The New App for Windows Is Here

Everything you love about writing and publishing, now in the Start Menu.

You asked, and we answered—quickly! Just weeks after unveiling the all-new and desktop app for Mac, we’re thrilled to introduce our new Windows app.


Now you can manage your sites, write and publish, and even customize your site and view stats from a dedicated app in your Windows Start Menu. Use it for your sites on, as well as for self-hosted WordPress sites. (For the latter, you’ll just need to have the Jetpack plugin installed to connect your site.)

And just like the rest of, the new Windows app is simple, seamless, and blazingly fast.

Download the app


The new Windows app includes:

  • The My Sites dashboard for managing multiple sites, whether or self-hosted WordPress with Jetpack.
  • The new Editor, with in-app previewing and draft auto-saving.
  • The Reader, which lets you follow and read any of your favorite sites, and the all-new Discover, which recommends outstanding content from across all of WordPress.
  • Insights and Stats, which show you exactly how your site and posts are performing.
  • In-app notifications, so you can see comments, likes, and new follows all in one place.

This, of course, is just the beginning. We’re excited to have you try it out, and thanks for all your continued feedback and support. 

Learn more about the new in the video below. Since its launch you’ve already published upwards of 3 million posts using the new editor!

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  1. Andrew Hansen

    Awsome! Unfortunately i am without a computer currently so i can’t check this out, but look forward to when i get a new one over christmas break


  2. Andrew Rainaldi

    I have the mobile app but I feel like that’s different. Can anyone tell me how the Windows App compares to accessing WordPress in-browser?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Mark Armstrong

      Hi Andrew, the new Windows app is built from the same “Calypso” core as the new web and Mac apps, so you’re going to get a similar experience. The dedicated desktop app, however, offers additional convenience especially if you are working on drafts, checking notifications often, keeping an eye on stats throughout the day. And we’re excited to keep building on this foundation.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. andykirillov

    What’s the big deal about a desktop app when you can use your browser on desktop?! You’d better presented a Windows Phone or at least a UWP app.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Mark Armstrong

      Hi Andy! A big benefit of the dedicated desktop app, in addition to setting up a foundation for future development, is convenience. I’m biased, but I now use the app heavily, because it’s great for working on drafts throughout the day, as well as keeping an eye on notifications and stats. Your workflow may vary, but I’d urge you to give it a try.

      Liked by 1 person

      • andykirillov

        Hi Mark! Still see no difference between writing drafts etc. via app vs via browser. I used to write via Windows Live Writer which is great, but even I now post through wordpress editor (preferably the old admin one). And it is perfectly accessible through the browser which is open most of the time anyway.

        Where I cannot access WP and manage it conveniently, however, is my Windows Phone, since WP abandoned this platform. The gap might have been covered if the app you write about were the Universal App accessible both on desktop and mobile.

        Liked by 4 people

        • Marcus Kazmierczak

          The launch of our desktop apps came about as part of the open-source Calypso code the foundation for the new Using the same Javascript client code in Calypso, we are able to create cross-platform desktop apps using Electron, which bundles the code, Node and Chromium together. More or less the same app is available for Mac, Windows 7, 8 and 10 and coming soon Linux.


    • kaitlynkillian

      I am guessing some browsing apps are just faster and easier to use.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Holy87

    Hi, and for Windows Mobile phones? That should be an universal app.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Mark Armstrong

      We’ll certainly keep an eye on Windows Mobile usage among users, but no immediate plans at this time.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Jonás Trinidad



  6. Holly

    The new Windows app looks like the same version that launches in my Chrome browser, none of which look like the former Dashboard setup. Hooray?


  7. JenT

    Hi Mark-just downloaded and installed on my Win10 netbook and have already encountered some issues. Is there a dedicated support forum for these Apps or do we post in the Community Forums? Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Sieglinde

    I just downloaded the app and wrote my first post – LOVE IT! What a time saver and indeed, it is super fast!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Kerry S.

    Super easy to download to Windows 10 and only a single click away from the desktop. I have only ventured as far as liking and commenting in the reader so far but it seems perfectly easy and straightforward to use for keeping up with other bloggers. Still to try writing and publishing with it…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Jonathan

    Excellent stuff – wrote my thoughts up here –

    Liked by 4 people

  11. Barry Brindisi

    Hi Mark. I am liking the idea of this new app for my Windows 10 desktop PC. I have a question, though. I am using an Android tablet and I have the app on my tablet. Can I synchronize these apps so I am working from the same draft?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mark Armstrong

      Hi Barry! Yes, you should be able to access a synced draft across the web, Android and the Windows app.


  12. katzkidz

    Nice to see – special that you have plans for a Linuxversion too :-). Maybe the Linuxversion will arrive us in the beginning of th new year, so I can use this app on my laptop in my holydays :).

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Mitch Zeissler

    Excellent — I look forward to using it.


  14. Tina's Faerie Files

    Once I get my current issue figured out I may give this a shot.


  15. officialnnamdi

    You must agree, its beautiful


  16. Chris Lauzon

    Reblogged this on Chris Lauzon's Blog and commented:

    How amazing is this?

