TED – Ideas worth spreading

There are many sources to keep yourself informed about the newest innovations and the most fascinating ideas of our time, but no written word can express these ideas in the way the people involved in them can. Having the brightest minds of our time talking about the things they love and that changed their life is what TED offers to the world.

It does not matter if you need a different way of thinking to get creative on your next successful post, feel like something is strangling your creativity or you just have the impression that ten fingers are not enough to express your emotions, you find the right inspiration at TED.

You might even be able to see the talks live and end up drinking with Mike Rowe after you saw him talking about a really dirty job, as Matt did a while ago.

As big fans of The Entertainment Gathering and the idea behind TED, we are very happy that we can now bring these amazing talks to your WordPress.com blog.

You can now embed videos of TED talks following the instructions at the Support site.

Happy spreading!

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  1. Moses

    Never heard of TED but willing to give them an earful! 🙂


  2. alberto2007

    You are right man!!

    TEd is one of the best website ever!!

    Which is your favouritte video?YOu should watch the video of Shai Agassi about the betterplace.com eletric car solution…

    Good job



  3. trollboy

    Oh wow. I never saw that site before… it’s so good!


  4. CheyAnne Sexton

    i found this site a couple of months ago and it is really great. There is a wonderful article about mushrooms pretty much saving our planet, if we’d only let them


  5. Andrew

    This seems interesting.


  6. Zaeriuraschi 11098

    Cool! 🙂 This TED thing sounds… awesome-tastic!! 😆


  7. Bill

    Too bad they aren’t captioned…


  8. zilli0n

    Thank a lot,

    It is nice to have a new tool to help community to expand.

    Thanks for your endless effort.


  9. Erica

    This is great! Thanks so much for supporting this. Just another reason to head over to TED!


  10. donna_m

    The first TED award acceptance speech i ever saw was Bono – and it was spell binding and set me on my present course of action with my charity project, and that was 4 yrs ago! TED is an amazing idea.


  11. Bronx Bohemian

    Great feature. Majora Carter’s TED talk is superb.


  12. rillster

    TED is welll good!! =]
    just discovered it recently…
    very good for students nd also general knowledge!! lol =P


  13. pcNielsen

    Woo hoo!


  14. betterretail

    Ah, I’ve wondered how we could embed TED videos. Nice.


  15. Rosa

    Fantastic!! I Love TED! Thanks for this. 🙂


  16. the observer

    I’m a big fan of TED! Rock on!


  17. TSiRKO

    Thanks, I didn’t knew this site!


  18. denotchka

    Thanks- I’m gonna need all the help I can get!


  19. Krissy Dietrich Gallagher

    I love this equivalent of the celebrity rag for the brilliant and brave — these are the people who SHOULD be influencing us.


  20. Scentless Apprentice

    This is awesome. I’ve seen several TED videos in the past. A lot of great insights. Thanks for the link to the Mike Rowe’s video. I have no idea he’s such a philosophical man.

    And thanks for adding TED to the ever-expanding list of shortcodes. TED’s videos are best embed directly. Using VodPod is often too tricky for some videos. More support for videos is always a plus.


  21. buzu

    I first saw one of TED’s videos a little while ago. They have really interesting stuff, what bothers me is that their website always trows me an error. Besides that, and the fact that the website is too slow, everything is great.


  22. jaycruz

    Very happy about this. This reminds me though, that I still haven’t figured out how to stop TED videos from auto playing.


  23. coffeeestain

    Hey, yeah, thanks. I’ve looked at it before, but somehow forgot…


  24. Maggie

    FAN-TAS-TIC!!!. I love the Ted Talks and have referenced them before in my posts. Thanks.


  25. VAJRA, South America

    *Thanks, interesting. But I want this IN SPANISH LANGUAGE…

    *Muchas Gracias se ve interesante. Pero busco esto, con temas culturales y filosoficos,


  26. Asad Ali

    Thats great….& yeah… especially for me & other bloggers who blog on Personal development & Self help topics..
    Thank U…Thank U …Thank U….
    Hats Off 🙂 to WP !


  27. Adrian Thysse

    I have used TED embedded videos with a few of my blogs — an excellent resource for thoughtful material on a wide variety of subjects.


  28. PiedType

    Excellent! I’ve had TED listed in my sidebar for a long time.


  29. intelligentbias

    TEDtalks on Youtube is my mainstay. Lovely.


