Your Public Profile

Back in March when we announced Gravatar-powered profiles on, your profile page remained private so that only you could access it. Now that you’ve had a chance to update your information and make sure that only details you want public are there, let’s open things up. It’s been just over 2 months and more than 300,000 people have updated their details so it’s time to do what we’ve been really excited to do since we first announced profiles:

As of right now, your profile page on is open to public linking!

People have been emailing us, asking when they could start linking to this new, centralized identity point. The answer is “now.” You can quickly and easily set up a single place that includes to all your contact details, links to other online profiles and websites, plus includes a little information about yourself.

We’re really looking forward to seeing what people do with their profiles, and we’ve made a few additional changes so that they are even more useful:

  • Profile pages are completely public, and accessible via nice short links, for example (get your link from the bottom of your profile page)
  • foursquare and TripIt have been added to the list of accounts you can confirm via Gravatar (let us know in the comments if there are specific services you’d like to see supported)
  • You’re no longer limited to 140 characters when writing your bio, so go nuts and tell everyone your life story!
  • Custom Backgrounds! Upload any image (via the Gravatar profile editor) or pick any color and set it as the background for your public profile page. Here’s mine with some freshly-cut grass:

Gravatar profile with background image

As always, if you’d prefer that your information was kept private, then please just go your profile either here on or over on to remove those details. People will then only be able to see your Gravatar image, just like before. We’re working on some really cool new things around profiles, and will get them out the door as soon as they’re available!

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  1. Pingback: Gravatar’s 22 million social media profiles just went public.
  2. Alex Wyler

    It’s really good news! Thank You!


  3. Saqib Ali

    first custom wallpaper (background) on and now custom wallpaper on WP profile!!! 🙂


  4. David W. Boles

    Great fun! Love the added functionality!


  5. fiend

    hum? this seems a bit like wordpress is doing a facebook privacy turnaround…. now everyones profile is public…. this should be opt-in not opt-out, i don’t want my avatars to be public, and i didn’t signed up for gravatar for this, im disappointed -_-


    • Matt

      I think there’s a slight misunderstanding: everything in your Gravatar has always been completely open, that’s why so many websites are able to create cool integrations on top of Gravatar’s systems. Your avatar has always been open, that’s why it shows up here! Anything you don’t want to be open, please remove it from your account. That’s why we gave everyone a few months to try out the feature.


  6. fjpoblam

    Yes, very nice. I’ve had my profile out there, properly tailored for quite awhile. Just one thing, though. In my case, unless you’re talking about an image *combined* with a background, I’ll be danged if I can find a place to upload a separate background or color for my gravatar (separate from the theme for the blog, for which I’m using sandbox…) Eh?


  7. plrang

    Pretty cool! Looks I need to change the it little bit


  8. M Shodiq Mustika

    I like the Verified Services and customizable backgrounds for my profile. Thank you.


  9. anonymous

    Faintly bothered that you’ve made profiles public by default with no way (that I can see) of fully hiding/disabling them. If I’m wrong, could you please let people know how to turn their profiles off? Thanks.


    • Matt

      Howdy — Gravatar has always been 100% open. If you don’t want it to be open, don’t put it in your profile. We’ve said that’s how it is, prominently, ever since the profiles feature launched a few months ago.


  10. xCae

    im gonna go check it out dude..


  11. Raoul



  12. Olivia Tejeda

    Great upgrade and another easy way to increase traffic. Love it and thanks!


  13. Mohammad Elsheimy

    I’ve a problem with page:

    After I complete my profile and save it, when I try to add an external service (like WordPress) my profile details are cleared out!


  14. Mahfooz Hasan

    A thing of beauty.. need to check it out!


  15. Mary



  16. Andrew

    This looks great!


  17. Ryl

    Personally, I think it’s pretty cool — but what if someone doesn’t want their profile public?