    Liked by 2 people

  17. emchorush

    I also prefer the old format for editing which can be accessed via WP-admin. The reason I like the older edit version is it’s functionality wrt adding an embedded link to a text side bar widget. It could be operator error here but if I have created an embedded link on a page, switched to text in the edit box, then copied the html code, then pasted that into the text widget, – it will only work in the old edit format. If I try the same thing in the new edit format the code is not recognized and does not create a functioning link.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. pythontutor

    Awesome new, I am installing on my Windows 10 Laptop and going to give it a try for sure. This was in my list for long time.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. D H I N E

    Hi I’m a new wordpress user, i use free plan for now, may I ask if there is a wordpress app for android phone?
    Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  20. VivianNwadike

    Thanks Mark, I just downloaded the app and it seems to be working fine.

    Liked by 2 people

  21. abigailirozuru

    Yay! Good News. I’ll be downloading that and checking it out today!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  22. skynimbus

    I was waiting for this! Ah, I’m ecstatic! Can’t wait to try this out on my Windows Laptop!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. thomasoutt

    Is there any such thing for Apple iMac desktop computers?

    Liked by 1 person

  24. jk109

    This is great! can you please develop an app for windows phone users too…

    Liked by 3 people

  25. Aishwarya Mohan Gahrana

    Yesterday, I removed many Apps from my life and planning to use web versions of many products when this good news came. This may be good option but I want to run a campaign against over App world.
    Hope, you will not discontinue the Web version.


  26. Manu Stanley

    Was waiting for this so much. Wonderful interface. Thank you!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Richard Hemmer (@stormgrass)

    I really like the new app, but I’m having two issues (small ones). One is that it doesn’t have spell-check integrated, which would really be quite useful.

    Another, and I think that’s not technically the app’s problem, but rather the API’s, is that when I want to link to posts from my blog, the normal editor lets me search my previously written posts, while the new editor, and therefore the app as well, doesn’t. Are there plans to add that functionality to the new editor?

    Liked by 2 people

  28. periesonline

    its really cool, makes publishing easier. love it

    Liked by 1 person

  29. dechareli

    Windows? What’s that? 😈


    • akiva96

      Haha its the program that I dual boot to 90% of the time because I can’t get any actual work done on OS X. But OS X is great for fooling around on the internet.


  30. lokodlaazotea

    only need it in windows phone. please.

    Liked by 2 people

  31. malachiphoenixfeather

    Cool. I needed that.


  32. akiou

    Hi there Mark and all staff, thank you for developing such a great app. I love it. I use Mac version (but comments for mac release was already closed, so I post here). I found some lacks of essential functions on this app that Web version has. Not display the list of existing links on “insert/edit link” button yet. Can’t select “Uploaded to this page” on “Insert media” window. They are so essential for me to edit. Looking fwd to the next version with these functions. Thanks.

    Liked by 3 people

  33. Chic LadyT

    This is great!


  34. andykirillov

    I wonder how it is possible to “keep an eye on Windows Mobile usage” if you have no Windows Phone app?

    Liked by 3 people

  35. Alomora64

    I would love it if wordpress could add in the functionalities from the old dashboard, for instance the separate category editor and media viewer. It’s super annoying having to go to to get to this dashboard.


  36. Mitch Zeissler

    I wanted to like this new app, but I can’t. This is just like the overly-simplified version of the online editor. The online editor I use for my WordPress posts is the older version with much more granularity, control, and choices. Here are some of my issues:

    A) No list of tags? Sure, I found the short list of them — but I want the entire list, which the older online version supports. Sure, they show up if I begin to type them, but I don’t want that — I the list so I don’t miss some by accident.

    B) No copy and paste support for captions? Are you kidding me? I have dozens of templates with embedded HTML code that I use to create my captions, and your telling me that I can’t use them in the desktop app? The older online editor does this, why won’t the desktop app?

    C) The desktop app has already lost my password once. This is a huge pain, because I have the two-factor authentication turned on and have to go through the process again. Why is it a pain? Because the verification comes via text, and I don’t have a clear signal for that everywhere that I do my editing, which means I have to walk as far as a city block to get the stupid verification code. I know, I know… there is the Google app to assist, but if you’ve gone through three phones in as many months, getting that thing connected to your account is another royal pain.

    I’m stopping here. If I want to use the overly-simplified editor, I’ll just do it online.

    However, if you decide to give us a choice and allow us to use the older, more granular editor GUI in a desktop app, count me in. I’ll even Beta test it for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  37. Ayu L

    Love this app, but I think it still needs some improvement or addition features such as drag and drop when inserting images, alt description, and post tag


  38. Farukh Hussain

    Its a great app..


  39. Margaret Rogers (@freighttrain122)

    Thanks WordPress. It’s about time. This looks like it will make it easier to post to my websites. The old way of keeping up with my websites was very confusing.


  40. nilu3

    This is great ! Real Great 🙂


  41. Maedah Batool

    Awesome! I currently use Windows and was waiting for it anxiously. Now I got my thing and I’m all set to configure my sites from here.


  42. Raquel

    WP make bogging so easy and cool! I should not have read this post, because I’m thinking of deleting my blog and this made everything harder for me 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  43. maykesplana

    I will have to try this on mac. works great on windows. good job!


  44. Darshak Parikh

    Any plans for a Linux app?

    Liked by 2 people

  45. patsgamingblog

    Fantastic Idea. I love the idea of how everything merges together in one place!


  46. Anders Bore

    Really happy that I spent some time doing a clean install of windows 10 last weekend. Can’t wait to start using the desktop version of WordPress!


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