  30. iamryanm

    awesome! now I know more about sneaky moves of anti-social smartphone users… LOL!

    (Back to cubing….)


  31. Jennifer

    Absolute serendipity, as I was enjoying the TED site just last night. Fascinating stuff. Thank you!


  32. Alisa

    Oh, that’s fantastic news. Absolutely love these!


  33. Ujwala

    fab videos there. the first one that i saw was on creativity and it had me hooked – http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/66


  34. કુણાલ



  35. ajquinley

    This is good good stuff. Not one of the videos disappoints, though some just aren’t relative to what I’m interested in. Still interesting though.


  36. bootingskoblog

    lov u all….


  37. Rizal

    i dont really get it


  38. ruby14

    I am a student at Michigan State University and I was introduced to TED by a professor. It is an AWSOME website to keep yourself updated and well informed. It is all about the fascinating ideas and newest innovations by ‘horses mouth’


  39. raincoaster

    TED VIDEOS? Ossum. One day, I’ll be in a TED video, and I’m not talking about in the audience!


  40. 09me74

    I know nothing about TED but thanks to all of you. Now I´m really curious


  41. cenya95

    i love TED


  42. cormac

    Fantastic resource, well done. We got a taste of this last year when the Nobel talks at the Landau conf were made available…cheers Cormac O R


  43. nauzerelavia

    Came to know about TEDIndia by seeing your link. Thanks


  44. jouiel

    You are right man!!


  45. spocrep

    I heard about TED before… and I think it’s a great chance that we could use the videos so easly!! thanks wordpress… and keep the good stuff coming!! 🙂


  46. ronakorn

    TED on the Rock.
    Good job, Thanks.


  47. Louise McGregor

    Thanks, I’m a TED fan so this is great news!


  48. Lu

    I love TED!! Actually, I practice my english watching it!


  49. GuRpS

    I’m going to read something about TED… soon… promise! ;-p


  50. clanravencub

    TED is amazing, true democracy. If knowledge is power then TED online gives power to the people. Truly great visionaries


  51. Rebecca McMichael

    TED is great, I often look when I have a spare moment but embedding into the blog is a good idea.


  52. grizzledxveteran

    TED is how I personally discovered and fell in love with “Rives”, so I’m thankful, that’s for sure.


  53. jet07

    I love the TED talks. Interesting & thought provoking. They are creating conversattion & spreading ideas…as our entertainment & barage of constant getting stuff…or stuffism is trying to drown us all out. The TED conference is the best thing going on the web…as far as I am concerned.


  54. kevinfleischer

    I’ve found the TED channel at youtube a year ago. And since that I have watched all(!) videos (except some of the dancing/musik ones 😉 ).

    I have some links to really great TED videos put together in my blog.

    My blog is in german, but the linked videos are of course in english.


  55. peoplingplaces

    As a TED fan, I’ll now have to keep in mind TED videos when posting.


  56. tobeckyw

    Been watching videos on TED every so often for a few years now. I always feel inspired and recharged after I see one. A great reminder of what’s possible.


  57. Monica

    That’s a fantastic initiative! I’ve been a huge fan of TED for a long time but had to rely on YouTube to embed the videos… There are some wonderful talks there if you have time to explore the website (Sir Ken Robinson’s talk on children and creativity and Gustavo Dudamel and the young Venezuelan orchestra’s performance are among my favourite videos).


  58. Pingback: Embedding TED Videos « Spaghetti Testing | Peter Smith
  59. fracas

    That’s an awesome site and a great addition here, thanks!


  60. tineriantreprenori

    It is brilliant! I know it for a while and it’s inspiring me all the time


  61. Nestor the Chronicler

    Viva la Ted!


  62. Pingback: Wordpress announce TED support « Construed
  63. Merri Williams

    *FABULOUS*! Thanks, guys! Now I can directly embed TED without having to go through Youtube! Hurray!


  64. CCJ 604

    I absolutely LOVE TED. It’s a link on my blog. So nice to see the word spreading…


  65. peacefulone

    I’d love to get a better more detailed explanation…but thanks…it sounds interesting. In the meantime. I’ll just research it and study it and hopefully it will prove useful. I trust it because WordPress is always ahead of the curve.


