Welcome to the Daily Post

Here at WordPress.com we like blogs. We like bloggers. And more than anything else, we like bloggers who blog.

But one hard part of blogging is beyond the awesome tools you use. It’s the posting. Coming up with ideas, writing them down, or picking the right photos, can be quite the challenge. And then you need the courage to hit that Publish button.

As announced today, to help you we’re launching this experimental blog called The Daily Post. We will post every day here, hoping to inspire you to do the same.

We’ll have inspiring questions from Plinky.com you can re-use in your posts, insightful interviews with rock-star bloggers,  and fresh ways to think about blogging. We’re doing this to help build a community of people who want to be more active writers, bloggers, and creators.

How to participate:

  1. Write about any topic you see here
  2. Please use the tag postaday2011 or postaweek2011 in your posts (tips on tagging here), so we know we were of use to you.

And please subscribe to this blog and get ready to roll in 2011.

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  1. Je trouve ce blog super. C’est sympa de vouloir faire garder le moral au bloggeurs (étant donné que j’ecris un bouquin et des poèmes que je publie sur wordpress sa va m’aider)
    Merci beaucoup

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  2. The problem with blogging is coming up with interesting idea’s and topic’s,and not just falling into the trap of droning on endlessly about mundane matters,like what you had for breakfast etc.

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    1. Breakfast can be exciting. Have you ever had breakfast naked? Or on top of a mountain? Or naked on top of a mountain? Those are two good tricks right there for making any topic more interesting to write about.


      1. Scott,

        Naked breakfasts on top of a mountain? Hey, you don’t have to go to all that effort. Just go to Zavial beach đŸ™‚ What’s exciting about eating breakfast naked, anyway? More exciting for the Mosquitos đŸ™‚ LOL


      2. do you mean there are people who DON”T eat breakfast naked? someone should do a post about them! Who are they? The pictures of course, would not be so interesting…depending


    2. Hi jolyonwagg1,

      I agree with your comments. I spend ages researching different topics and often have to translate from Portuguese to English before I can even begin to write a blog post about my chosen topic. I then have to take photos and depending on the topic, these may take weeks to collate.

      I could drone on about the meaning of life but who really cares?

      I would find a wordpress “writing” forum to help improve on writing style, grammar and puncutation far more useful – we are not all professional writers đŸ™‚

      Surely it’s quality of posts and information rather than quantity of posts?


      1. Oh man! I LOVE that idea. đŸ™‚ hm,.. Now my brain is cranking again…
        Thanks đŸ™‚ I’ll let you know what kind of themes I conjure up.!


    3. for topics….
      I have a notebook…
      any time I come up with an idea I jot it down.
      I end up with lists of neat stuff. Then I take a calendar and work in 1-2 month steps placing topics in each day. That way I have a bit of a road map.


      1. firebear, you’ve got the right idea. When I am on the Internet and come across something interesting I grab a snippet, open a WordPad document and file it under Article Ideas – Drafts.
        I usually end up adding some of my own thoughts on the topic before I save it. Some may call this a swipe file. It works pretty good!


    4. Don’t think on what people will say about your topic,
      just write what comes to your head, It’s about your idea.


  3. This is an interesting idea. I already blog almost every day (except Sunday). I started it last spring as an exercise for Lent and it just kept going. Some weeks I miss a day, maybe 2, but most weeks I post 6 times per week. I will be interested to see what kind of inspiration you provide here on this blog. Peace, Linda

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  4. Producing great content daily is all about discipline but even professionals have writer’s block too.

    I like this idea of daily post. With a group of bloggers motivating and inspiring each other, it will enhance the blogging experience.

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  5. I’m looking forward to the challenge of blogging every day and considering I just started my blog two weeks ago, I’m not doing too bad so far.
    What do you think?

    Trying to get the community encouragement going here!

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  6. This is a great idea, and I sure need the encouragement. Posting everyday will be a challenge.Although a year from now I will be a much better writer.

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  7. While I think this is a really good idea, I would have to add that my main interest is in communicating every day . . . regardless of the tool I use to do so. On some days that may take the form of a blog, on others a lot of tweeting, and still others might be engaging via Facebook (just because I have lots of friends in the social media world – all over the world). Heck, checking in with Foursquare, adding a comment, and sharing it is a useful form of communication (I think).

    In addition, sometimes I use Amplify to post material and others I use Posterous. Maybe I’m too scattered, but I never know when the desire will hit me and whether I’ll be at my computer, out with my iPad or phone, or just at a tab in Firefox I don’t feel like leaving. I know I could just “Press This”, but I feel I need to know what others are offering as well.

    Regardless, I love having WordPress for the heavy lifting. It is, after all, the place where it all comes together for me. I think I’m going to sign up for a weekly blather.

    You folks provide an incredible service. Thank you.

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  8. I too think quality is better than quantity. In this blog, you could give us some ideas and suggestions about what to post, daily. Like ‘Share your favorite childhood moment’, ‘Which architectural monument impressed you the most’, ‘Ideas for reducing music piracy’ etc. That would really motivate a lot of people to write something sensible đŸ™‚ .

    Destination Infinity

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  9. I think it is a great idea! I was going to try to write everyday for 2011 so now I have an avenue to do it. I am really, really new to blogging and I want to make it part of my everyday life! Here’s to a great 2011 to all


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  10. I’m looking forward to the motivation, as well. I’ve been wanting to blog for the longest time and finally just decided to take the plunge and go for it. The problem is my blog is so fragmented right now- a mixture of deep thoughts and philosophy, training and health tips, and business process and application (like Excel and Access) tips. I hope I can hang with you guys and gals


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  11. I am looking forward to participating. I’m glad you gave us the option to do a post a week. Time constraints make a post a day impossible right now. I will be trying to post a least three times a week with two of my posts being on the core topics for my current blog, i.e. autism spectrum, bully prevention, and the importance of tolerance and forgiveness.

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  12. I just signed up! I can’t wait. It will be epic! I think that WP Mobile is a great thing, but the Blackberry App isn’t very user friendly. Well, at least for me. Hopefully, I will learn more about it as things progress. Good luck everyone and Happy New Year!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m concerned I might start blogging just to post, rather than because I have something to say. I’d like to go for more than 2 times a week, but fewer than 7. I currently blog about 2-3 times a week, depending on my inspiration, so I think 3-5 times a week is a better goal for me.

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  14. Blogging… Is reAlly awesome! But I don’t think I am good with that. However, I always wanted to try share something what’s going on around me every end ov the day, quite interestin’ but as u guys see my English is broken. That’s y most ov the time my thoughts or things I wanted to share end up into a big comedy issues afterwards. So could it b possible for now, that I will just follow u guys until I learn the mojo well, in regards;( or unless it doesn’t matter to u guys at all, then why not:)) k then, just lemme know!

    Ps: Happy NY to all, Btw!

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  15. Silly question I’m sure but…do we put the tag postaday2011 in every post? What if we post more than once a day – do we tag only one post for that day. Yeah, I know…details! But that is just how I’m geared.

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  16. We can all use the encouragement! Thanks. I’ve been posting everyday on my blog (the music one) for the last two months and plan on continuing throughout 2011 and beyond. I stumbled here, but I don’t think I need any help. I’m recently retired and I blog because it feels good and I look forward to posting everyday. I wish everyone the same!

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  17. Well, I’m joining, since I blog most everyday anyway. I want to use this challenge to find my “voice” on my personal blog, instead of just rambling on about things no one cares about.

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