One Central Hub for All Your Content

Manage all your sites more efficiently with our latest round of updates to the dashboard.

Last week, we announced a few updates to the interface, including faster stats and enhanced site management on both desktop and mobile devices.

Our push to make all sites faster and easier to access and manage continues. This week, we’re thrilled to unveil a few brand-new features that allow bloggers, publishers, and business owners to run their sites and manage their content from one central hub, no matter what device they’re using.

From new blog post and page management tools to Jetpack site integrations, we hope you enjoy the latest additions as much as we do!

Centralized post management

You can now access all your posts from one convenient location, whether you write one personal blog or publish on multiple sites. Quickly sort through published, scheduled, drafted, or even trashed posts for one or all of your sites at once!


A visual preview of each blog post lets you scan your content to edit, view, publish, or trash from a single list. Another new functionality we’re excited to introduce today: while “Blog Posts” is selected, you can hop to another blog’s post list using the site selector in the sidebar.

Easy access to pages

For many site administrators, managing pages is just as — if not more — important than post management, so we’ve extended to pages the same functionality that lets you review all your posts from one place.

You can look up any of your pages, and then publish, un-publish, or trash them, all directly from your dashboard. Editing pages is also just one click away, regardless of the number of sites you run.

One WordPress dashboard for all your sites

Screenshot of the All My Sites button

We also have great news for those of you who have both self-hosted WordPress sites and sites. The new WordPress dashboard gives you access to all your Jetpack-connected sites as well as to sites hosted here on, and allows you to manage your posts, pages, and plugins from the same central hub.

Tell us what you think!

For some, individual-site management in the classic WP Admin dashboard will continue to be the go-to. That said, today’s updates include some entirely new features that are only accessible in the new dashboard. To tap into multi-site posts and pages lists and manage all your WordPress sites under one hood, we encourage you to try out the new interface.

Visit to see the new dashboard, or to get writing!

We want to thank all of you who’ve shared constructive feedback with us — it helps us immensely in our effort to make the experience even smoother. Whichever dashboard you fancy, we hope you’ll take the updates for a spin and continue to share your thoughts with us!

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  1. Harold L Carter

    Great innovative improvement!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Eli Pacheco

    The new dashboard is great, but I really miss the ability to pick a random post. Any chance we still have access to that feature? It helps when you’re catching up on a new blog, or sharing archived posts in social media.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Jonathan

    I guessed there were big changes afoot when the user interface started to change some time ago. Will be interesting to see how this all evolves.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. Jean

    Ok, I can see easy it is to trash a published post.
    Note: I don’t edit/manage my posts in a mobile device. I just look at comments..

    Please explain to us about the jet pack plug-ins…for blogs. I thought jetpack plug-ins were only for blogs.

    What plug-ins can be used in blogs? I’m confused.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Sheri

      The plugins section in the dashboard is a place where you can manage plugins that are installed on a blog. It is not a way to install new plugins on blogs.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. northernhermit

    No mobile app for Windows Phone?

    Liked by 3 people

    • Sheri

      The updates mentioned in this post are about the browser experience, not apps. WordPress for Windows Phone is an Open Source app.

      Liked by 1 person

      • northernhermit

        I do like the new browser experience, though it took me by surprise and does take a little getting used to. You might do well to ask users about their experience again in the future after we get accustomed to using it. Also, the link you provided is marked private by its owner.


  6. amommasview

    Thanks for your great work. Checking it out soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Rebekah

    This is all fine and dandy, but I STILL have to change page in order to sign in/out! The drop-down menu from the profile image in the top bar, is missing.

    Liked by 9 people

  8. jaketsubota

    Yes! Can’t wait.


  9. YellowCable

    I like the new layout and organization. One thing that I would like to mention is that logout is on a different place than “reader” page. I would like to have that available there under a menu somewhere instead of having to click on to “Me” and log out from there.

    Liked by 7 people

  10. Ash

    Reblogged this on Ash (the Mighty) and commented:
    As you know, I work at Automattic (the folks behind and this is something that we’ve been working on for a LONG time now. Hope you like what you find on your sites going forward . . . it’s a whole new world!

    Liked by 2 people

  11. dandelionsalad

    It’s too-blue to use just like the other WP pages (Reader, New Stats, BBB editor).

    I prefer the old administrative pages where we can choose the colors.

    I also prefer seeing a list of the posts with only the title so there is less scrolling to do.

    There is no bulk edit option that I can see on the “new” blog posts page.

    There is a lot of empty blue space on both sides of the screen on a desktop monitor.

    I will continue using the old dashboard/administrative pages/Stats page, classic editor, etc.

