no one has signed up for post a week. I aim to do more, but I have two blogs.

      Also it just so happens that my given name is Ruth so if we do buddy up we’ll have to think of a way to eliminate confusion. Very minor detail.

      Kaet, what’s your blog?


      1. Assalam o Alaikum

        Ruth from onesizefitsnone…
        we have been conversing on your blog, about higher education

        would love to be your blogging buddy, as well as the others who replied to Ruth the educator – kaet, yelenam.

        i forgot to mention earlier that i am doing a teaching degree


      2. Sorry – I’m hoping it’ll be linked better now, but my blog is at http://kaet.wordpress.com

        I’ve opened tabs to all of the blogs mentioned here, but will have to look at them later, as my DH wants to use this computer, and I have some other things to do right now.


      3. Hi textisle, I just checked out your blog and simply HAD to subscribe to it (and comment on). I’m looking forward to being your blogging buddy and reading more great posts from your blog.


    5. Ruth, I am very interested in being your blogging buddy. I homeschooled my daughter until 9th grade and I love to encourage children to read. My daughter and I recently read the “The Hunger Games” together.


  14. Me to, Me to!
    I would love A blogging buddy – My blog is about life, my pottery making, and my daughter Chloe – It is also a digital sketchbook (I have decided as of now anyway! :))
    I am doing the blog a week task – though would like to try to do more than one post a week!


    1. i would be interested!!! i am doing the art journaling every day challenge on my blog. also, my mom is a ceramacist (is that the word?).


      1. That sounds great!!! Though I cant see your blog – you names not clickable for some reason – whats the link?!


  15. I would like a blogging buddy! My blog is mostly about my life as a Christian college student. Topics that frequently surface are fashion, art and Christianity. There are also some that are just stories about my life, family and friends and of couse, pictures are almost always included.

    I would like to do a PostADay2011 🙂

    Anyone want to be my blogging buddy?


    1. Hey Kendra!
      I am also a Christian college student. My blog is mostly about life, my thoughts, and everything in between. I’d love if you checked out my blog to see if you like it!


  16. What a great idea. I’m an upbeat old broad, and my daily blog is mostly about travel. I have lived and traveled in a small RV with my dog, Maggie, for over six years now. I’d love to encourage and be encouraged by someone with similar interests. Writing, nature, birds, books and travel top my list.


    1. Hi Pat,

      Just saw your blog and thought it looked interesting. (Is that the kiss of death) I am doing a poetry blog about travel. I am living in France and England, travelling between the two quite often as we are moving back to England sometime soon. My life has been spent travelling one way or another from very early on. So this has influenced my writing. I’m trying to write as often as possible but am signed up to the post a week. I love the idea of travelling around in a camper, visiting places and spaces and to be able to move on when you are ready. For us, I’m married, we like the fact of living in Europe and being able to drive anywhere from home in France. The travelling is definately more than half the fun. I’m not sure how this works, but I would like a fellow travellor to help out on the journey.




  17. This is looking kind of competitive…anyways, here goes. I would like a buddy, I think it’s a great idea. I started my blog this year just to keep myself writing, so I’m doing a post a day. It’s about whatever I’m feeling inspired to write about, so life, the universe and everything.

    Anyone wanna buddy up with little ol’ me?


    1. Well since I would consider that as ‘random’ thoughts which is what my blog is about lol, i’ve decided i wanna buddy with you 🙂 subscribing now


  18. hi folks,
    i would like to throw my hat in the ring. i am working on keeping an art journal, and keeping myself sane while i raise two boys in a small town. i also love to write, so it gives me an outlet and kind of keeps me accountable. i am trying the post a day challenge and so far 8 days in a row!!


    1. Hey, you’ve got a good site. In 2011, especially with this challenge to post more often, I think you could get more than the 1,000 hits you got last year. My blog is also about family, check it out and let me know if you’d be interested in being a blogging buddy.


  19. This is a fun idea. If anyone is interested, the topic of my blog has changed a few times since I started, but now I’m trying to focus it on media, journalism and what it’s like to be a journalism student.


    1. Sedera, we might be good blogging buddies. My blog is called LifeLines, and my tagline is “helping you share your story.” A lot of what I learned in high school and college journalism classes has helped my story-telling abilities, and I’d love to be able to learn from you! What do you think?


