Three Ebooks to Spark Creativity and Grow Traffic

Our new ebooks offer prompts to get you writing each day, tips and techniques on taking great photos, and help with growing traffic and community on your blog. What’s more? They’re free.

At our raison d’être is to do everything we can to help you make your blog the very best it can be. Over at The Daily Post we’ve got daily writing prompts to give your muse a friendly nudge, we publish articles on how to grow your traffic and community, as well as tips and advice on how to take great photos, no matter which gear you choose.

We’ve compiled a ton of great material into three new ebooks, made with love, for you. And, they’re free. They come in three fetching formats so we’ve got you covered no matter whether .pdf, .epub (iBooks), or .mobi (Kindle) is your jam.

365 Writing Prompts


So you want to write but you have trouble getting started? Writers’ block a perpetual, unwelcome guest? With 365 Writing Prompts we’ve got a different writing prompt to jumpstart your muse each and every day of the year. Looking for more writing inspiration and practice? Be sure to check out our weekly writing challenges.

Photography 101


Chock-full of inspiration, technical tips, and practical ideas you can apply right away, Photography 101: The basics of photography and the power of visual storytelling will help you take and make beautiful photographs and school you on post-processing so that your work can shine, no matter whether you’ve got a monster-sized DSLR or a trusty cameraphone in your pocket. If you’d like more practice with your camera, c’mon over to The Daily Post and participate in our weekly photo challenges. We provide the theme each week, you interpret it with your camera as you see fit.

Grow Your Traffic, Build Your Blog


Most of us write, shoot, and blog for the love of it, though it’s always a great feeling to get a Like or a comment, or participate in a great conversation with someone who shares your interests. If you’d like to attract more traffic and nurture a community around your site, take Grow Your Traffic, Build Your Blog: Tips and Tricks for the Tenacious Blogger for a spin.

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  1. danieiie

    I’m always having trouble coming up with a “theme” or discussion topic for my blogs, and this is a really great guideline for people like me! Interesting…


    • Krista

      While I have to admit I’m slightly biased, I can’t recommend The Daily Post enough when it comes to blogging inspiration, tending your community, learning more about features, and meeting a like-minded crowd of supportive people.


  2. The FaithBook

    I love how you guys offer tips and help to the everyday or occasional (like myself) blogger. Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Anna

    I am so, so excited with these ebooks. I honestly can’t thank you enough! For the past few hours I’ve going through all three ebooks writing down ideas. The 365 prompts are super…I even picked about 10 of them that I can incorporate and adjust to my blogs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Leonila Tado

    Thank you so much for your assistance…you inspired me…


  5. Christopher Graziani

    I think these books are a great idea for a couple reasons. It reminds me of being in English class during high school where my teacher would make us write for the first 10 minutes of class to get our brain juices flowing. Whenever we started class with a writing prompt people were more likely to contribute to the conversation than when we just jumped straight into a topic. I find it when I write in the morning I become more open with people around me throughout the day. By getting my thought process going in the morning it helps me better communicate with people and express my ideas easier than when I don’t write in the morning.
    In general, I can see all three of these books being helpful for a PR student or somebody that would like to get into PR.


  6. larsundleopold

    Love you guys and thanks for the tips.


  7. Abi. S

    I like how you guys are always posting and keeping us entertained with your creativity and imaginational spark. It has got me moving and really imto the habit of blogging and is keeping me at the top with my website. I have a tip too for more traffic. Comment more and also make interesting posts that way people will view them and also reblog them which would give some credit to your websote. Thanks for the great tips and keep on shining.


    • Krista

      You’re right. Participating in conversations on topics that interest you is a great way to meet people in the blogging community. I don’t know a single blogger who doesn’t appreciate thoughtful comments on their posts.


      • Abi. S

        Me niether. I’ll write from the heart. I love blogging because it’s like a growth in life, a record of who I am. I would love to connect with my readers through my blog and that’s why I’m always open to comments. By the end of the year, I hope to get a variety of followers and more traffic. I also hope my blog isn’t just an average blog, a blog that people read and learn from, a blog where people come together to share thoughts, a community. One of the wonderful things about blogs is the growth, the learning and the interactions but it’s good to know where and why you started.


  8. pinkylee0202

    Gosh I wish I would have read this 30 minutes ago while I was trying to think of something to talk about. haha


  9. razorrahmon

    Once again a very useful tip for all bloggers out there! Your team is indeed is “pressing” it excellently!


  10. klarafux

    Great tips! Thanks for sharing! 🙂
    I write about Fitness and Health and my Triathlon training! 🙂 Greetings from Austria


  11. Pat

    Very good useful content for bloggers like me. Thank you.


  12. zainabreem

    Inspiring! I am hoping to be a regular blogger after a long hiatus and a whole lot of changes in life. It’s a gratifying feeling to see things like this making the getting back easier!


  13. varakawa

    These are great, thank you so much. No I don’t need to browse the Internet for prompts anymore (always bears the danger of getting distracted…)


  14. Henry Chamberlain

    Way cool. WordPress rocks!


  15. Ryan Poliran

    Thank you so much. This is a big help for me. Awesome!


  16. Emma

    A very clever post which will hopefully help me with the writing task I am trying to set myself this year for work


  17. What Does God's Word Means to You?

    Thank you so much for the 3 free e-books on blogging! Wow, this is exciting. Just started my first blog the other day and really need help. I can’t wait to get started reading the tips. Thanks again. Susan Smith-Allen


  18. thekynegro29

    These are great suggestions. I used to have a low opinion of Ebooks but that was due to a lack of knowledge, and my love of dusty libraries. I still love wandering through tables of books at the Strand in NYC or Powells in Oregon. However ebooks are the wave of the future and here to stay. Thanks again!


  19. islanderview

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! These books are just what I need…have skimmed through all three & a half, and I’m sure they will help me tremendously with my blog. I love the Writing Prompts and Zero to Hero items. I’m looking forward to making more notes and fine tuning my blog with these very inspirational tips! Thank you WordPress & The Daily Post team!!


  20. ckfus

    Wow! So many great ideas and helpful tips. Thank you so very much!!


  21. laquitis

    Thank you for this information. I just created my blog yesterday and this will be helpful in keeping me on track.


  22. lynshaiza

    Great, just what I needed to start off:)


  23. klakkaraju

    great. let me use it 🙂


  24. muhsina

    Brilliant post. It’s quite useful for an amateur like me. Thank you very much.


  25. Howard Mahere

    This is wonderful and very welcome. Thanks!


  26. Eehli

    Oh this is cool 😀 my friend bought me a book kind of like this that is just full of prompts. Now I can put this on my phone and have more! That’s exciting. Thank you! I’m new to the blog world and didn’t even know that there were things like weekly writing challenges on here. Cool!


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