Welcome to the Daily Post

Here at WordPress.com we like blogs. We like bloggers. And more than anything else, we like bloggers who blog.

But one hard part of blogging is beyond the awesome tools you use. It’s the posting. Coming up with ideas, writing them down, or picking the right photos, can be quite the challenge. And then you need the courage to hit that Publish button.

As announced today, to help you we’re launching this experimental blog called The Daily Post. We will post every day here, hoping to inspire you to do the same.

We’ll have inspiring questions from Plinky.com you can re-use in your posts, insightful interviews with rock-star bloggers,  and fresh ways to think about blogging. We’re doing this to help build a community of people who want to be more active writers, bloggers, and creators.

How to participate:

  1. Write about any topic you see here
  2. Please use the tag postaday2011 or postaweek2011 in your posts (tips on tagging here), so we know we were of use to you.

And please subscribe to this blog and get ready to roll in 2011.

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  1. I will succumb. Reluctantly, I resolve to drag my noodle to the keyboard at least weekly. Plinking, ever plinking, I will plunk out entry after entertaining entry.


    Whoo hoo! I relish the challenge and shall rise to the occasion with vigor and fortitude!

    How ’bout I shoot for the ~OR~, which is somewhere in the middle? Either extreme is better than not writing at all… and I look forward to the day when it’s just flowing out of me, with no self discipline required, and no need to psyche myself up… it’s just a peaceful and joyful natural expression. That, I can aim for.

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    1. Just for the record – this was posted at 12.50pm on January 2nd (local time in New Zealand) – 21 hours ahead of this time – does that give me more time each day to blog? lol


  2. I have an endless supply of ideas and I try to post twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays.
    Finding the time to write is my problem. I’d better stay committed to posting weekly. Sign me up.
    Happy New Year and Good Luck everyone!


  3. I am completely new to blogging. I wonder if I shall ever fall short of ideas. As rightly pointed out by many of you, what matters is quality and not quantity. Anyways, it’s sure shot helpful forum to connect with fellow bloggers.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Can I do something in the middle? I don’t want to even try to post every day, but I can do better than once a week! What about a prompt for writers who commit to posting, say, three times a week? And how is it that I’m only just now seeing this, on the 4th? (Maybe this is a clue that I shouldn’t try to write every day 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi there! 🙂 Am I left out? I dont use wordpress.com but rather power my own blog using wordpress.org. Would still love to take advantage of this though! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. hi my intentions are good however just missed two days. So any inspiration will be welcome. keep me on your A list. Better yet visit me at
    Lake Worth every minute
    this is a moment by moment documentation of my new surroundings. new things always seem better.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. WordPress, I love you! My current blog is on training for the marathon so doesn’t really lend itself to daily updates, but when that’s over with I’m going to do a post-a-day photoblog. But for now I’m irrationally pleased with myself for working out (ok, following instructions…) how to add a link to my fundraising page from my blog homepage 🙂

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  8. Scott, as others have said, I really appreciate WordPress’ organizing us in this way. This is the first time in a long time–I’m talking years! –that I’ve felt like I have a reciprocal relationship with a digital-age company of any size. I already sing the praises of WordPress everywhere I go. This level of engagement on the company’s part just gives me more to sing about.

    I have a couple of questions about the posting community, which I’ll ask in different posts. First question, can you tell how many bloggers are participating in the daily and weekly categories? This is just a matter of curiosity.

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  9. My second question of the night , Scott: Could you give us an organizing mechanism to create interest groups? Several people mentioned their professions when responding to the topic-type discussion, so it occured to me that this is a great opportunity to network with people who not only share each other’s work backgrounds but also take the trouble to blog regularly. That’s a dynamite combination.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey flowers, sometimes it’s about stepping out of our comfort zone and intereacting with different types of people, from different backgrounds across the world. I have found some amazing blogs by stepping out of mine. However, having said that, I agree it would be interesting to identify blogs that focus on a particular topic who are taking part in the challenge.
      Was is Forest Gump who said “Life is like a box of candy” ? I’ve thrown away the selection card and just dipped in 🙂


      1. Thanks for the response, Piglet. One thing that piqued my curiosity in interest-group blogs was a blog I found when following shortcuts in a WordPress folder transferred from a previous computer. The blog was called Scholars Who Blog, and its last post is dated 2002. As it turns out, however, it’s from the Bloggers community, not the WordPress community.


