Automattic Acquires Intense Debate

I’m pleased to announce that Intense Debate is now an Automattic joint.

Intense Debate is a richly interactive comment system that includes cool features like threading, reply by email, voting, reputation, and global profiles.

For more details on the product and our plans, check out my blog, Toni’s blog, and Jon’s blog at Intense Debate.

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  1. alejna

    Cool beans. I can’t wait to see where you guys go with this.


  2. Pingback: Automattic Acquires IntenseDebate « Wir sprechen Online.
  3. Ry Cooder

    Keep workin’ guys!


  4. bentoet

    Very great!! Brilliant idea..


  5. legoless

    Cool! I can’t wait.


  6. Paul Roman

    Great !


  7. Mr.Rockmantico

    Good system It’s very interesting, It’s cool 😉


  8. dmosbon

    Does that mean we’ll see this incorporated into settings?


  9. Pingback: Bättre kommentarssystem på gång för WordPress
  10. domestic empire

    Sounds good (“;) You intend to integrate it as a core feature of WordPress I presume? Do you have a time frame in mind?


  11. Heather

    @domestic empire: There isn’t an official roll-out date now. Keep an eye out for more updates 🙂


  12. Pingback: IntenseDebate acquisita da Automattic
  13. Chittaranjan

    Wow! “Intense” news this :mrgreen:



  14. Gerrit Eicker

    Great news!


  15. ojoc

    Thats cool to hear!


  16. Armando Netto

    Very Nice!

    Thankz to wordpress guys.


  17. Yasir Imran

    Wow that is great feature, like a forum software
    Surely I need to check out these blogs
    Thanks 🙂


  18. masterclasslady

    Thanks so much WordPress. I just signed up.


  19. ismailimail

    Excellent. How soon is it coming to


  20. Teck

    Cool It’s Christmas around here lately. 🙂

    Also Thanks for the update


  21. Jackson

    Awesome guys! I just love ya…


  22. draguscn

    can’t wait to see the change


  23. djchiclet

    This sounds cool! I can’t wait to hear more about it… like when we can incorporate the features into our blogs. Thanks WordPress!!!


  24. maikelneris

    I hope this service can be installed in my self-hosted WordPress!!!


  25. mclearskin

    Good news. Thank you.


  26. commontater

    Kewl, man! Especially if you incorporate this feature into blogs..heh heh


  27. bigsquaredot

    Congrats gang. Keep up the good work.


  28. gap



  29. jewaira

    Just what we need to facilitate discussions / replies on blogs. Great idea.


  30. afifashah

    Looks like WP is going towards a full blown Social Network in nice easy manner….


  31. Pingback: Sistema de debate no seu blog em breve | Maikel Neris - guru Wordpress (título auto proclamado)
  32. raydacteur

    voting … that would be really cool !


  33. Nick

    Nice! Looking forward to this new feature on


  34. s0cialmind

    Nice, there’s massive room for improvement in this kind of service


  35. Daniel Florien

    This is excellent. One of the big things WordPress is missing is threaded comments. Can’t wait for that!


  36. Sam Page

    Awesome. I am happy to see WordPress continuing to evolve to the emerging demands and innovations of the rest of the blogosphere.


  37. drcorner

    After reading the way ID worked, and how it would be implemented on WP’s various platforms/services, I can’t wait…like I said in an earlier Announcement post, you guys are really cranking out the big-guns in Sept. this Year. Great job!

    Can’t wait for the Comments’ Face-Lifts to come.


  38. David Ker

    Can we have it yesterday?


  39. hoh


    > Automattic Acquires Intense Debate?

    automatic what?

    >I’m pleased to announce that Intense Debate is now an Automattic joint.

    are these yet more new themes?!

    blogging at word press is no monkey business alas

    hard to debate when you don’t know what the bleep anyone is talking about!

    really don’t want to have to go to all those other sites to have to read a mountain of stuff to try to work out what your saying
    maybe heather could help here – as the deputy communicator – to put yr speak into ordinary speak?!

    unless this announcement is only aimed at geeks and their ilk


  40. Arpit Shah

    Awesome news.. Keep rocking..