    • Beau Lebens

      We only have public profiles, so if you don’t want any information to be public, then just don’t enter anything into your profile 🙂


  18. Pingback: Your Public Profile (via News) | Andy Peatling on WordPress
  19. kodegeek



  20. رایانه‌دوست

    hiiimmmmm… That’s it! yet another feature on 🙂
    I really don’t know why the series of adding features has no ending 😛 😀
    Thank you, thanks to all…


  21. Veronica Twizzler

    Thanks for the info!


  22. shamusoconner

    Gonna look into that..


  23. ideagirlconsulting

    thanks 4 the update and for taking the time to make our lives easier.


  24. Adriana

    Awesome! Now I’m going to have to turn over a few rocks and update my profile…


  25. gbvaz

    Gonna take a look! Thanks


  26. solarfinancing

    Have to love it!


  27. Elena

    Sweet 😀


  28. Sara

    Great! I’ve been waiting for this! I can’t believe the Gravatar-powered profiles have been up since March. It feels like I was editting mine for the first time yesterday.
    Thanks, WordPress! :mrgreen:


  29. Wez

    Thanks, good to know.


  30. art predator

    wow! I look forward to learning how to use this to my advantage!


  31. Eric

    Fantastic! Thanks for making WordPress better each day.


  32. Pingback: Your Public Profile (via News) « A Nerd's Life
  33. megleigh

    This is awesome! Thanks guys.


  34. mrasherkade



  35. deepbellylaugh

    That’s pretty exciting!


  36. Nigel

    Thanks! I’m so gonna use this.


  37. masbadar

    Ntar lama-lama Gravatar bakalan jadi semacam facebook, ya gak bro Lebens..?
    It’s look like the gravatar’s go transfrom slowly to be a socialnetwrk. Isn’t it..?


  38. Lulu

    I think this is awesome, I have the full right to tell people who I am or how to contact me, and so on and so forth:D
    Thank you so much


  39. Brittany Amelia



  40. kanak7

    Love the idea!


  41. Declan

    Do you have profile sidebar widget?


  42. Olivia

    This is terrific, I have already updated my profile..
    A few things..
    a) Where and how will the profile show to the readers?
    b) Is there any possibility of drag drop the images (the right side filmstrip) so the Order could be sequences..
    c) Background choice is wonderful.. since its Gravatar based, could the text color be done something about..
    ****These are not suggestions just a few things that popped in my mind..****
    Ever since I started blogging- which was only on 28th March this year, updates have been storming across…
    I am so happy..
    Thankyou WP


    • Beau Lebens

      Hi Olivia,

      a) Right now, it will only be shown to users if you explicitly link to your page on We’re going to be adding some tools to make it easier to link up your profile (and the information contained therein) in the near future.

      b) You’re not the first to ask about this, and we’re looking at making it so that you can re-order images, links and services more easily

      c) Do you mean having the ability to change font/link colors on your profile a la Twitter? Also something we’re looking at, but we wanted to see how much people used the customization features before overwhelming them with choices 😉

      Thanks for your feedback!


  43. phio_chan

    thanks, this is a nice option. I’ll check it out soon. ^__^


  44. sarajune

    very cool! 🙂


  45. Pankaj Saksena

    Its certainly an improvement. The increasing personalization of blogs and yet ever more integration with others is the beauty of WordPress.


  46. nancysmoments

    You guys make this so much fun! It’s great to see who your fellow blogger is and in a world of internet user names, the personalization is a welcome sight. Thanks!


  47. altonwoods

    I’ve added a link to my Google website on my profile and it shows up in edit mode and works! but it doesn’t show up at the bottom of my public profile like yours does…why?


  48. Neeraj Bhushan

    I found this very helpful and did the needful. Thanks very much.