  10. Regardless the idea of posting everyday which I find a little bit focused on producing words, not valuable content, did you know that the typewriter that you’re using as the header has Polish signs? Is it a way to intentionally promote Polish authors? It just stroke me when I was wondering whether to accept the challenge or not and regarding pointlessly at it.

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  11. This is my first blog ever, and i’m signing up for posting everyday. People say I talk too much, its just that I don’t see all that many different people who want to talk, I guess. So perhaps, blogging will be a form of relief to those who say they have to suffer my constant naggging er I mean interesting conversation
    I justify myself like this, years and years ago, I worked out that it made life easier for me to ask someone who already knew how to do something properly, how to do it. This has saved me endless time over the years in false starts, realising vital things too late etc etc. Hanging Wallpaper for the first time is a good example of this. Yes, you can hang wallpaper perfectly the first time you try, I guess, perhaps by doing a lot of reading about it, but never by trial and error, I would say the same thing about say growing and propagating seedlings; but if you are lucky enough to find someone whose home decoration and garden you admire, and IF they are prepared to share their knowledge with you, both verbally and preferably with a bit of hands on help, well then, youv’e got an almost certain head start, and you are up and running. (Its better if the person really does know what they are doing, of course.) Personally, I’ve never found asking for advice, information or help to get me started difficult or embarassing. Often people are flatterred and willing to give you a few tips, so long as that is where it stops, and they don’t feel obliged to actually do the whole job for you. The biggest problem I’ve found is that a lot of people are very protective about what they know and don’t always want to share it with others. A kind of ‘it took me years to learn this, so I’m not going to make it any easier for you’ attitude. So suddenly, asking what the best way to strip off your existing paper is, becomes a matter of great and secretive importance to them. The same is true, I find, with ‘collectors’ ( i consider myself to be one). Will they tell you the difference between porcelain and pottery, will they heck, what is the backmark for Chelsea Pottery, again its like its a state secret or even worse that they are holding some rare and esoteric gift- one they don’t want to share with others. Does anyone else have a view on this, especially these days when there is almost too much info to dredge through. Maxine

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  12. Hi
    The prompts are just to give you “inspiration” if necessary 🙂 Write about ANYTHING! I do, but then my blog is about everyday life in Portugal and the challenges I face. However, I do use the photo prompt every week which is great fun…8)

    Just write “something” about anything and everything – everyday or everyweek. Just go for it 🙂 The important thing is to take part and have fun 🙂

    Why don’t you also join in the Randomblog2011 Challenge it’s fun and encourages you to read other blogs and interact with other people?
    and the Weekly Blog Hop. Both give a “flavour” as to how these bloggers
    embrace the WordPress Challenge.

    Hope this helps?

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Check out my post for today for information on the Weekly Photo Voting from published photos in the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge! 🙂

    Now voting on:

    Weekly Photo Voting! “Boundaries”
    Weekly Photo Voting! “Curiosity”


    The RandomBlog2011 Challenge is still going strong!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. é meu primeiro ano de Blog, ainda muito novo em relação a muitos escritores ,com mentes e boa estratégia no papel, sobre temas único ou de vários artigos
    de vivência tomada em campus, agora aplicadas na prática .

    é muito desafiador postar duas, ou três vezes por semana entrando em harmonia familiar, e conciliando tempo de trabalho, e intervalos para a escrita.
    diferenciando estudos técnicos, trabalho na área técnica, isto é reparo e consertos , e efetuo projetos aparelhos e dispositivos eletrônicos.

    faço trabalhos de desenvolvimentos em outros setores da informática ,
    e projetos bem sucedidos em bases atuais. meu foco principal é tecnologias, em breve estarei migrando para outra gestão.

    primeiro preciso aprender muito com meus colegas escritores, já que
    os mesmos tem ; noções muito avançadas , e ponto de visão em vastas
    teorias técnicas e desenvolvimentos adquiridos nos Campos.

    eu vim de uma familia muito humilde, simples meus pais agricultores , seus trabalhos era no cultivo de feijão, café, milho, e outros vegetais, legumes
    quando não chovia a colheita era ruim , nós dependia da safra e colheita para sobreviver, meus pais se esforçava trabalho duro para não faltar o alimento, eu ainda muito novo com apenas 10 anos de idade, eu era muito
    prestativo e ajudava em que podia , as coisas boas eu não tinha , como TV, som , só um par de sandálias de couro , algumas roupas já velhinhas um copo de alumínio fundido , eu guardo até os dias de hoje como recordação.

