If WordPress 2.7 Was A Movie…

This would be our trailer. Check out some of the upcoming new features and design changes in this sneak preview video, including how to customize your dashboard, the new comment reply feature, the new navigation system, and the customizable posting screen. When you’re finished watching, take the poll below the video to tell us which feature you’re looking forward to the most.

A note on timing: WordPress 2.7 was originally scheduled to be released on WordPress.org for download on November 10th. WordPress.com would have had it installed as soon as possible thereafter. However, the launch date has been delayed due to some additional complexity and our determination to test all the new features with current users before releasing the updated software. 2.7 is expected to be released on WordPress.org by the end of November. We may be able to bring 2.7 to WordPress.com blogs slightly before the official launch date, but for now, no dates have been finalized. When we have a fixed date, we will announce it on this blog, so you all will have plenty of notice of the upcoming change.

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  1. billbennettnz

    Sorry to sound negative after all the mindless woo-hooing going on here, but how about presenting this information in a written format rather than as a video?

    Some of us have slow connections and bandwidth restrictions that make online video a trying experience.


  2. caseyfern

    I’m feeling a song coming on… I want it ALL, I want it ALL.. etc.. etc…


  3. Teck

    Nice the dashboard looks great!!!
    Can’t wait to start using it. 🙂


  4. GenSephyr

    Really Glad that the development is proceeding well! I really like the new layout.
    Sadly, can’t test the beta 2 wordpress.org release this time round due to work…
    But can’t wait for the final release on wordpress.com!

    Keep up the good work….


  5. petmemorialworld

    Looks like a great platform – well done.


  6. Steve

    When?!? 🙂


  7. Pingback: Sneak Peek of the Upcoming WordPress 2.7 « coffee conversations
  8. ayumilove

    I love the new layout of the wordpress. ^_^

    some of the wordpress features i noticed here is similar to adobe creative suite 4 and other chat sites.
    1. the toolbar located on the left is able to squash into icons (adobe)
    2. move around the dashboard items left right up down (facebook)
    3. reply everything from back end (youtube)

    basically, its nothing unique to me if wordpress used this, however I would find it more convenient to handle my wordpress on-going activities!

    btw, I dont really get the laser eye usability testing, what is that?


  9. fernpower

    Goodbye old dashboard, hello new uber-panel…


  10. Vikas Khera

    It’s a really cool UI but I want to know whether the new dashboard still have the Blog Stats section like top posts, top searches and most active posts…

    I don’t want to skip my Blog visitors graph also on the dashboard itself… 😉

    Vikas Khera


    • Jane Wells

      The WordPress.com stats still will be included. Since it’s not “new” it wasn’t shown in the 2.7 preview video, but rest assured that the stats aren’t going anywhere.


  11. Mr\'James

    Drag and drop on dashboard


  12. pengtuck

    Any chance composition of a blog entry would be a little easier? I find sometimes that I have to do a lot of rearrangement of my text and pictures because while they look alright in the editor it looks strange in the actual post.


  13. Nita

    I love the way we can customize our own admn panel depending on our needs. Thanks!


  14. sp0173d24

    well done!


  15. Thoroughly Good

    Can’t wait. When?

    *Taps fingers impatiently on keyboard*


  16. Pingback: WordPress 2.7 Trailer « Schöner “wohnen” im Web
  17. abrari

    It’s feels like a Mac! I want the new color scheme!
    Great work!


  18. Redge

    Cool stuff! When is 2.7 available?


  19. Varun

    Sexy looks 🙂


  20. Princess

    All so cool stuff, all the best and I hope it’ll available asap


  21. mFacts - useless movie facts

    i hope you won oscar 🙂


  22. विनय

    I think it’s amazing I’ve postponed my blog launch, I will launch it with 2.7… it’s real groove.


  23. Oma Els

    GOSH! I really can’t wait! COMMENT REPLY! We all want that!


  24. Marcel Zimmermann

    Great Stuff! The sentence “we work really hard” must be really true, if all that would be released 😉
    The UI is consequent leaded by users needs (as proved by your usabilitiy tests). I’m looking foreward to this!


  25. bradleypalko

    pretty sweet idea. good for new users.


  26. Brigitte

    Looking forward to trying it out!


  27. frofessional

    Everything looks great.. from the shuffling, to the cool grey color that is unique to wordpress, it’s easy on the eyes. Can’t wait for the version to be out.
    To the team, you guys deserve pats on your backs.. a job well done..


  28. >_^Ĝąммą-ρĕňňŷ0507^_<

    This is so cool! I can’t wait! 🙂


  29. rormok

    Looking great. I´m waiting for it.


