Current Events / Posts Filter
  1. Finding Jesus in the Tear Gas

    “During the day, MDP Circle is a dreamy little slice of what could be without the tyrannical hand of the state. At night, the police gas and shoot anyone gathered there. The oscillation between joy and terror is exhausting.”

    Current Events
  2. Bellingcat

    A group of international volunteers who are using pioneering online research techniques to investigate world events — from Mexican drug lords and crimes against humanity, to tracking the use of chemical weapons and conflicts worldwide.

    Current Events
  3. The Code of Silence Ends Here

    “You may not have the power to fire a bad cop, but you must make it clear to your unprofessional peers that racism and abuse of power are not tolerated. They make your job more difficult and they endanger your safety every day.”

    Current Events
  4. Sarah Cooper’s 10,000 Hours

    “Befitting a 10,000 hour journey that constantly saw experimentation (tweeting, writing, drawing, open mics, stand-ups, acting) the groundwork was laid for Cooper’s next breakthrough via a new platform: Tik Tok.” Trung T. Phan examines the rise of comedian and Trump lip-sync master Sarah Cooper.

    Current Events
  5. An Open Letter to Computing Community

    “We know the compounding effect brought by feelings of isolation on one’s spirit as the ‘only’ in a meeting, within a boardroom, on a committee, in a research lab, or in a classroom.”

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  6. Help Colorado Now

    Help Colorado Now is a hub to organize health care professionals, volunteers, supplies, and monetary and blood donations to help people across the US state of Colorado during the COVID-19 crisis.

    Current Events
  7. Not Every Pandemic Is the Black Death

    Dr. Eleanor Janega, a Medievalist, dives deep into the history of pandemics and dispels common mistakes about one of the most notorious (and deadly) ones — the 14th-century Black Death.

    Current Events
  8. How to Expand Subjective Time During the Lockdown

    Now that we’re all at home practicing social distancing, does time seem to run together, where the past is a blur? Ted Cooke offers practical tips on choosing specific household locations for certain activities to exert more control over your experience of time and space while under lockdown.

    Current Events
  9. Parents, Stop Freaking Out, Teachers Aren’t Perfect Either

    Angela Graham, a teacher, addresses the fears of parents who are new to homeschooling: “We are not perfect, and whatever school ends up looking like for your child the rest of this year, we don’t expect you to be perfect either.”

  10. This is not my first rodeo

    “I know that this situation, while ‘oh this again’ for me, is probably novel and once-in-a-lifetime for you. That is, in fact, why I did the job I did for 30 years: so that shortages and lockdowns and shutdowns and uncertainty aren’t life-as-usual for you.” The writer at InBLOGnito shares learnings from years of facing […]

  11. Commuting in Corona Times

    Artist Kera Till draws a public transportation map for these strange, uncertain times.

  12. The Scrappy Picture Schedule Might Save Us — Parenting in a Pandemic

    “And it also helped me, who needed direction to get through the otherwise shapeless day.” Heather Kirn Lanier shares how a picture schedule helped her and her daughter create structure in their day.

    Current Events
  13. Why we’re canceling our trip to Kauai: An exponential essay

    “Each of the paragraphs I’ve written represents three days, and each word represents a person in the United States infected with COVID-19. . . . If I continued to follow the formula of this piece: Paragraph 17 would be 65,536 words long–about the length of my first book.”

    Current Events
  14. COVID-19 Freelance Artist Resources

    Are you a freelance artist wondering how you’ll pay rent duringa  quarantine? Are you looking for ways to support independent artists during the widespread national shutdowns? Check out this ever-growing collection of resources on everything from disaster preparedness to emergency funding options to the best digital tools for creatives.

  15. We Can’t Travel, But the World Is Still Ours to Explore

    With the coronavirus pandemic bringing global tourism to an abrupt halt, travel writer Shivya Nath shares her ideas for safe, responsible exploration.

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