Comment Threading is Here! (Plus Other Cool Comment Settings)

You asked, and we listened. Introducing threaded comments, comment paging, and comment order settings for your blog.

Go to Settings > Discussion in your dashboard, and you’ll discover three new options in the “Other comments settings” section:

  • “Enable comments [x] levels deep”
  • “Break comments into pages with [x] comments per page and the [first or last] page displayed by default”
  • “Comments should be displayed with the [newer or older] comments at the top of each page”

With the threaded comments option, you can connect and interact with your readers while easily keeping track of who’s saying what to whom. You control the conversation by setting the number of levels allowed in your comment threads, from 1 to 10. (Ten levels deep means nine replies under each comment — that’s a lot!)

We suggest setting threaded comments to about three levels deep, to keep the conversation focused. Here’s how that looks with the Contempt theme:

Threaded comments with the Contempt theme

To save you and your readers from scroll-finger strain, you can now break up comments into pages. You decide where to cut the thread, and whether to display the first or last page of comments as the starting point.

The default settings on your blog used to put the newest comment at the bottom. Now the order is up to you. If you want your readers to know what’s latest first, display the newest comment at the top. If you think it’s important to know the history of a conversation, display the oldest comment at the top.

It’s all part of our goal to help you improve the level of interaction on your blog, and give you more control over the look and feel of your blog.

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  1. foobarph



  2. the forester

    SCORE! I didn’t actually think WordPress would implement this. You guys ROCK!


  3. Chaitanya Varma Mudunuri

    Thats cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thanks a lot….


  4. જીગ્નેશ અધ્યારૂ

    Great! i was waiting for this threaded comment option since long…..
    At least it looks to me now that the replies by the author to the comments section will look more fresh and there will remain some difference between reader comments and author comments. Am i right?



    • Sheri

      Right, but also note that if reader comments and author comments are different and how they are styled may depend on the theme you are using.


  5. Pingback: oh wie fein « Socks Street
  6. lyricaljean

    not bad


  7. joelemmanuel

    Wow, “Comment Quoting”… very cool! Thanks, WordPress!


  8. me....

    great, many thanks…


  9. philipphutter

    Sounds great. ive to test it!


  10. Apesaje

    Things are just getting better and better in here! Wonder what else you guys have up your sleeves…


  11. zhasqazaq



  12. eideard

    More important – is Matt sending photos to everyone in the office of his trip to the Taj Mahal?


  13. Niki

    Woohoo! Thanks WP team, you guys rock!


  14. Sylwia

    That’s great!

    Will it be possible to have a pull down menu near one’s name when posting a comment at someone else’s blog in order to choose one’s own blog that should be linked to from the poster’s name? I have three blogs at WP, and I don’t want to direct people blogging about Poland to a blog about Jane Austen. At this moment it’s possible to change it only from one’s profile, but it’s a big burden when I’m about to comment and have to go back to my Dashboard and change the settings, not to mention that I never remember what were my latest settings, so I have to check that anyway. In effect I often don’t comment because I don’t have the time.


  15. josepheulo

    Another great innovation from WordPress, you guys are really on top of your game, Viva la WordPress!!!


  16. boost ventilator

    Why is there no support for ? Seems like a perfect fit.


  17. Pingback: links for 2009-02-20 |
  18. Daud Ahmed

    Nicely done…


  19. Grace Chua

    OMG thank you, you just made my freaking week.


  20. Agus Setiyawan

    Thank’s WORDPRESS, success for you


  21. 2Bo02B

    I want to move comment to another post (or page). What’s the way so I can do it?


  22. Su

    tht is fantabulous!!! Seeing this option in self hosted blogs, i was considering moving into a self hosted blog as well (in spite of the pains involved) now I have no reason even to think of it! 🙂


  23. hal786


    oh my!!!!!!!

    i remember i actually asked for been waiting aaageess!!!!!!

    o thank u soo much,
    and yes i asked and u did listen!so tru!

    wow cant believe u’ve finally got it!