  30. rosealbettis

    WordPress is one of the most dynamic, yet user-friendly platforms out there. These enhancements will make me share it more with my friends and contacts.


  31. yongsheng

    Excellent. But exactly when would this be released to normal wordpress users like us?


    • Jane Wells

      There’s a lot of extra work involved in upgrading the wordpress.com installation of WordPress MU. Because of that, we don’t have a specific date; as soon as it’s ready to go, we will launch it. Definitely in November, and hopefully within a week or so.


  32. mountainrepublic

    2.7 layout looks great! can’t wait to try all the new functionality


  33. jokorb

    Agree, Miss. Jane… I prefer to wait the video until it completed download and watch it, than read huge bunch of text. This is just most useful for anyone who doesn’t know English well. Say me, for example 🙂

    I am going to update my blog. What about it’s future name? WordPress BOS (Blogging Operating System) or something? Just show out my idea…


  34. An alien Earthling

    I simply love the new features! I can’t wait to get my hands on WP 2.7 🙂


  35. Pancho

    Es tremendo! No veo la hora del lanzamiento.
    AWESOME! I’m Looking forward for the release.


  36. Fallen From Grace

    the new wordpress is AMAZING!


  37. Sumit Bhaskar

    This is awesome. I can’t wait for the release. It’s really just awesome 😀


  38. Sunnite

    I just would like to suggest that the change of date should have been the subject of a proper post too, as opposed to having to learn this delay through reading random comments. I got all excited when I saw the video as I was thinking “well only until Monday now” and then I read “later this month” which might as well be in January 2009. The changes look great but sorry, Im not so sure it was such a great move to announce a date and then to change it without a similar annoucement…


    • Jane Wells

      Sorry you were disappointed! The date for WordPress 2.7 being released on WordPress.org was originally set for November 10th, but no specific date was set for the upgrade of WordPress.com. I think we said in an earlier post here that it would be within a couple of weeks of the official launch on .org. Finishing the building of the software is one thing (the thing that carried a Nov. 10 date); installing it on WordPress.com and doing all the tweaks for the special stuff coded just for you guys takes a little more time. If this wasn’t made clear enough, I apologize.


  39. nickie wang

    Can’t wait to see my dashboard to look like that. Although it’s not a new concept, I’m more than glad to have those features on my blog.


  40. rindler

    Sembra assolutamente fantastico.
    Siamo in attesa.


  41. ://

    Wow, I actually like this!


  42. Izzy

    I have to say that the changes look great, I can’t wait to try it out.


  43. katroboy

    WP Rocksss!!


  44. Mischy/Eva

    This looks really cool. Looking forward to this.
    I would like to be able to use script on my blog, will this be possible soon? (on .wordpress.com blogs)


  45. rockoblog

    I really do like the new look thats about to come I like how the whole video was put together very nice. I can’t wait to see the new features thanks wordpress.


  46. Darrell

    While it might be more prudent to withhold praise until AFTER I actually get to USE 2.7, I must say now how refreshing it is for a person like myself, beaten to death by so-called “upgrades” from that outfit in Redmond, to enjoy a product developed by a company that actually pays attention to its customers and really seeks IMPROVEMENT rather than just Change for its own sake.

    Thanks Jane Wells, to you and all the WordPress team. ///Darrell


  47. radith

    great job wordpress!!!


  48. embrownny

    It looks great. I like the customizable dashboard, but I was hoping we would get the ability to embed flash driven videos.


  49. ksclimber

    I’m excited…are you?


  50. jonathan rox

    I can’t wait!!


  51. ColdFire

    Are you planing on adding new widgets on it? Or at least, the old ones will still work? I’d like more themes and more widgets please 🙂


    • Jane Wells

      Existing widgets will still work. Theme and widget additions are not part of the application release cycle, and happen independently. So although I’m sure there are some new themes and widgets coming up in the future, they won’t be bundled with 2.7.


  52. liberalisntamy

    Awesome Job, WP!

    It looks clean, fresh, energized and user-friendly.
    [Now if only we can get more layout themes for dotcom-ers.]
    I know, I know. You’ve got to pay to play.
    Still, great job. Looking forward to it as an early Christmas gift!



  53. mgr33r

    Genial!!! no puedo esperar a escribir la primera entrada en 2.7 sigan asi wordpress que estan haciendo un excelente trabajo, felicidades


  54. cafearjun

    Jane, just wondered (not sure if someone has asked this already), with the new dashboard, will we have an option to stick with the older version? Or will it be a compulsory change? Most new systems turn people off because of the time it takes to get a hang of the changes and their advantages.

    All the best, it rocks!


    • Jane Wells

      There will not be an option to stay with the design of 2.5/2.6. The beta testers who have been using 2.7 for the last week or two didn’t seem to have any trouble making the switch, if that helps.