  41. Heather

    @hoh: But web surfing is so fun 🙂 Automattic is the company behind WordPress. Intense Debate, as mentioned, is a commenting service. Check out Matt’s post for more details.


  42. trollboy

    sweet. it’ll be like having mini forums


  43. netsolns

    I hope it has templates. Nearly all comments so far are like “Cool”, “Great”. Why not have template responses and have readers pick these instead of typing. Or add these in their typing. Or maybe add these as a classification. So the header of each comment look like Gravatar, name, thinks (template), actual comment.


  44. arif

    Interesting. I hope you would enable a feature to allow people to receive blog posts via email (not just the comments, as I’m assuming, which will be enabled after this upgrade). The third-party solution for receiving blog posts via email is not satisfactory (feed burner or what have you), I only wish WordPress has it’s own email solution for visitors to receive email notifications when blogger makes new blog posts.


  45. sensico

    Are, you freaking kidding me, this is great. I am kind of curious, you say,

    For more details on the product and our plans, check out my blog, Toni’s blog, and Jon’s blog at Intense Debate.

    So does that suggest that we have to pay in order to get this feature, because if thats the case, then this poor college student de-clines…


  46. Heather

    @sensico: Nope! This feature will be free, just like Akismet. Check out Matt’s blog post for more details.


  47. Brigitte

    Fancy! Thanks! ;3


  48. Pingback: Intense Debate Now Automattic « Changing Way
  49. ClapSo

    I looked at Intense Debate and considered using it on my blog months ago. I am not a fan of parts of it. I don’t like the “ruputation” and voting up and down on comments feature. I would prefer that anyone who takes issue with another readers comment answer with a full comment of their own, not simply vote up or down.

    As Intense Debate is probably eventually going to become a new feature here on WP I would hope that we bloggers will be able to choose whether it replaces the current comment feature we use here on WP on our own blogs. Unless the vote up or down feature can be disabled on my blog, I would very much prefer not to have Intense Debate as the comment feature on my blog. The voting feature makes it far too easy for gangs of cyberbully trolls to harass commenters.

    We all love comments on our blogs, but I don’t want to wind up becoming the admin of a chat room. On a couple of occasions I have had to smooth the ruffled feathers of commenters who rubbed each other wrong in comments on my blog. This is not something I like having to do, and I worry that Intense Debate would increase the likelihood of such happening in future.

    I have seen this kind of cyberwar stuff on several other blogs and it seems to happen the most on blogs that use threaded comment features like Intense Debate.

    Thanks in advance for giving us the widest choice possible when it comes to the comment feature…


  50. Heather

    @ClapSo: Intense Debate features will be incorporated, rather than turned on outright. Reputation points and comment voting are actually ways to encourage quality comments. If you have further suggestions as new features are rolled out, please feel free to contact Support. Suggestions sent there are logged in a list that is reviewed regularly. Thanks for the feedback. It’s always welcome.


  51. Pingback: Mais uma aquisição da Automattic: Intense Debate « InfoBits
  52. that girl again

    oh, so that’s why threaded comments are suddenly going into core. I did wonder.


  53. Catshade

    After seeing ID in-action in their website, I know you’ve made the right choice. It looks and feels better than Disqus, and I can’t wait to see threaded comments and reputation points in my future blogs 😀


  54. yoakow

    Great one


  55. raincoaster

    Oh, man, I”m just getting used to Gawker. THE WHOLE INTERNET IS CHANGING!

    Dammit, you kids get offa my lawn!


  56. Pingback: fattening the calf « wordpress™ wank
  57. katroboy

    Nice, good, awesome, great! 😀


  58. Robin

    Awwwwwwww! And it’s not even Christmas. THANK YOU!


  59. Rodrigo Díaz

    Cool Beans.


