New Theme: Soundcheck

Today I’m totally jazzed up to announce the launch of a feature-rich audio theme perfect for any band, artist, or musician on

Designed by Luke McDonald of Press75, Soundcheck ships with a custom MP3 player that allows your visitors to browse, select, play, and skip through tracks right on your website. Also included in the theme is gigs and events functionality, four custom widgets, four custom page templates, and a variety of other theme options that you’ll love.

Soundcheck: Home Page

Soundcheck: Home Page

Soundcheck is a premium upgrade for your blog; read more about its features on the Theme Showcase or dive right into previewing it on your blog from Appearance → Themes.

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  1. Brenda Nepomuceno

    Brilliant theme – I bet WP could wipe off MySpace from the face of the web, once and for all, were this free.


  2. ThatGuyKC

    Wow! That is beautiful! Makes me wish I was a music artist.


  3. Annie

    This is very very and extremely awesome!


  4. Torsten

    I want this Events Widget for! For free! PLS! 🙂


  5. IEBA

    Woah- a Gigs & Events Functionality- like a working calendar? That’s one HUGE thing WordPress needs for clubs & organizations- a calendar like Yahoo where upcoming events can be put in, and seen at a glance. Even reminders sent to users who sign up for such things.

    Oh, please, please, please, pretty please?


  6. Moco Scribe

    That’s brilliant, sort of inspired!


  7. Lebensmelodie

    It looks awesome. Looking forward to use it someday.


  8. DJ T-Dub [Techjitsu]

    Finally- a theme I can run for my DJ biz right out of the box!


  9. Eric

    A great blog theme for emerging artists!


  10. kensbackhome

    Great idea for folks trying to get their music out there, and maybe for podcasters as well with the built-in audio player…


  11. Okie Conn

    I wish some one would design a really nice theme for internet radio stations loaded with features and options.. I know there were a few Shot cast plug ins i used to use but now they are gone…I find it hard to get everything needed on a Radio Station Theme using Artisteer, this the reason i wish some wone woulr design a good one.

    this theme is really Nice for the Music business tho, great job


  12. Megan Cunningham

    This theme really Rocks! 😀


  13. HK Johansson

    Great to see the music scene on WordPress getting some love! Hope to see more (free?) themes like this in the future!


  14. Carrie

    Oh I think it’s a great theme. And I might buy it for a personal project on a self hosted WordPRess site. If anyone is looking to buy it for self hosted WP install look here: (took me a bit to find it)


  15. kerrytopjun

    What a great looking theme!! Really makes me wish I was a musician!!


  16. metaphear

    AAA-grade theme. The price is inexpensive for the attractive, sleek layout and features!


  17. endygoog

    this is the best ideal of year^^!


  18. munggur

    lot of bands, singer and entertainer will love this theme so much!


  19. victorworang

    maybe its the first to match the music theme blog, the one i’m waiting so far, and it looks very good.. and a music player on top?


  20. Gustavo H. Razera

    This is your best new theme in YEARS. Thank you.


  21. myaimgroup

    Nice for any musician!


  22. ffcode

    thanks for the theme! noticed it earlier yesterday in the themes section! love the javascript player, better loading, but one can tweak it for oneself


  23. Shane Peltzer

    Wonderful new theme, no surprise it is a premium one, it deserves it! 😀


  24. Zignd

    This theme is something very innovator, could even be used to mark the beginning of a new era on hahaha


  25. Blogger

    Nice theme! I like it! 😀


  26. Little Mikhael

    I really like it, simple and beautiful


  27. 1300 1800 Numbers Australia

    ah fantastic, a great way to get noticed. As a muso myself it has always been challenging trying to find ways to be different and get seen. Thank you – back to work in the studio I say!


  28. somali panda

    Nice, and pretty useful! Liked it!


  29. Satusatuen

    cool. awesome..i love it. i wish i have a band and then i wil take those theme for my blog


  30. Rajapadmi Store

    looks amazing. surely I’ll use it in sometime in the future..


  31. Your Daily Cup Of Tee

    This could just be the ticket needed to officially Replace Myspace and if the progressive ideas that seems to keep coming out for wordpress, I wouldn’t be surprised if it becomes the new Facebook. Great post!


  32. Your Daily Cup Of Tee

    I must say, incorporating a Soundcheck theme into the WordPress environment is a wonderful idea and WILL work well. The only unfortunate side, that I see at the moment, is that the PRICE seems to be relatively high. Being a musician, $75.00 is a bit high. I know the saying, ‘you get what you pay for”, but in this case, I believe that unless your an established musician looking to branch out on wordpress, it’s doesn’t seem like a suitable price for the hard working struggling musician. In my opinion that’s a HUGE percentage of people out there.
    I have been a supporter of Soundcheck and I’m certainly going to exlpore the Souncheck WordPress themea bit more as well. My band TANADRA is starting to make some buzz in the indie music scene so this is certainly a decent option for us to look into.

    Great article by the way! Thank you.


    • Matt

      It’s the price of two music stands, or dinner and drinks for two at a nice restaurant, and gives your band a look that you would pay thousands to develop if you were doing it from scratch. You’re right it’s all relative though. )


    • IEBA

      And it’s $75 once, and the band gets to use it every day, every year… to present a polished appearance to the world. That’s pretty damm cheap if you ask me. (Not to mention, it’s a business expense.)


  33. canbria

    Wow, what a amazing theme 🙂 Congratulations! 😉


  34. Imaginarium of Pau

    Whoa! This is such a fresh idea. Keep it up! 🙂 Oh I love it here in WordPress!


  35. welovenatalieportman

    I hope there is also free theme for musicians like this cool ones PLEASE !!


  36. christrocks

    Neat! Someday I hope I will have a need for a theme like this. 🙂 What would be even cooler is if it was free!

    Liked by 1 person

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