  49. sid

    good news ….

    always looking for greater control about what I want to disclose 🙂


  50. julianusginting

    awesome..really great and nice information


  51. Dan North

    Excellent. A great incentive to sort my profile out before anyone sees it. I have no idea what it currently looks like. I hope it’s clean at least…


  52. Matthew Guay

    Looks nice … and if you want more customization options, it would be awesome to get to set Typekit or Google Webfonts for your profile page. Also, would it be possible to make your email address hidden with reCapatcha’s Mailhide?


  53. Yasir Imran

    its great work.
    thanks guyz


  54. Liss

    So many new and great functions added all the time on WordPress – love it!
    Thank you for doing a great work!


  55. Pulkit Kaushik

    Thanks! Finally something good!


  56. garmentnews

    Really cool Idea bro thank for sharing


  57. jamesbrownontheroad

    Still needs a kill-switch. WordPress & Gravatar shouldn’t join the ranks of companies who don’t give the right of complete account closure to the user ( It’ll just take a few lines of code, and a clearly marked ‘Delete my account’ button. It will also inspire confidence in your users that you truly believe people will want to to use your service.


    • Matt

      You can remove everything from your account, but there are some difficulties around deletions because, as you note, your account is tied to a lot of different things. Most places who give you a delete button don’t actually delete your data, they just archive it, it’s just a deletion placebo. If/when we launch the feature, I’d like for it to be in a way that things are actually gone.


  58. Kurt (SantriBuntet)

    I am using gravatar and very interesting, easy for use, thanks for great job


  59. Dalin Seivewright
  60. ...

    The question I want an answer to is – how can you partner with a service that has got this to say about deleting a profile:

    “I’m sorry, we currently don’t delete accounts. If you remove all the images from your account, however, this simulates your account being deleted as far as the outside world is concerned.”

    I would have at least expected wp to be very clear about this particular point because then I would have never filled in any details or actually, I might have chosen a different blogging platform to begin with as it’s really important to me that I get to decide how visible I am and who has my email address (no matter if it is publically displayed or not). I’m really not happy about this At ALL. After the reblogging thing which is also a transgression of my freedom to decide what I want to share how, this takes the cake.


  61. Pingback: Your Public Profile (via News) « poethead
  62. Pingback: حسابك في خدمة Gravatar أصبح مفتوح للجميع | عالم التقنية
  63. Pingback: إلكتروني » أرشيف المدونة » حسابك في خدمة Gravatar أصبح مفتوح للجميع
  64. Pingback: Adds Like & Reblog Feature
  65. Josh

    Great idea – shame we can’t change usernames though. I imagine many users, like me, will have selected their first WordPress username prior to developing their identity online.


  66. Take it easy!

    Is it available on WP 3?


    • Beau Lebens

      Gravatar is a standalone service (apart from WordPress), so you can definitely maintain your Gravatar Profile over at We will be releasing some plugins etc that make it integrate better with WordPress in the future for people who want to use it as their primary profile manager.


  67. Mimi

    wow .. thanks for the info 🙂 .. but, how to arrange pictures like you ? one big picture in the centre, and 3 small picture on the right ? thx bfr ..


  68. Pingback: Julkinen profiilisi (blogista News) « Tukisivusto
  69. litrati

    Ack! I don’t want my Gravatar page public automatically. Why is WordPress automatically linked to Gravatar, and why must it be public, and how do you set it back to private? I want my blog, without the Gravatar.


  70. leocheungblog

    I never pay much of the attention on the Gravstar. After i read what you blog, I think I need to spend sometime of this cool feature


  71. Lois Kackley

    When the gravatar powered profiles was announced I was happy to be able to use it for a couple of links. Now, thanks so much for the chance to take it to the next level as you describe. Keeping up with wordpress is quite an ambition!! mwaa!!


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  73. develish1

    I’m a little confused actually.

    There’s a section in the “edit my profile” bit to add links, but after adding one I discovered that it doesn’t actually appear anywhere on my profile. If it’s not going to show up what’s the point of adding it?

    Or am I missing something?


