Writing Communities Connect Bloggers Across WordPress.com

Blogging is about both publishing and finding a community. These three writers’ hubs bring together bloggers from all over the world.

We blog because we have something we want to express and we hope it will resonate with someone else. Blogging enables us to build powerful connections with people we might have never met otherwise.

There are lots of blogging communities and challenges aimed at fostering those relationships and inspiring more blogging. These three, all writing-focused, are building global networks of blogger-writers — maybe you’ll find a home in one!

Today’s Author

The mission of Today’s Author couldn’t be simpler, or more powerful: to foster a community of creative writers through a healthy and supportive environment.

write now

Today’s Author is an open, flexible community of writers focused on helping each other kick-start their pens (or keyboards). Their prompts work for a variety of bloggers, while their “Writers’ Circle” posts explore everything from what to do when inspiration dries up to strategies for editing your own work to how we incorporate our traditions and histories into our writing.

With a range of resources, daily inspiration, and a supportive community, it’s a fun, friendly way to get writing and make connections — with a low barrier to entry.

Friday Fictioneers

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields organizes a popular weekly writing challenges for flash fiction writers on WordPress.com: Friday Fictioneers.

Each Wednesday, a new photo prompt goes up and writers around the world use it to craft 100-word stories inspired by the image. Bloggers submit links to their published stories and are encouraged to visit one another and comment, which they do with gusto! We love Friday Fictioneers as much for the blogging bonds it cultivates as for the range and power of the stories it inspires.

(Hundred-word stories are also a great way for non-fiction bloggers to explore fiction writing. Why not visit Friday Fictioneers Central on Wednesday and throw your hat into the virtual ring?)


TipsyLit, the brainchild of book- and wine-loving blogger Ericka Clay, isn’t just about publishing posts — it’s a celebration of words. If you’ve been looking for a way to get involved with a book club or writers’ group that lets you participate while sitting at home, drinking a glass of wine, and wearing yoga pants, look no further than TipsyLit:

tipsy lit

Along with writing prompts, TipsyLit has a writers’ group where members can get feedback on works-in-progress. The book club “meets” the last Friday of every month on Facebook — this month’s book is Good Omens, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Prachett.

For all its communal aspects, blogging can sometimes feel solitary. Getting involved with a blogging community can kick-start your entrance into the blogging world, or help you find a whole new set of friends and fans.

Looking for a blogging group or challenge to get involved in? Take at look at our Community Event Listings, or join the Writing 101 challenge starting on The Daily Post on June 2nd.

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  1. rochellewisoff

    I’m smiling. Thank you for the nod in our direction.




  2. rochellewisoff

    Reblogged this on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple and commented:
    What an honor for us as a blogging community. A nice surprise to find this morning.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Tish Farrell

    Writing across the world – a web of interconnected stories – what could be more creative and worthwhile and nourishing than that?


  4. sustainabilitea

    Friday Fictioneers is lots of fun and highly addictive so feel free to join us any week.



  5. www.ginabriganti.com

    Friday Fictioneers and Tipsy Lit are both amazing communities that I am proud to be a part of. Congratulations to Rochelle and Ericka for building so much greatness. And thank you, always.


  6. silentlyheardonce

    Great plug congrats on that. FF has grown tremendously since is was run by Madison Wood. You done excellent Rochelle.


  7. colonialist

    Useful information, indeed! Whether with the germ of a book in mind, or having just completed a sixth novel, writers can always get a great deal of information from one another in such sites.
    Flash fiction is a wonderful way to hone one’s skills. After paring a piece down to the essentials, one develops a far better concept of what is just padding and what really adds to a narrative. I intend to go there!


  8. fahrusha

    I am beginning to become more a part of the “WordPress Community” after 8 years of solitary blog writing and articles like this are helping. I’m wondering if there is any group out there for non-fiction writers on the paranormal, the anomalous and UFOs etc? Thanks for all you do.


  9. Mabel Grimes

    I’m new to blogging, and just want to say I appreciate your taking the time to share ways to get more involved and find more of a community. It can get a little lonely…


    • Michelle W.

      If you’re looking to become more a part of the community, I encourage you to visit The Daily Post and consider trying the Writing 101 challenge starting in June — these challenges really bring people together and help you connect and build lasting relationships. (And you’re very welcome 🙂 )

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Kristopiastudios

    I’m so glad you incluted Today’s Author – I follow that site, and it really does motivate me to write more, as well as build community with other writers.


