Import your My Opera blog into

Unfortunately, My Opera blogs are shutting down. Fear not — you’ll be able to export your content into a new or existing site. First, you’ll download an export file from My Opera, and then, you’ll import that file into your blog. Here’s how to do it, step by step.

Download your My Opera export file

Here are the steps you need to follow to download your export file from My Opera.

Log in to My Opera. Hover the wrench icon and click on Account:


Next, click on Blog settings:


Then, click the Export your blog button:


You’ll receive an email to let you know when the export file is ready. The email contains a link directly to the xml file, but this file can also be accessed via your Files page. The naming scheme of the file is “blog-.xml”:


Importing your My Opera export file into

Once you’ve got your blog’s export file, follow these steps to import your content into your blog.

If you don’t already have a blog, you can sign up for a free blog here.

Once you’ve completed the sign-up process, activated your blog, and passed through the blog setup screens, you’ll be taken to the Reader, which is our community hub and a place where you can browse blogs.

To begin your import, you’ll need to get to your new blog’s dashboard. Look for the blue toolbar running across the top of the page:


Click My Blogs for a complete list of your blogs and pick the one you want to visit, or hover over your avatar in the upper right-hand corner to activate a drop-down menu; selecting your blog’s name in the drop-down takes you right into its dashboard.

Once you’re in your dashboard, go to Tools > Import:


From the list of import options, click on My Opera.

Next, click on Choose File and navigate to your My Opera blog’s export file and select it. Finally, click on the Upload file and import button to begin uploading your content:


Once your import is complete, you’ll receive a notification by email. If you have any questions or have trouble uploading your content into, get in touch with our Happiness Team.

Getting comfortable at

There’s a great tutorial, over at, to show you the ropes and assist you with the first things to take care of, such as settling-in and changing your title, getting the right look for your blog, as well as more in-depth topics such as blogging on the go.

How can I make personalize my new site?
Great news! Not only do we have over 0 themes for you to choose from, but you can customise them to your heart’s content with our Custom Design upgrade which allows you to choose from a range of fantastic fonts, and customise your theme’s CSS.

Where can I find some good blogs to read?
The reader is a great way to discover new content, it’s right there on your WordPress.Com homepage. To get you started, we’ve curated a section of our favourite blogs, categorised by topic. To read more about how to follow blogs, check out this support page.

Thinking of moving to

We think it’s important that you own the content you create online, which is why we make it simple to import or export all your data — you wrote it it, it’s yours, and you can take it where you’d like. If you want to become a part of the community but have been posting on Tumblr, Blogger, LiveJournal, Posterous, Storylane, or other services, you can move your whole oeuvre over with a few clicks. (It’s just as easy to leave, but we’d miss you!)

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  1. steveriches

    The process detailed was easy to follow and understand. My import is in progress so hopefully everything will be there once complete. Well detailed and planned procedure thank you WordPress.



  2. zdenotim

    My import to WP went fine and smoothly. Thx you Krista for your guide


  3. Serola

    Yes, thanks very much Krista 🙂 Very good and useful instructions.


  4. Warren Post

    Thank you! My import went flawlessly thanks to your clear instructions.


  5. Nossa vida de cada dia...

    We did the whole process and it worked.
    Thank you


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