Feed Stats Now Live

We've got a little bit of a surprise for you this Friday. For the past month or so we've been tracking traffic to your RSS feeds just like we track stats for your normal pages.

Now RSS feeds are a little tricky, because even though they may get 3-5 times the amount of raw traffic that your normal blogs, it's often aggregators that check the feed every 30 minutes or hour automatically. So the real metric for feeds is subscribers, or an idea of how many people are tracking the new things you write. There is a little bit of voodoo in getting this number, but we feel like we have a pretty good grip on it, and our data is getting better as time goes on.

Under your dashboard you'll now see a new tab, "Feed Stats." Under this it'll show you the rough number of unique people who checked your feed that day, and what's the breakdown of aggregators like Bloglines and FeedDemon people are using to track your RSS feeds.

Across all of WordPress.com, there are about 66 to 70 thousand subscribers to the various root feeds for all our blogs, yet these people generated 17.5 million hits in March. Whew!

Check out your stats and who's subscribing to your feed. If it's too low, it might be worth doing a post encouraging people to add your RSS feed (which is at yourblog.wordpress.com/feed/) to their aggregator. If your subscriber stats bounce around a lot, it's probably due to your posting frequency or the number of web browsers polling your feed.

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Join 110.7M other subscribers


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  1. gpessia



  2. Pingback: gp » Blog Archive » Wordpress - Feed Stat
  3. gringo

    niiiiiiiiiiice! 🙂


  4. Destiny

    hey, really great, i didn’t knew that someone suscribed to me at all


  5. typo180



  6. livingjourney

    Yipeee… I had no idea that someone subscribed to me either.

    Makes all my rants worth while



  7. Rushi Vishavadia

    You guys rock! This is very useful, never had a chance to properly use feedburner


  8. Pingback: blagermeister » Blog Archive » Free Beer @ Blagermeister
  9. Abhijit Nadgouda

    Very useful, cool!


  10. Abhijit Nadgouda

    Make way for the Feed Stats widget 😉


  11. myscribbles

    It’s a total surprise for me as well. It’s great to know how many people are actually reading your feeds through aggregators. I had just started using FeedBurner for the fact that it gives this informatiom, but I guess I will have to switch back to WordPress.

    The WordPress admins are really cracking at improvements this Friday. What’s up, guys? Give us a break! Incredible speed.


  12. myscribbles

    Forgot to say that I didn’t know whether anyone was reading my feeds at all. 🙂


  13. stealbelow

    Something seems buggy for me…14 people read my feed today…then my stats page shows 14 views today…8 of which are from search engine traffic…6 from referrers..so does that mean that there were an additional 14 people who read my feed today?

    28 in total?

    I apologize if I’m missing the obvious answer here 🙂


  14. .i dream in red.

    very cool. very handy.


  15. gapp

    That helped a lot. Thanx a lot. I still want the daily poll widget, could you guys work on that…


  16. Cari Duit

    nice. got 5 ppl read my feed 🙂


  17. Jope

    This is great, thanks! And congrats on the funding, while we’re at it… 🙂


  18. Pingback: ABr’s Blog » Blog Archive » Wordpress widgets spicing the Dashboard
  19. pizza

    Excellent feature. What a nice surprise. Question, though– On my pie chart, I mouse-over the three pieces of pie and the %’s add up to 450%. Could this be a bug?


  20. Livia

    WOW, this is amazing! Thank you!


  21. Christian

    You are simply the best … and still improving! 🙂


  22. neok

    I was waiting these stats for months! Thanks!


  23. linux

    Cool one … love this one.


  24. Chrono Cr@cker

    I kinda think it’s really off. It shows too many readers/subscribers.

    I have a question – that figure is the number of subscribers??

    Also, will my Feedburner feed’s stats be added? As it depends on mine!


  25. nikos

    How do I enable it in my hosted account?

    Thank you


  26. Pingback: Quick Online Tips » Monitor Feed Statistics in Wordpress.com
  27. Pingback: Chrono Tron - 100% » Blog Archive » Wordpress Problems for Chrono Tron
  28. desimaharaja

    I’ve always wondered about the trickyness about having RSS feed stats, but you guys did it! This along with the regular blog stats gives a nice estimate of regular visitors.



  29. greenlightsabers

    It’s nice to know that there are people who read my blogs. =3


  30. gogimer

    Thanks, is good idea!


  31. Pingback: Re.Mark » Feed me
  32. alicia

    Nice! I’ve been waiting to see something like this for a while, but it seemed like nobody was up to tackling the logistics of it. I should’ve known better than to underestimate to WP crew.


  33. zhaol

    It’s great! I like it.


  34. sanyuja

    Thanks for this.


  35. kaprizioes

    Thanks too!


  36. Sankar

    2 new features in a day (this as well as flickr widget). This is great.


  37. sudhakar

    Hats off guys..keep rocking


  38. jean

    feeds stats are great tx for putting up


  39. swartzonmedia

    I got to play around with it a little more, but it seems like a cool tool.


  40. taraden

    Thanks, such a nifty feature!


  41. Pingback: Photo Matt » Typepad Switches Atom
  42. hazel8500

    This is great! Thanks.


  43. vinu

    now this is zingy! It would be great if you could stardize the colours for the feed readers i.e atleast prominent ones in the pie-chart


  44. bt

    That’s really nice, I never thought anyone subscribed to my feed. But I still think you guys need to work on making the widget features availabled for all the themes. Especially pool.


  45. swartzonmedia



  46. Thomas

    Please create for hosted blogs too. 🙂


  47. greenzap

    Love It!


  48. barber

    This is a heavily cool new feature but I haven’t fully figured it out. Checking the stats is easy but how do we check to see who the subscribers are?


  49. babblish

    How do Ì get one of those page statistics? I have tryed to get one but it doesnt work!!!


  50. kranket

    Long live the world of free loving 1s and 0s!!!!


  51. Harsh

    Nice 🙂


  52. pinaki

    Its wonderful!!!


  53. Pingback: LIFESCAPADE: bared for my future progeny » Feed Stats
  54. tashfeen

    this is amazing. one of the reasons i chose wordpress.com over other blogging options :)..


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