Save Your Favorite Images and Media on, Anytime

Now you can access your Media Library and upload images even when you’re not writing a post.

We’ve added a new media section to your dashboard, allowing you to bulk upload, edit, and tweak your media files. Let’s look at the changes:

Upload Media in Bulk

Add new items in bulk by going to MediaAdd New to activate the file picker. You can also drag and drop items right onto the page.

Edit Media

Now you can edit media files as you add them to your post or directly from the media section. To modify media information like the title or caption, select the items you would like to edit, then click Edit.

In the details view, you can update the title, caption, and description. Any changes made in these fields will be saved automatically for you.

Edit Photos

If you have a photo that needs to be cropped or rotated you can now update this here, too! From the media detail view select Edit Image.

In the Image Editor (see this guide for full instructions), you can crop, rotate, and flip images directly on

If you’re happy with the changes you’ve made, select Done.


Finding a previously uploaded media item is easier, too. Go to the filter tabs to sort media by file type, or select the magnifying glass to open the search field and search for images by title. In the details view, you can copy the URL link for use in a new post or page.

We hope you enjoy these updates to your Media Library!

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  1. bipolarsojourner

    cool. how about adding a media button the the app interface. that would be helpful.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Paul Bowler

    Great new features, will have to check this out. 🙂

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Chris Lauzon

    Reblogged this on Chris Lauzon's Blog.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. andythehomelessguy

    Awesome, you “guys” are great! Can’t wait to use this new, powerful, useful, feature…

    Liked by 2 people

  5. ismailimail

    A resize (scale up with an additional layer) option would have been a complete solution. I do a lot of image resizing (using Google Drawing) before upload. This is mostly due to the fact that Featured Image does not scale them properly for slider view.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. designsbyheidi

    I am going to LOVE this for my blog posts! Thanks.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Teslim Opemipo Omipidan

    Nice one. I’ll go try it.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. JoAnn Chateau

    Fantastic! A suggestion to make media search even better: TAGS. 🙂

    I formerly used a plugin to do this on my self-hosted WP site. For instance, I used media tags like “branding” and “category” for images I used over and over. It made blogging life much smoother.

    Liked by 5 people

  9. Bren


    Liked by 1 person

  10. nvsubbaraman

    Great. Thanks

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Pospi O Otuson

    this is awesome. Wow great

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Zara Altair

    Reblogged this on The Story Bodyguard and commented:
    New feature for WordPress.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. erikleo

    There is no MEDIA icon/section on the left hand side of my blog page???


  14. Biblicon

    Access to the media and addition of links direct from the HTML editor instead of only from the visual editor would be helpful

    Liked by 2 people

  15. WISE Quotes

    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  16. John

    Great news – really looking forward to trying this out! (Thanks for listening WordPress!)

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Daggi Dinkelschnitte

    I guess “In the details view, you can copy the URL link for use in a new post or page.” is a nice feature. But sometimes is not the first pic the one to be published. And so you have to wait … and media view starts again showing the newest upload. And so I start scrolling again.
    Should I copy the media content to Google, it will be found very quick. PIC- search in WP is not the greatest job to do.
    Searching online by terms like “3D daggi + ( my content)” is the better way to get the URL than searching in WP ADMIN. (in free accounts?)


  18. esteemconsult

    Great. Will use as I move forward with my blog

    Liked by 1 person

  19. matraskarate

    Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. kiangablog

    Many thanks. I’m a newbie to WordPress but love the ease of setting up my blog. This will be a great bonus.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. smartatworklife

    Hi, why cant i see the updated Media button on my dashboard? Is it only for paid themes or pls correct me if I am wrong??!


  22. Dan

    Looks interesting and useful. In addition to the earlier suggestion about tags for photos, having the ability to create folders into which the media files could be placed would be helpful as well.


  23. homeomart

    Thank you, One suggestion – you should have an option of importing new images in an existing image. This way if an image link is indexed and you have to replace that image with a newer version, it will be easy to update instead of having 2 versions of the same image


  24. Biblicon

    Bob, thank you for your reply. I looked up your link, the date for feedbacks has passed, but it seems that you have answered all my problems. including alignment in HTML. I did not think changing manually would work! It does not work for image size. I am not sure what Horizon is so could not test but look forward to the new changes which can solve a lot of problems. Thanks again.


  25. TimoViBritannia

    Hi, when I use the app on my mac I don’t get the media section but when using a normal web browser I get it. Can you please add it to the app as well.


  26. Martin K.

    I’m a big fan of the direct access to the media library from within Calypso. Makes adding screenshots to forum posts so much easier. 😀


  27. knightstar76

    Are there any plans to add this feature to the mobile app?


  28. afthead

    I can rotate images?!?!? Oh glorious day! Thanks WordPress!


  29. Nanou

    Great improvement. Kudos!


  30. Theo Herbots FutureNet

    Using WordPress is becoming more pleasant and better.
    Thanks to the whole team
    Theo Herbots


  31. Dan

    Nice improvement. Still, however, would like to see the ability to put media into user-created folders for organizing. That, or to echo an earlier comment, have the ability to tag photos and search on tags.

    Liked by 1 person

  32. Malot

    Is there a way to resize a photo (already stored in the media gallery) from square to rectangular without losing any of its elements? How? Thank you.


  33. LLewis

    I dream of folders.


  34. Gail Kaufman

    In the older version, I could type a customized URL to link the photo to its source to credit the photographer. Why was that feature removed in the newer version? That’s one reason I keep reverting back to WP Admin.


    • Kerry Liu

      Thanks for the feedback! Quick credit linking sounds like a useful feature. We currently don’t have any plans for this, but I made a note of your request.

      Liked by 1 person

  35. Metro Square

    Nice features and useful for all bloggers.

    Liked by 1 person

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