  60. allforblue

    thank u good debate


  61. rizkivmaster

    It’s cool! But it’ll be better if it has some advanced option in the feature…


  62. Moderator

    Awwww, I was hoping for Haloscan. Bummer.

    Nah, I likey it, and I signeded up for the notification. You make me wait long, and I’ll be upset. I need that! I need that! I need that!

    Nice work youse guys. You keep adding neat stuff, and I may actually have to consider donating some more scratch.

    @ClapSo: I have to believe that we will have either the option to disable certain features or edit the reputations of our commenters so that trolling won’t be that kind of issue. But I do not speak for the Great and Powerful Ozes. I am simply assuming that it will be so, based on what has come before.

    Again, SWEET!


  63. કાર્તિક મિસ્ત્રી

    Good news!


  64. Amyth

    Good stuff! – Anything to make blogging MORE interactive gets a Thumbs Up from me! :mrgreen:


  65. meenas17

    WordPress is becoming comprehensive.
    A focused progress.
    Wish you well.


  66. Trevor D

    Looks something nice and new….but emm….I really didn’t understand what you said I mean….do we gotta sign up for that thing? or is it like you’ll place it on every blog soon?? Cheers!



  67. Heather

    @Trevor D: Certain features will be incorporated into Check out Matt’s blog for more details.


  68. Harshad Joshi

    Ummm, thats sounds cool. 🙂


  69. Harshad Joshi

    BTW, from where do you guys get capital to purchase companies?? It would be interesting to know it.


  70. Heather

    @Harshad Joshi: It’s a bit out of date, but the Automattic page on CrunchBase is a good place to start learning about the company.


  71. Pingback: Good News/Bad News « Silverstar’s Magical Adventures (and assorted rants)
  72. Kunal

    I read that 2.7 would have Intense Debate commenting system, but what time does the users get the access to it?


  73. Jennifer

    Fantastic! Looking forward to the day when my blogs have some comments so I can try out the new feature.


  74. Pingback: Rewolucja w systemie komentarzy WordPressa | WPNinja
  75. Nita

    wow, this sounds exciting. As you said, spicing up the comments section will really take blogging to a new level. What makes blogging special is the high level of interaction on blog and the various communities. Now you have really got us all agog.


  76. opensource

    Great! Jope this will be inplemented soon


  77. Pingback: Automattic compra IntenseDebate para integrarlo en WordPress
  78. HeLL-dA


    Nice work..!


  79. braybon9



  80. Pingback: Threaded Comments. « Gary William Murning Online
  81. St.Fallen

    awesomeness 😀


  82. Pingback: It keeps getting better and better: Intense Debate acquired by Automattic » A Division by Zer0
  83. Toronaga



  84. Pingback: Automattic Acquired Intense Debate
  85. Pingback: Auseinandersetzung « rufus still thinks about his title …
  86. Pingback: BlogChemistry » WordPress and the intense debate
  87. hamas gaza

    Good news. Thank you.



    GooOo00O0ooOoo0o0O00O00OO0Oo0O0O0o0O0Oo0o0O0o0oo000oOOOoOooo000od news. Thank MATT.


  89. Pingback: This Post Has Sixty-Five Words « それは熱い
  90. Pingback: IntenseDebate pasa a formar parte de Automattic
  91. portorikan

    awesome… goodbye disqus hello intensedebate. Looks like I picked the wrong commenting system to try out first on my self hosted blog.

    Looking forward to the changes.


  92. Dilip Prakash

    Great work man…


  93. timethief

    Thanks for this improvement that many wordpress bloggers will benefit from.


  94. Ros

    Threaded comments would be so great!


  95. mohd222

    Good job Matt, I like the way wordpress is improving everyday!!! keep it up guys 🙂


  96. Matthew

    Very Great!!


  97. sky



  98. lariosola

    Clear. I’m eager to know more about it. Coolest!


  99. Dark Crow200

    Awesome update


  100. Pingback: It’s Time for an Intense Debate » Whether a tree falls to the south or to the north, in the place where it falls, there will it lie

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