    Liked by 22 people

  12. SevenAcreSky

    Sounds like great updates…I only wish still that there was a Windows Phone 8 app.


  13. Shane Francescut

    I am absolutely loving the new format. I love the look and I love the ease at which I can bounce between the different blogs I manage. I also use the phone app quite a bit, but would love for it to be a little better. However, I can still get a post out through my phone when needed.

    Thanks WordPress!

    Liked by 5 people

  14. nykeypad

    Nice changes. The problem is there’s no way to exit the site from the reader – seems that option was removed, so I need to go to Dashboard to exit. Please bring that option back. Thanks.

    Liked by 5 people

  15. Adrienne Rice Adams

    I can definitely see myself warming up to the New Dashboard. However, I feel the way that new tools are being introduced is very disruptive and jarring: suddenly, without warning, you go to do something and it’s totally different! IMHO it would have been much better to wait till more of this was in place and then provide an introduction of some sort… but as it is we’ve all been beta testers for a few months now and it’s not been very pleasant.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Marilyn Armstrong

    Thank you for not foisting this on us without giving us a choice. I will check it out, but since I have just one site and very static pages, I have no genuine use for that level of complexity in management. But I can see where other people might find additional management functions useful. I will see.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. cgacommerce

    Great! I like it!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Jrtsphoto

    Reblogged this on Jrtsphoto and commented:
    A great update from the WordPress team!


  19. ELMalvaney

    What multi-user sites really need is a better calendar for scheduling posts instead of the clumsy list format that shows all scheduled posts even those scheduled for two months in advance. If you ever add that to the new dashboard, I’ll be sure to use it.

    Liked by 2 people

  20. singlegirlie

    I would love it if there were a simpler way to get to the dashboard. When you go to, it opens up the reader and there is no direct link to the dashboard from there. Would LOVE it if there were! (Or better yet, just have the dashboard as the home page!)

    Liked by 13 people

  21. Greater Voice

    WordPress is one place that always inspires, and fills confidence. This is one site that improvises and innovates for the better. 3 Cheers! Always happy to be flying on WordPress.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. anneinpt

    The upgrade isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be after the fiasco of boop-boop-beep. I still prefer the classic dashboard and stats but this new version is workable too.

    However I still don’t really understand why you all felt the need to “upgrade” something that was working perfectly and was really easy and user-friendly to begin with. If it ain’t broken don’t fix it!

    Liked by 13 people

  23. ultraistgut

    Great – Thank you so much !


  24. Kelp Scotland

    Unfortunately, it takes 4 clicks to get to the classic stats and in doing so I end up with 2 windows open.

    Liked by 3 people

  25. Gary Lum

    I’ve now moved to a self hosted site but still use the WordPress reader on all my iOS devices (love the reader). It would be good to be able to like and comment and even reblog the self hosted sites that have JetPack installed.

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Jim Grey

    This is such an exciting time to be on WordPress with all the backend changes you’ve been rolling out. I’m going to give the new Posts pages a go. They are oh-so-shiny and they load really fast. And I like how a snippet from the beginning of the post shows up, along with an image if any are hosted at WP. And being able to see individual post stats from here is handy.

    One thing I’d like to see on the new pages is the ability to adjust scheduled future post times, a la Quick Edit on the old posts page. I use that a lot — and it avoids me having to go into full edit mode on each page just to adjust the day I want it to run.

    I kind of hope you never deprecate the old posts page, as there are a couple things I’d continue to do there that don’t look easily supportable on the new pages. One of those is sorting and filtering my posts. I’m surprised by how often I use that. In addition to my personal blog, I contribute to a group blog and I frequently want to find just my posts. That’s easy on the old posts page.

    Keep up the exciting developments.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Bob Ralian

      Hi Jim, thanks for the feedback! You should be able to filters posts by “My Posts” or “All” when you are viewing a group site. You should also be able to see all of your posts across multiple sites at once by selecting “All My Sites” and then “My Posts”. Hope that’s helpful!

      Liked by 2 people

  27. Kiki

    Thank you for making draft posts more easily accessible! I used to dislike that I could only get to them via 3 or 4 clicks, now it’s so easy. That’s ONE of my Xmas wishes fulfilled 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  28. monoenosi



  29. thesciencegeek

    The new look dashboard is great but, to be honest, I must admit that I slightly prefer the old stats page, it gives a greater amount of information.

    The Science Geek

    Liked by 3 people

  30. nashboroguy

    I guess I am in the minority. I am not one of these people who oppose change. In fact, I like to be innovative and change things up. But, I prefer my pages to be the first thing I see. I really do not care for the dashboard format. And, I really do not care about the stats of my blog. I am not a blogger looking to see how many people I can have looking at my content. I use my blog to show family and friends the adventure I am on in life. Just my two cents worth. and many might think that this is all my comments are worth. So be it. You asked for comments. I gave mine.