  24. almostinfamous

    finally, yet another reason to ❤ wordpress more than i already do 😀


  25. gogoajah

    This is great! What a nice and cool feature!


  26. W-cH's



    this makes my blog tidier


  27. yongsheng

    this is absolutely cool! i was thinking… how about threaded posts as well? it’s something like a follow-up, just that more recent posts are displayed in front, and so on.


    • Sheri

      I’m not sure about threaded posts as a feature, there are already categories and tags to organize posts about similar topics.


  28. Pingback: cments threading:D:D:D « Alex Walker
  29. Tobias

    Thank you. That’s something I needed!


  30. rsnieuws

    Heather, is this template (on this page) available for wordpress blogs? :mrgreen:

    If not.. you could use it.. 🙂


  31. Faber

    That’s really great, a very nice change in WordPress comments. I was waiting foe something like that. Really Awesome!


  32. e-hime

    thank you very much for the improvements ^^


  33. Pingback: New Comments feature at Wordpress « Skepfeeds-The Best Skeptical blogs of the day
  34. libertyboynyc

    Great stuff, kids, great stuff and thank you for your constant ambition to improve and perfect what’s already a fantastic tool.


  35. jeelchristine

    awesome. thanks


  36. nyshoespy

    woo hoo! Exactly what I needed. Thanks!


  37. McBloggenstein

    Yes! This IS very cool.

    I wanted to mention one drawback for posts that garner many many comments. Normally, when I keep up with discussions, everytime I go back to look for new comments, I shoot to the bottom. With this, if there are new comments/replies, it would be hard to find them unless I scrolled through the entire thread to maybe spot replies. I feel as though this would hinder some discussion because I doubt many people are willing to do that.

    What I’m getting at is that I think I’ve seen elsewhere that any new comment that was added since you last visited the page is somehow highlighted so you know it is new. I think this would help with discussion purposes. Something to keep in mind for future tweaks!


  38. navedz

    This is great stuff. Thanks.


  39. flattersatz

    thx a lot!


  40. alwaysmisunderstood

    Huh? I don’t really get it.


  41. Chris Collins

    Yes! … Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about.


  42. narami

    This is GREAT improvement, BRAVO!!


  43. dokiskaki

    Thanks for the new possibilities you present us constantly with!
    Now, if I understand it correctly, we can have either newer-to-older comments or vice-versa, but this throughout the whole blog. I mean, I would like very much to have in the special page where my readers put their announcements (those at least who I can’t convince yet to start wp blogging and rss-feeding yet 🙂 ) and there it would be nice to have newer first. But then I need older first in my posts –is there maybe some clever workaround?


  44. skykingranch

    Muchisimas Gracias! Verdaderamente!

    I migrated here in Summer 2006 and the love affair is still going strong.

    I’ve learned so much!

    Thank you again,



  45. Pingback: Kommentarfeatures bzw. neues Theme « Kramuri blog i net
  46. Pingback: CommentLuv Spread The Luv « Dummies Of The Year
  47. sosoclever

    Excellent. Threaded comments have always been a big selling point for me with LiveJournal. Good on you.


  48. Brad378

    AWESOME!! thanks WP


  49. Pingback: Changes! « Earthman Xosha Rosp
  50. Mohamed Saher

    Thank you it’s an awesome addition keep them coming !!


  51. payitforwardcafe

    Lovely Jubblee


  52. this buddy of mine

    threaded comments are hot


  53. Dirk

    2 Things:

    a. tacos

    b. finally! 😉


  54. Pingback: jkOnTheRun » Blog Archive Say Hello to Threaded Comments «
  55. kimoki

    Perfect… even for not so busily commented posts.
    Improvements are always on the move, thanks WP Team !


  56. T4n|n0 Ru|3z

    very good ;D


  57. Pingback: WordPress agrega soporte para comentarios anidados | Materia Geek
  58. Unknown Nobody

    The comment threads are great I just wish everyone would catch on on how to use them. I try to start a thread and people start a new thread when they should have been in the thread I started. Oh well, maybe they will learn in time.