    2. I’d defiantly be taking a look on your blog. I try to write fictional stories. :). Journalism interests me. I even tried for the high school newspaper team years ago… but I had another class starting at 6:50 am and didn’t want to give up my computer science course. ><


  20. Would love a buddy… my blog is about giving up alcohol in 2011 and my dry, dry adventures. Hopefully not as boring as it sounds! (didn’t choose the AA path – went another route)
    Blog is dry2011.wordpress.com. I will commit to 3x/week. Is that allowed?!


  21. I would like a blogging buddy. My goal is a postaday2011 – but most weekends are spent with my family – so I may miss those days.

    Blog is about whatever is on my mind at the time – general topics surrounding life – with a bit of humor – come blog with me.


  22. I’d like a blogging buddy. I signed up for the blog a week and this is my first time at blogging. I am a web designer and started a blog to learn more about how they work so I can help others start one for themselves. I have challenged myself to take a picture every day of 2011 and my blog will be where I show these images. I am also an avid quilter and designer so a lot of my pictures will revolve around these subject matters.

    Anyone interested in being my buddy? Don’t know how this works but it would make me more devoted to my blog if someone actually looked at it besides me!


    1. Pam, I was studying to be a Web designer, but I’ve decided to focus on finishing another degree. My blog doesn’t have a specific focus; I’m just writing about my passions (music, making jewelry, salsa dancing, grammar, and Carl Hiaasen’s latest book) and peeves (so many), and anything else I find interesting. Having a buddy helps to make you more accountable and more responsible. What’s the link to your blog?


  23. I’d LOVE a buddy! My blog is about being a Christian housewife. From being in God’s Word and following Him, to husband humor, elementary epics, sippy-cup spoofs and dirty diapers. I am a stay at home mom with three rotten boys. I am doing a post a day and would like to share this goal with someone else. God Bless!


    1. My blog is about strengthen families. My wife and I happen to have the opposite situation when it comes to kids: we have 3 princesses (don’t that fool you, I imagine they can be just as difficult as any boys, I’m just clad they aren’t teenagers yet!) Anyway, I’m trying to do a post per day.


    2. Hey Vicky I’d love to read your blog.. I ‘ll subscribe.. My blog is about having a thankful heart everyday and having the Christmas spirit the whole year.. and be thankful to the Lord for even for the little things that we sometimes take for granted.. but I am going to do a post a week.. Its currently on Tumblr at http://maneesha77.tumblr.com/ I just started this year.. but I am going to transfer it to wordpress now.. maybe you can check it out then! God Bless!!


    3. I am a mother of 2, grandmother of 1, I’m 35 in a few weeks, Christian (yet not overly pushy), married, divorced, widowed, I’m into scrapbooking, knitting, making jewelry, I work from home…

      I try to do the blog a day, but sometimes I just can’t. I usually write about whatever is going on…marriage, life, love, religion, recipes, kids, work. I also am very happy and positive.

      I’d love a blog buddy – or we could do a blog circle with this many of us!

      My blog is http://justalittlemel.wordpress.com/


  24. I’d like a buddy!

    My blog is about photography. I use a Canon DSLR and a few toy cameras. I sometimes write about my daily stuff.
    I’m from Japan and English isn’t my mother tongue, so if it’s okay for you.
    I’m doing Post A Day. 2 posts a day sometimes 😛 Cheer up each other through 2011, somebody??

    this is the one joining in post a day challenge-


    1. I’ll be your buddy! I’m doing a photo project at the mo, but also blog about other stuff too. I”m doing post a week though. Look forward to seeing your photos!


      1. Thank you for spotting me! I also subscribed your blog. I can’t wait to see more of your photos and posts 😉


  25. Sure – sounds like a great idea. I have an eclectic blog with whatever thoughts are in my head about book, movies, cooking, politics, or faith, with a photos thrown in here and there when I have the chance. I’m also a Canadian in the UK, so there’s some cultural observations in there too!

    I’m trying to do the post a day, though not always the suggested topics.


  26. I’d like a buddy for Post a Week. My blog’s quality really deteriorated last year and I’d like to make it better in 2011. I have a very general blog about my life in a semi-rural area of central Florida. C’mon…let’s be blog buddies!


    1. I would love to be your blogging buddy. I love Florida. I write about “seeds of success”. I was diagnosed with IBC breast cancer October 2009, but I have had chemo, surgery and radiation and am cancer free. I now have the challanges left me by the chemo, neuropthy and the surgery, I need reconstruction surgery.