    Liked by 5 people

  31. Elisa

    uhm ok so i went to look to see if something was faster as i was muttering about clicking through and waiting for page loads being waaaay slower, and I clicked on posts to see what was commented on in this article, at first it appeared interesting and then I realized that I have to scroll through them all and I cannot get to a list to fix tags, categories, bulk actions or anything, I also now have a barfy migraine from scrolling. I am glad for classic dashboard it does more and does it better.

    Liked by 6 people

  32. Ranting Crow

    I also like to ad your inconsistency. At one point it is call the classic dashboard, and another you like saying WP admin. It is these things that confuses people who are trying to use your service.
    Making it look better does not make it work fluently.
    Working with big screens I like to see in one single blink what to expect and not scroll as if on a tablet or phone.
    This said you are not making it any easier as you so claim, by keeping those inconstancies in and making it even harder to find something by illogical menu’s.
    Ooh i said that already.

    Liked by 6 people

  33. angelalacey67

    I think Singlegirlie has a great idea. I was wondering the same thing myself.


  34. nykeypad

    Hi, and thanks for acknowledging my comment here. I don’t use many of the new features, some of which make the navigation process more tedious. Wish WordPress would bring back some of the simpler features.

    Liked by 1 person

  35. Alx Block

    Reblogged this on Alx Block and commented:

    This launch is something to be really proud of.


  36. NaughtyPrincess Milneaux

    I’ve used the new dashboard since it came out and I don’t find it easier to use at all. All the scrolling is tedious and frustrating. I prefer to have the menus and widget boxes from the classic dashboard available all at once so I can quickly get to where I need to go. I also agree that the dashboard is what I’d prefer to see at login rather than the reader since that’s still more clicking and scrolling I have to do to in order to get where I’m going. I have many sites, collaborative and my own, and having all the posts in one place is actually a total mess when I just need to see posts from a particular blog. I’m not a fan of the new posting page either and always default back to the classic style. The new versions are not intuitive, make you scroll way too much and the color scheme is harder for me to read. I’m in the classic camp all the way on this one. With that said, I’m not opposed to change, but this new version hasn’t made anything easier or faster for me so I’m sticking with the classic.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Sheri

      Thanks for your feedback. The new dashboard will get more things added over time. Regarding your point about seeing posts from just one particular blog, you can do that by clicking “Switch Site,” selecting the site you want, then clicking Blog Posts in the left menu. The All Sites view for posts is a new addition and not the only way to view posts.


  37. Alianne

    The one thing I keep hoping for and never see with these updates is an easily accessible log out button. It used to be I could at least hover over my gravatar and find the drop-down menu, now even that option is gone and I have to click through just to log out. Not very helpful 😦

    Liked by 3 people

  38. sebongile

    I like it even though I was lost first time I used it.


  39. perfectvelvet

    I like the new layout because I like the new blog post format, but where is the button to copy an old post on there? Am I missing it, or do I need to stay classic to use it?

    Liked by 2 people

  40. Pastor Ken

    Eh, still too much blanks space between everything. For being “mobile friendly”, I have to do an awful lot of scrolling past blank space, both on my phone and on my big desktop screen. The old dashboard presents more information in more categories and fits more in. I’ll stick with the Classic Dashboard–thank you for making that an option (a good thing, too, since a number of links in the new dashboard actually take you to their Classic Dashboard pages, as they don’t have new pages of their own).

    Liked by 3 people

  41. MidknightStarr

    The updates are ok, I guess, but I only have the one site and I really prefer the old dashboard/admin/stats/posting editor, etc. and will continue to use those.

    I very rarely use Reader and I feel that, as another commenter had said, everything “too blue”. The pages are too “bright”, and hard on my eyes, for me to use. I like the color choices that the classic dashboard has.

    I tried the new post editor and did not like it. At all. I did not find it easier and I prefer having the “most used tags” to choose from and tick boxes to choose my categories that the old post editor has. That way I can keep my tags and categories consistent in all of my posts.

    Otherwise, I love using for my blog/site.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sheri

      Thank you for your feedback and comments. About tags and categories in the editor, just start typing one in and all of the possible matching solutions will show up in a dropdown. Click Enter to accept the highlighted one or use your arrow keys to select the one you want and then click enter.

      The Reader is particularly good on mobile in case you want to give that a go. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  42. jmmcdowell

    The Classic Dashboard still appears to be the only way to get into the “quick edit” mode, which is the only way I know of to disable comments for individual posts. That’s an option that many in my blogging cohort never want to lose, so please don’t do away with it.