    Eu tinha muito gosto de ter um lápis e algumas folhas de papel, para que fosse possível eu desenhar , vinha na mente animais, arvores, outros animais silvestres , nossos recursos eram muito pouco , afinal nossa vivencia era na zona rural, o recurso que tinha disponível era uma vara de madeira fina, na mesma eu apontava com uma lamina de lata, eu iniciava com grande mudança no rosto a desenhar no chão de terra rocha , era motivo de alegria uma casa de enchimento com cercas ao seu redor, algumas árvores , vendo um desenho que tinha criado e sem recurso para
    dar vida a este desenho , no chão eu confundia os traços e a visibilidade das gravuras, a nossa casa era um rancho de enchimento de varas de madeiras com barro amassado argila e barreiro branco, ao redor do rancho eu desenhava muitas gravuras aves , arvores, boi, ovelha, e outras
    eram mais visíveis eu usava pedras de barro branco dava um destaque melhor para meus pais ver meu esforço , embora sem recursos meus gestos demonstrava já um esforço para aprender algo de bom no futuro
    para ser capaz de ajudar meus pais na idade mais avançada , pois os trabalhos na agricultura primordial era com muitos sacrifícios , não em termos de alimentos mas em bens materiais , de uso pessoal, eu saia de nosso rancho de sapé até um rio próximo, a agua ainda com cor muito barrenta dos movimentos dos animais sedentos , o sol muito quente no momento a minha sede por agua era intensa , pois eu me misturava com os animais para saciar-me a sede na agua escura , eu não tinha outra opção ,
    eu tinha o dever de levar em uma moringa” cabaça” já seca pelo tempo um pouco de agua, ao chegar ao rancho minha morada, ao lado da cama de forquilhas e varas de madeiras , eu deixava a moringa no chão para que o barro ia ao fundo permanecendo ao meu ver uma agua transparente para meus pais beber ao retorno do trabalho no campo , eu cozinhava arroz, feijão , como não tinha gás nosso recurso era lenha eu trazia da mata ao lado , aroeira, angico madeiras duradouras , quando em chamas ou em carvão, eu não tinha como fazer frituras , no estaleiro acima do fogão
    eu cortava um bom pedaço de carne de carneiro e levava as brasas , jogava um pouco de agua sobre a carne para não queimas , eu tinha que fazer alguma coisa boa para agradar meus pais; e saciar a fome após um dia longo de trabalho , sobre uma mesa muito frágil pelo tempo eu preparava
    a mesma com alguns cactos , e bem perto de alguns desenhos vistos com riscos brancos sobre a parede e varetas secas e barro ao fundo , na ora das refeições
    fazia-mos uma oração , pedindo a nosso bom Deus a fartura e não a falta de nosso sagrado pão de cada dia. e alcançar a continuidade de nossas vidas, eu fui desenvolvendo crescendo até aos 12 anos, imigramos para um lugarejo por nome de lagoa do arroz, com 22 casas não mais, clima bom , muito brejo para cultivo de arroz, terra fértil , meus pais com a safra do feijão colhidos e armazenados em safras anteriores , e legumes,
    negociou uma singela casa de 3 cômodos feita de tijolos e piso de cimento batido, um quintal grande para as criações, e hortas .

    não tinha-mos energia só aparelhos a pilhas , a luz era ainda de velas ou candeeiros a fluido era o meio de iluminação de nosso novo lar mais motivado por fazer meus primeiros amigos, eu via o brilho em seus olhos ,apesar de uma professora das primeira letras , a mesma passou para nós o nosso primeiro caderno e o primeiro lápis , a cada um já se podia dizer
    temos uma professora e somos “alunos” , na entrada da sala de aula todos os dias cantava-mos hinos em versos para aquela gentil professora, era muito natural a emoção , em uma sala pequena com 8 cadeiras, e sete alunos , no inicio das aulas o silencio é total… eu dava mais vida mais cor as letras e desenho , este ultimo eu tinha muito mais pratica, e passava as idéias aos meus amigos já dava para ver o verde das arvores, o azul das aguas , o marrom da terra, a alegria e a cor do amanhecer com o sol entre as montanhas , a lua e as estrelas ao anoitecer, eu não lembro o nome da minha primeira professora, mas seus ensinamentos eu os guardo até os dias de hoje pela qual eu tive bons ensinamentos, meus primeiros amigos,
    não tive mais noticias, pois muitos anos se passaram , guardo suas boas ações… tenho muitas saudades… de uma época que passou mas voltei a ser criança …

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hello, it’s so great to finally find something that totally inspires me . I’m talking about plinky but hey I’d love to sign up for this as well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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