Science Filter
  1. The Last Word On Nothing

    “Science says the first word on everything, and the last word on nothing,” said Victor Hugo. The Last Word on Nothing is a collaborative blog by science writers all over the world. They write for publications like New Scientist, Scientific American, Smithsonian, National Geographic, and more.

  2. Researchers in the World

    Follow Yannick and Orsi as they travel around the world learning about new countries and cultures through science.

  3. Finding Fossils with a Legendary Dinosaur Hunter

    “Wendy is more Mad Max than the nerd with a fondness for fossils I’d expected. A living legend, known the world over for her sixth sense. A celebrated dinosaur hunter. And a real badass.” Photographer Susan Portnoy explores the Canadian Badlands of southern Alberta with Wendy Sloboda.

  4. Quam Proxime

    Kathryn Hume works in the artificial intelligence sector, but has a background in philosophy and literature. On her blog, she publishes essays that bring together her interests in tech, language, culture, and more.

  5. The Alan Turing Institute

    The Alan Turing Institute is the United Kingdom’s national institute for data science. Turing’s work in theoretical and applied mathematics, engineering, and computing are considered to be the foundation of the data science field.

  6. Undark

    Undark Magazine explores science at the point where it intersects — and sometimes collides — with politics, economics and culture.

  7. Springtime

    Time zones: why do we have them? Science blogger Jon Farrow explains: “The answers to these questions, like so much that is great in this world, involve two of my favourite things: Canada and astronomy.”

  8. The Mass General Research Institute

    The Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute is the largest hospital-based research organization in the US. Researchers and physicians work together to find cures, improve care, and encourage medical innovation.

  9. Science Friday

    Science Friday is more than a weekly radio program dedicated to all things science — it’s “brain fun, for curious people.”

  10. “The Backfire Effect” Is the Cognitive Concept of the Moment

    Listen to the podcast that inspired a popular comic about changing one’s beliefs.

  11. A Natural History Lexicon: Lek

    Welcome to your guided tour of the Greater Sage Grouse’s lek, where male birds gather and show themselves off, hoping to be selected by a female. Brendan McGarry takes us inside a spectacle that’s at once ridiculous and utterly serious.

  12. Taking a Trip Through Love Canal: The Residuum

    “That’s where we are at. As a society, our bodies and minds are in such a poor condition that we cannot touch our proverbial toes—we cannot control ourselves, yet we want to control something outside of ourselves.” Jack Caseros on environmental contamination, not climate change, as our most pressing environmental issue.

  13. What I Discovered After My Year In Space

    Astronaut Scott Kelly spent 340 days circling Earth. Read an excerpt from his upcoming memoir, Endurance: A Year In Space, A Lifetime of Discovery.

  14. Letter to a Christian Climate Skeptic

    A thorough, well-reasoned, and data-supported response to American Christians who deny the reality of climate change, from theologian and scholar W. Bradford Littlejohn.

    Current Events
  15. Make Wealth History

    On his blog, UK-based writer Jeremy Williams publishes on sustainability, global inequality, and the need to “use less, want less, and be more generous” to protect our planet and its inhabitants.