    Liked by 1 person

  43. jaklumen

    As long as classic modes to the Dashboard and New Post modules are kept, I’m happy. I understand and appreciate that these new UI improvements are designed to be easier to use, but there are lots of features in the Classic mode that I rely on for fine control of my posts.

    Also, if some things remain by way of URL protocol (like adding ?random a blog posts page, as Sheri mentioned to Eli Pacheco), that’s cool with me, too… just as long as things are kept and are somewhat accessible.

    Liked by 1 person

  44. John Zanetti

    I would like the old classic dashboard back as the default. Now I can’t log out directly from the header menu. Now I have to go through my gravatar profile logout. I could click on ‘classic dashboard’ in the side menu because that does still contain my logout on the top header menu but that’s an extra step. I am really disliking this.

    Liked by 2 people

  45. menstonvillagewharfedale

    I can find no way of seeing all my blogs then being able to choose one to edit etc. Have I misunderstood the whole thing. There is a ‘button’ to “register a new post” but that is about creating a new post (and that’s what it should read. So, unless I have totally misunderstood can you tell me how I see all three of my blogs on one dashboard. My first impression of the new dashboard is that it is horrible, but I’ll reserve judgement until I can look at all three of my blogs in one place, if that’s what I should be able to do.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sheri

      Go to and click “My Sites” in the toolbar. Click “Blog Posts” to see all of the posts for all of the blogs on your account or use the “Switch Site” button at the top of the sidebar to select just one blog to view at a time.


  46. Effi - the wine sinner

    It works really well! Like the latest improvement a lot!


  47. Chris Lauzon

    Reblogged this on Portal of Delusion and commented:

    This was one of the coolest things I got to see made, and it’s something every WordPress user can use (Every user of “automattically” and users who have the Jetpack plugin installed on self-hosted WordPress sites.


  48. arth

    Thanks for keeping access to the old dashboard. I have vision problems and find it difficult to navigate the newer styled, multi-tasked environments. Giving us the freedom to choose the dashboard that works best on an individual basis, I believe, is your best innovation.

    Liked by 3 people

  49. rfvlak

    Fantastic new features, particularly the option to automatically update plugins on all my sites at once. Thank you so much for enabling this!

    Liked by 1 person

  50. StaringAtPhones

    I like the new hub, but you can you guys add a comment manager (both for ham and spam comments)? It’s the last main thing missing from the old dashboard.


    • Sheri

      Thanks for the suggestion. There aren’t any plans to add a separate comment manager right now. Try using the Notifications panel to manage comments for things you have authored; otherwise, stick with the old dashboard for more in-depth comment management for now. Another option would be to use one of the WordPress mobile apps if you’re looking to manage comments on mobile—I’ve been using the iOS app for comment management a lot lately.


  51. ayietim1

    I love this new dashboard. It’s so convenient and so fast. It’s good to know that the wordpress team is working tirelessly to improve on themselves. It’s so inspiring. Keep it up.


  52. talesfromthemotherland

    I really miss the easy access to my stats. The bar that one ran along the top, was such an easy way to click on stats. Now, I don’t see anything like that. Granted, all these changes are tough on this old dog, but what am I missing?? It seems I have to open my post, and then go to stats, while my notifications are still easy to get.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sheri

      Currently, clicking on “My Sites” will open a page with all of your stats in the main content panel and a sidebar for navigation on the left. That’s the quickest way to get from any page in the main dashboard to your stats right now.

      Liked by 1 person

      • talesfromthemotherland

        Thanks for the help… but man, I find that a giant step backwards! It was so much easier to just have the line across the top, with your highs and lows, and one click to see it all. Thanks for the help.

        Liked by 2 people

  53. Leanne's Delicious Food and Travel Adventures

    I like the new stats page but I will miss the old one with the last 5 weeks history of daily stats. I’ve been able to use those stats to identify trends that you so often mention in Blog U posts. In fact all of the new stats don’t go back very far. That’s a real shame and one that sends me back to the old stats pages.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sheri

      Thanks for your feedback. Expanding the main stats graph from 10 to 30 days is a planned update based on yours and other similar feedback we’ve received so far.

      Liked by 1 person

  54. Nil

    When the likes turned kind of sluggish today while I was (still) adapting some posts to the new theme and little new things started popping up, I realized there were some changes under way… and remembered this mail 🙂

    It was fun, in fact, to know that someone on WP side was very busy.. No, certainly not irritated but rather smiley on this side…

    I am starting to appreciate the new features though at the moment I am still jumping around a bit if I cannot find something I need right away… But it is looking good! Keep up the good work!… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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