  55. musingsofjoe

    “If WordPress 2.7 Was…”

    Grammar Nazis deploy! (If… were…)


    • Jane Wells

      The grammar issue was addressed thoroughly in a previous comment, so if you want to know why it says “was” instead of “were,” just read through the existing comments on this post.


  56. reamemo

    nice work, thank you for make this site the best,


  57. David

    It just might make our film draft…


  58. Harshad Joshi

    WP is like the OS of blogosphere. Rock on. 😉


  59. mat4nira



  60. billbennettnz

    Thanks for those links Jane. I’m not a developer, not even remotely. But I will give the in-depth posts a look.


  61. jaredude

    Best blogging system in the universe just got better! I can’t wait to upgrade!!!


  62. Phil Groom

    “Mindless woo-hooing”, Bill? Sure, there’s some of that, but to dismiss 181 of your fellow bloggers as mindless woo-hooers seems a tad harsh: looks to me like there’s some interesting feedback back there. But hey, who am I but another mindless woo-hooer?

    Jane: thanks to you & the team for all you’re doing; to be able to rearrange the dashboard to how I want it — just wish I could do that with more things in life, without inconveniencing anyone else. Looking forward to it 🙂


  63. ian in hamburg

    If wordpress 2.7 were a movie, they’d have to correct the grammar in the title.


    • Jane Wells

      If you had read through the existing comments before posting this, you would have seen that there has already been a grammatical justification for the usage in the title.


  64. cinematize

    i would love to experience it! .. bravi!!



  65. ryan

    i think it should be followed a menu for emulating to previous version


  66. myadlan

    if only we can drag and drop widgets like that, it would be nice. i like Blogger widget arrangement style. by the way, nice video. But quite slow to load. Youtube video loads faster.


  67. lydiarayyan

    nice one….!!


  68. The Gaffer

    Has the new WordPress have new themes?
    I would love to have a red theme!
    I would like more info on the new color scheme


  69. That One Guy..

    heres a good question. for wordpress novices like me are we going have to download anything or is it an automatic (pardon the pun) update?

    thanks. kudos on the site by the way.


  70. puppydazzles

    Thank you WordPress for all your hard work to bring us new and better options.


  71. 1hourstop

    That are great improvements! Thank you very much for WordPress and video!


  72. mikecane

    Could you please *warn* us before you spring the change on us? Even a 24-hour notice would go a long way to helping us prepare and brace ourselves.


  73. sofiariley

    I’ve been a loyal user of WordPress since the early 2.0 version and it’s amazing how far 2.7 has come. It’s amazing and I’m so looking forward to this brilliant upgrade! Possibly, the most awesome upgrade from one version to another!

    Oh, and just to show how much I love WP, I’ve just signed up and am going to actively help out in the Support Forums:)


  74. mario flecha

    Unfortunatelly the grammar police comment is a sour note in a great and generous effort that provides something good for an interested community. Good feedback is always appreciated but why to make it a bullying attack? Shame on the bullies. Perhaps they should look for another place to go.

    Having said that and being myself a novice blogger I’d like to praise all the great work done so far and say that it plays an important part in my literary goals. There are far more serious problems in life (such as bullying and judgmental behaviour) than just a was and were mistake (which in this case was intentional and with all the freedom that language permits).



  75. Pingback: Vídeo: La novedades de Wordpress 2.7 : Gaceta Digital
  76. Pingback: Wordpress 2.7 « fedora | blog
  77. Pingback: O novo Wordpress 2.7 | Made in Mundo
  78. Pingback: [nice to be commented] « squarebrackets.blog
  79. mormonsoprano

    I am really looking forward to all of the customization, and the direct comment reply will be a lifesaver.
    Thanks again for making my stay at WordPress an ever-improving, positive experience.


  80. Pingback: Get ready for WordPress 2.7 — NevilleHobson.com
  81. Pingback: Wordpress 2.7 « Anything Goes
  82. Pingback: Durch Usabilitytesting wird Wordpress 2.7 noch besser « Schöner Bauen - gleich heute fang ich an
  83. ColdFire

    Jane, i just want to say I admire you for the great work that you do. You answer over and over again (without getting mad in your writing as well) to people asking the same questions without searching their solution in the already posted messages. I think wordpress is proud with you too.


  84. annaelizabethcraig

    wow i can’t wait!


  85. Christian

    looks great


  86. La Gata Mala

    Hello Jane! it will be today or not? I tested the beta2 and i simply LOVED it!
    10.nov.2008 at what time? 😛


  87. George

    Jane, when the 2.7 WordPress.com starts to be used?