  11. Dale Challener Roe

    I was wondering why I suddenly had dozens of email about new followers. 😉

    From all of us at Today’s Author, thanks for the mention–and for so aptly summarizing what our blog is all about.


  12. Natalie K Martin

    Fantastic, just what I needed to see! Thank you

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jennie Saia

    Knowing three of the fabulous women behind the scenes at TipsyLit, I know how hard they’ve worked to build a thriving community of writers and readers. Congratulations!!


  14. Jean Reinhardt

    Really good information in this post, thank you. I’m reblogging, if that’s okay.


  15. Jennifer Jopson

    Thanks for enlightening me on the blogging groups! I knew about the writing challenges but not about the three groups you mentioned. I think this post will help many other like-minded bloggers!


  16. tedstrutz

    I’ve been writing stories as a Friday Fictioneer for two years now. Your last comment could not be truer, Michelle, as my first entries were non-fiction and I finally gave fiction a shot and never looked back. It is a nice community of writers and I’ve made a few close friends… some I have actually met in person. Rochelle has to be one of the hardest workers in blogdom.


  17. themediocrityproject

    Thanks for this post! This is incredibly helpful for those of us who are just getting started or need some feedback.


  18. the blogging disciple

    My interest is piqued! I’m thinking about the Friday Fictioneers. I’ve been writing mostly in poetic form, so this would be an interesting challenge. Thank you for bringing us these ideas! 🙂

    Shalom! Beth


  19. Ericka Clay

    Aaaah!!! Thanks so much for mentioning Tipsy!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Amy Reese

    Yay for Friday Fictioneers and Tipsy Lit, two wonderful writing communities! Rochelle and Ericka do a spectacular job. I will check out Today’s Author. Thanks for shining a spotlight on these great blogs.


  21. kelseyaleem17

    These are all great! Thanks for posting these. Can’t wait to jump into some of them!

    -Kelsey A.
    life well read


  22. Deanna Herrmann

    Ericka Clay is on vacation, but as Tipsy Lit’s Managing Editor, I’d just like to say thank you so much for mentioning and including us! Hats off to the other sites as well!


  23. keenjalM

    Amazing Ideas. Excited to write about Friday Fiction’s 🙂


  24. patriciaruthsusan

    I’ve been writing stories for Friday Fictioneers since the end of last year and thoroughly enjoy it. I’d never written fiction stories before and found I’ve learned a lot. I look forward to the new prompt every week as each one is a challenge to come up with a different story. T\he other writers are very supportive.


  25. MrBinks

    Reblogged this on me.you.coffee and commented:
    Great recognition for Friday Fictioneers!


  26. wordswithnannaprawn

    Thank you so much for the Tipsy Lit shout out!! (from the Tipsy Lit Instagram Manager 🙂 xx


  27. kartikkotian

    This is an amazing idea for people who are really trying their inner writer to take off!


  28. themathmaster

    Tipsy Lit is the best.


  29. tyrocharm

    Thank you for the leads, your post is sending me on many different travels across the writing world. Looking forward to these creative journeys.


  30. Björn Rudberg (brudberg)

    Friday Fictioneers.. one of my favorite hang-outs.. It certainly have changed me into almost an author.. wouldn’t miss it for the world.. 🙂


  31. wallcrawl

    It’s been a lonely journey for a teenager like me in this blogsite…but reading through the links and whatnots regarding the Friday Fictioneers i hope to change that. 🙂 I want to belong in a family of writers- awesome writers- and i do hope and wish that you guys can help me in figuring out how to do this awesome stuff. More power!! 😀


  32. larissa1220

    Thanks for this eye opening post. I’ve never really thought of blogging in that community aspect. I’m thinking of giving Friday Fictionerrs a try!


  33. Dee

    Thank you for the shout out for Friday Fictioneers. It’s a great group of people, join us we have fun.


  34. Sun

    Hooray for Friday Fictioneers!! 🙂


  35. Debb Stanton

    Reblogged this on STANTON SUNSHINE and commented:
    They didn’t mention our Writer Wednesday Blog Hop, but that’s okay. This article shares why it’s so fun to be in a writing community. 🙂


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