  66. askbusinesscoach

    Been downloading TED podcasts for sometime now and before just went to the website….the BEST OF THE BEST
    Also been advocating through Twitter. @techdom


  67. dijans

    I’ve seen a few TED Talks related to work, but I didn’t know this site was available. Thanks for sharing the information. I’ve just posted a TED Talk on my blog!


  68. Pingback: TED, and Steven Strogatz « Daniel Duque Campayo
  69. lifelessons4u

    Yes, TED is a cool site. If you haven’t been there, I do recommend you check it out.


  70. jimmychim

    yeah i really enjoyed TED..
    i first watched it on youtube… it was a talk by malcolm gladwell, the author of the tipping point


  71. litscribbler

    I found TED a while ago, but haven’t checked back lately. Thanks for the plug.


  72. Pinkgirl3919

    Cool! 😀 I never tried it but it seems like a useful and helpful resource to people! 🙂


  73. eideard

    Thanks very, very much. It was TED and also the folks at edge.com who eventually provided me with the motivation to start blogging. The free-roaming intellects coupled [most of the time, anyway] with a devotion to science and discovery are an inspiration.


  74. metalpig

    TEDTalks are inspiring! (though some videos had an error…)
    Anyways, WP thanks for sharing! 🙂


  75. stevemacgregor

    Been a fan for about 6 months. Loved the Ken Robinson talk on creativity. check it out!


  76. lockmonster

    I love you Ted


  77. thebeadden

    I had never heard of TED. I went to the site. It’s amazing. Thanks WordPress.


  78. annagrassini

    Love the Ted Videos. Also excited about the new possibilities with the new beta version of TEDx…hope to see one in Texas soon!


  79. drummerboy11

    don’t know anything about TED but I might look into it? :-1


  80. thestacheguys

    TED pretty much kills it. Keep it up!


  81. brainoids

    Bless you bless you bless you! Embedded TED!


  82. missionlog

    TED is a wonderful idea worth spreading itself. I’ll be regularly posting TED videos now on my WordPress blog, thanks!


  83. Pingback: TED and religion « Cyberpunk + Blue Twin
  84. lemonytree

    A very very lemony site…makes u salivate with ideas just like a slice of lemon!!!

    Tickles your grey cells and makes u think…

    i have written a few magical lines and Ted has been a huge factor…thank you!!!


  85. phanichalla

    ever since Jeff han, i have always been watching TED


  86. Staff

    I love TED! Thanks…


  87. alexlobov

    Great news, always been a fan of TED 🙂


  88. Brian

    Very cool site.


  89. m8orcz

    wow… that must be cool! i will give it a try., tnx ted! 😉


  90. Princess

    I love the new introduction of TED into wordpress. I was expecting this to happen, but never thought you people will hear it so soon. thanks a million.



  91. macguffinator

    TED feeds my mind and helps me to see how things fit together (or don’t). These people do great work, and we should have more intellectual discourse that takes this accessible form.


  92. Pingback: Do Schools Kill Creativity? Sir Ken Robinson Says “Yes” and Explains Why in His February 2006 TED Speech « Matthew Gilbert Presents “Doctorious: My Adventures in Academia”
  93. Ali Lochhead

    Thank You. What a great idea. I shall certainly try and use this facility. I’m a big fan of TED. I’ve got loads of TED lectures on my YouTube site. I treat it like a radio station and put it on when I’m doing something mundane like the washing up! I find it so informative and inspirational. ♥Ali


  94. canadada

    … absolutely, great site … and glad to hear WordPress is ‘on the beam’ with this one …


  95. chlara

    FINALLYYYY..!!! Hurrahhh…..


  96. adrianpop

    Right. Some conferences just blow your mind! One of the best sites ever!


  97. nkilkenny

    Oy! I love the TED Talks site. This is a great diversion for your mind when the workday becomes humdrum.
    One of my favorite talks was Mike Rowe’s of Dirty Jobs talk:

    What an interesting way of looking at work and what really satisfies ourselves in a career.


  98. amywhited

    I first heard of this site when my empty nested, unemployed and depressed mom’s shrink ordered her to go there. Don’t know if she ever did, but going to forward it to her again.


  99. familyforest

    Ted.com is a great resource for inspiration. I try to listen to someone on Ted several times a week if not more. It will be great to use some of these to post in our blogs. Thanks!


  100. Sierra

    I’ve been following the TED talks periodically for the past year or so. They just recently did one on Slow Living that I’m eager to write about. Now I can embed the talk in my post about it. Thanks!


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