  88. kamododragon

    This is great. I was once a huge fan of blogger and after seeing how blogger which is owned by Google treated me and how they started to disenfranchised me. When I saw WordPress and how WordPress blew Blogger away, I started contemplating about switching from Blogger to wordpress. After seeing how WordPress is, I am now in the process of switching my blogs from blogger to WordPress because I Like how wordpress is and how wordpress is more credibly than blogger. So now WordPress has made a huge fan of me.


  89. haounomiko

    Anyone who thinks my comment was “bullying” should explain to me how a professional company is being bullied by a single criticism of their unpolished appearance from a small, unnoticeable person.

    For the record, it’s not “ingratitude” on my part when the new updates and features aren’t doing anything for me; I like my software the way it’s always been. I only knew about the headline because it appeared on my dashboard, not because these updates mean anything to me as a user. While I know other people care about the new features– and that’s nice for them– I don’t think I have any obligation to be grateful for a change I don’t particularly want.


    • Jane Wells

      If it makes anyone feel better, I didn’t feel bullied by the various comments urging me to use “were” instead of “was.” I love it that the WordPress community contains such literate people, and without knowing my thought process and/or the existence of an actual 2.7 movie (thus making my use of “was” perfectly correct by any account), there’s no way any editor would have overlooked such usage.

      That said, while there’s no obligation for anyone to feel “grateful” for the interface changes and the increased functionality, official updates about upcoming changes are essential. We don’t want to launch such a major overhaul without giving the community adequate warning and exposure to the new system; the transition will be much smoother for all concerned if the majority of users have already started to understand how the new system will work. While you say you don’t want this change now, it would be interesting to see how you feel after a week or two of using 2.7; you might be surprised at how much you appreciate the increased speed and functionality. And if not, at least the new system won’t have been a unexpected shock, which is the point of these updates.


  90. rayvolvez

    Really like the trailer!
    I’m actually wondering about the blog stats. I can’t seem to get the plugin to show on the dashboard as per the screenshot for 2.7.


  91. Rizal

    when the 2.7 will release?
    that’s really cool!


  92. billbennettnz

    Phil Groom: “Mindless woo-hooing”, Bill? Sure, there’s some of that, but to dismiss 181 of your fellow bloggers as mindless woo-hooers seems a tad harsh: looks to me like there’s some interesting feedback back there. But hey, who am I but another mindless woo-hooer?

    Don’t take it personally Phil.

    I’ve noticed that just about every post on the official WordPress blog gets a long string of comments that say little more than “great”, “well done” or “thanks”. And the same names and faces keep popping up each time it happens. Now they could be very polite people… but I suspect it’s something that is only one or two steps away from being comment spam.

    Some of them probably ARE comment spam. Not 181 bloggers or whatever number we are now up to, but a noticable percentage.


    • Jane Wells

      For what it’s worth, we’ve recently become more stringent in our comment approval process, so going forward you should see significantly fewer comments that merely say “nice,” “cool!” or “awesome.” While short comments are fine, we’re trying to eliminate the comments that don’t add anything to the conversation. This doesn’t exclude critical comments (obviously), but does exclude comments that are obviously intended to incite disagreement rather than stimulate discussion, comments left to promote a web site, comments that are really support requests in disguise, and the ever-popular “nice,” “cool!” and “awesome.” (So if anyone wonders why their comment isn’t showing up, that might be why!)


  93. Caffery

    Impressive! I love WordPress.


  94. ekoeleven

    We dont have to do anything right for the update???..


    • Douglas

      If you have a blog here at WordPress.com, you are correct – you don’t have to do anything. We take care of it all for you. 🙂


  95. Michael

    Wow, the new features of 2.7 look really good from the movie version of it. I can’t wait to use the new dashboard later in November! It looks a lot easier to use and way better organized because one is able to customize it, to their liking. Thanks WordPress!!!


  96. wolkanca

    Nice the dashboard.


  97. Kleckser

    WordPress 2.7 will really improve usability further.
    looking forward to it !


  98. thecollegekid


    how about (8) all of the above!

    Where can I get free web hosting – I like wordpress, but I would also like to have a free domain name of my own.



    • Douglas

      It will be hard to find a free hosting that gives away free domain names. They cost the people who register them money, so giving them away could get costly.


  99. Dipa

    Thats really a drastic change and very Great, …No need to edit the comments one by one anymore to reply…I’m waitin for this…I’ll be using this as CMS for my Client Website…when exactly the release? maybe around 20th November or end of this month?


    • Douglas

      We don’t have an exact launch date, but it should be by the end of the month. As Jane said, when we have an actual release date set in stone, it’ll definitely be announced.


  100. Marius

    Cool Video. Now I am really looking forward to the new WordPress!
    Wordpress = Make things Easier!


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