  59. Pingback: Weekend Link Round « Pimp that blog
  60. sunrisedreamer

    Oh thats perfect 🙂 Thanks for that


  61. Pingback: Introduces New Theme and Comment Threading « Almost Productive
  62. Richmond

    Yesterday, I passed the board examination for Nurses. and today, this?!!! I must be really lucky. Thanks.


  63. Pingback: Obviously, I need to pay more attention to celebrity gossip « The YA YA YAs
  64. Pingback: Here comes the threaded comments « Joomla! Newyork
  65. Guh

    OMG, Now i believe that God listened to my pray!

    Thank You WP!


  66. Sunny

    A very useful feature! I really hope, the big blogs with sometimes more than 50 comments will enable this functions. It would be so much easier following conversations…
    Thank you for this great feature!


  67. Pingback: My blog is but a weaving between my commenters and me « lingamish
  68. elainey ❤

    That’s awesome. Thanks!


  69. AL

    Avesome!!! Thanks a lot!


  70. Troy

    Pretty cool. Thanks.


  71. draguscn

    ROCK ! No contest !


  72. krazywordsmith

    Wow! That’s simply fabulous! Thanx! 🙂

    Just another request… Let the TOP POSTS widget (or some other new feature) show max. viewed posts as per overall statistics(total number of visits) as it shows up in the dashboard and not as per recent-visits-data.


  73. AamirRaz

    Kooool, man!
    Activating. I truly ❤ WordPress.


  74. Pingback: Discussioni più facili, con le ‘repliche’ nei commenti « GRUPPO/I DI LETTURA
  75. arieffadh

    haaaiiiyaaa……. cool stuff.


  76. sakarouli

    hi as new here i watch all posts,that partcular seems cool,i really enjoy time here and try to find new items to add in my page 🙂


  77. ndarieindah

    Finally! Thank u very much 😀


  78. Damaris

    Thank you so much!! 🙂


  79. midclass

    if you can add a “like” botton to this post i think i would clic it forever! 😛



  80. BlueMist

    Awesome !! but when the blog owner replies it should not be counted as a new comment. Can we have something like that ? Like we edit the comments and add reply as inline comment. you know what I mean ?


  81. navedz

    It was high time, we had this one available at wordpress as well. This is a great new feature added.


  82. Yasir Imran

    Its great feature, wp rocks


  83. Pingback: Neues bei Wordpress « My Life - Einblicke in mein Leben
  84. ELTboy

    These are very cool new features… thanks!!!


  85. Staff

    Just awesome… I love ya!




    awesome!!!! wp rocks!!! XD


  87. whymommy

    Oooh, I like this! Great work!

    Now how about those new themes… with customizable headers? 🙂


  88. juleslife

    You’ve done it again….Great Job peeps!



  89. Pingback: Threaded Comments at Mobile Barbarian
  90. Pingback: Threaded Comments Are Here « Intersections
  91. Pingback: of bits and pieces « sp*
  92. Juli Jarvis

    Still wishing we could use commentluv on — so the name of peoples’ latest posts will show up when they comment — sure helps networking


  93. lstemple

    whoa, awesome! I was just thinking about if wordpress could give some ability to control those crazy comments. they’re getting “crowded” 😀
    Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuu……for this!


  94. Pingback: Comment Threading (and 224-Word Palindrome)! « Anthony’s Weblog
  95. Pingback: Comment Threading Arrives on WordPress « FLOSS Blog
  96. egza

    thanks for these options i was waiting for them
    and we also want to be able to upload text based files like txt , cpp


  97. thekebun

    Thank You!


  98. Elle-y

    And this is why I love WordPress. 😀


  99. nupho

    niCe iNfo..


  100. fathermatt

    There is a rather ironic lack of threaded comments on this posting!


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