  74. Mark Stoneman

    I like as a blogging platform, but its increasing emphasis on making a social network out of its bloggers is beginning to bother me. Suddenly I have a public profile that I only just now noticed. And now people can “reblog” or plagiarize content without my opting into such a system, as if had confused itself with twitter.


    • Matt

      No one can plagarize your content using the reblog feature — you should try it out! Give it some time.


  75. ramonakent

    Sounds Great!!


  76. samethink

    well done! :D:D


  77. Pingback: Your Public Profile (via News) | Tontonpogi's Blog
  78. Pingback: Your Public Profile (via News) « Drummers
  79. dreamboxinc

    How would I link myspace?


    • Beau Lebens

      MySpace is available as one of the Verified Services, just select it from the list and click “Verify through Gravatar…”. Once you’ve verified your account, it will show up on your profile. You can also just add it as a Link if you prefer (unverified), by entering your MySpace address.


  80. zoenishimuta

    Wonderful! Thank you!
    I Love WordPress.
    Am having fun with
    my new blog.


  81. batmonline

    Thanks for the great news – any WP themes available for my Gravatar page ^_^


    • Beau Lebens

      Not WP themes, but you can modify the background image of your profile by heading over to Gravatar and using the profile editor there.


  82. Sr. Edith

    Mark Stoneman named it: WordPress is taking all the steps to become a social network instead of a blogging platform. For many, as the positive comments indicate, that’s a positive thing.

    For some of us, who want to write and publish, but don’t want to be linked all over and tied to dozens of other services, it’s just another nightmare.

    Please: for those of us who want to blog and NOTHING else, leave us a way to opt out. If we wanted to be publishing long pieces as Notes on Facebook, we would already be doing it.


  83. Pingback: Brace Face | A Fool’s Wisdom
  84. Samson Brown

    How do my readers find my profile from my blog? I’ve searched endlessly and viewed countless other WP blogs and can find NOTHING! Am I lost or am I lost? I don’t want to bother continuing with this Gravatar business if you can’t even get to my profile from my blog.


    • Beau Lebens

      We’ll be releasing some widgets and other ways for you to more easily link to your profile (if you’d like to), but you can also just use the current Gravatar widget (Appearance > Widgets) and then add a link to your image that goes directly to your profile on Gravatar if you like.


  85. Cynthia

    I’m confused – when I look at “My Profile” in WordPress – is it automatically equal to / dumped into or something with Gravatar? in other words, can I create My Profile on WordPress WITHOUT being stuck into this hugely widely public Gravatar thing? For now – as I am just getting started and learning on WP – I don’t mind a profile which is viewable strictly within my blog site or, but I do not want to get involved in more than that.


    • Beau Lebens profiles are powered by Gravatar, which is a completely open system. If you don’t want any of your details to be available via Gravatar, then please don’t enter them in your profile either (as they’re the same thing).


  86. davidphuah

    The name sounds weird but I like this feature. I looked at it and it’s cool.
    Able to add photos and other links. Again it’s fantastic!


  87. jpgroup20

    Intergrating your profile with public view is a great relationship builder. It is a known fact that people are attracted to the power of the photo. It’s easy to become comfortable with a person, place or thing just by seeing it. Even if you never talk to a person, just their photo can give you the sence of norm. Great job guys. From: JPgroup20


  88. mezotersenyum

    i just did it and it’s very useful since this public profile can be used not for WP only {i did use for my another social networking app}!!! thanks for sharing, anyway!!


  89. uraibanjarsari

    Matt is absolutely right, I was just trying to make an avatar on my blog, This is excellent news.


  90. LJDyer

    I think it’s cool being able to see everyones photo. I get to see who’s holding a music instrument!.


  91. Rafael Poveda - RaveN

    Answering to the question about new services, I would like to see dopplr 🙂


  92. davidmlyons

    Gotta love choices!


  93. whereartmeetsnature

    Pretty cool, just read and will implement. Thanks WP.


  94. Ranziy

    This is terrific! Good work.


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