
Hummingbird – Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript

使用最佳的 WP 缓存插件优化网站速度。缓存、精简 CSS & 精简 JavaScript、延迟关键 CSS & JS、smush & 图片懒加载。
May 2, 2024
Hummingbird – Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript

Hummingbird 通过增加新的方法来提高 Google PageSpeed Insights,并对文件压缩、延迟 CSS 和 JavaScript 样式和脚本、CSS 和 JS 的最小化、Lazy Load 集成以及世界级缓存进行微调控制,从而使您的网站速度更快并优化网站性能。

Hummingbird 是由 WordPress 速度专家为您带来的,他们创建了Smush图像优化,目前已在 1 万多个网站上使用。使用 Hummingbird 和 Smush 全面提升速度。

如果 PageSpeed Insights 提出这些速度建议,Hummingbird 可以提供帮助:

  • Enable text compression – Use gzip to make your site fly (Brotli Compression via CDN included with Pro).
  • 预先连接到所需的来源地 – 使用 Hummingbird 建立早期连接。
  • 预加载关键请求 – 根据顺序优先处理资源。
  • 避免巨大的网络有效载荷–考虑对评论进行懒加载或分解较小的帖子。
  • 使用高效缓存 – 蜂鸟缓存套件提供有效的浏览器缓存,可缓存任何网站。
  • 修复 JavaScript 的执行时间 – 交付较小的 JS 有效载荷、预加载 JS 并延迟 JS。
  • 最小化 CSS – 从 CSS 中删除未使用的代码。
  • 最小化 JavaScript – 加快解析 JavaScript 文件的速度。
  • 消除妨碍渲染的资源 – 将关键的 CSS 和 JS 移至内嵌,并延迟所有非关键的 JS/CSS。
  • 延迟 JavaScript 执行(仅限专业版)- 通过延迟加载非关键 JS 文件和脚本直到用户交互,提高性能。
  • 自动生成关键 CSS(仅限专业版)–通过优先处理页面上方的内容,大幅提高页面速度和用户体验。
  • 延迟加载未使用的 CSS – 延迟加载未用于上部内容的 CSS。
  • 懒加载屏幕外图像(Smush 免费版集成)。

Hummingbird 会扫描你的网站,并提供一键修复功能,瞬间加快 WordPress 的运行速度。

使用 Hummingbird 的 WordPress 速度优化功能,您将获得更快的网页加载速度、更高的搜索排名(SERP)和 PageSpeed 分数,以及更快乐的访客。优化网站速度从未如此简单!

Features Available in Hummingbird Include:

  • 扫描和修复 – 对网站进行扫描,找出拖慢速度的原因,并使用一键式性能改进来提高关键速度。
  • World-class caching – A full caching suite to load pages faster with full-page, Gravatar, and browser cache tool.
  • Performance Reports – Pro tips for running your site at super speed.
  • 资产优化 – 定位、最小化和合并 Javascript、CSS 和 Google Font 文件,以获得最佳性能。使用内置安全模式测试更改。
  • Better Rankings – Improve scores on Google PageSpeed Insights (SEO ranking factor), YSlow, Pingdom, and GTmetrix.
  • Increase Your Conversion Rate – Don’t keep visitors waiting: faster sites convert better.
  • GZIP Compression – Blazing-fast HTML, JavaScript, and stylesheet (CSS) transfer.
  • 配置 – 设置您喜欢的性能设置,将其保存为配置,并立即上传到任何其他网站。
  • Font Optimization – Improve site speed, Core Web Vitals, and visual stability by preloading critical fonts and enabling fallbacks.

通过这些实际操作的 Hummingbird 教程学习诀窍

Hummingbird Features to Speed Up WordPress

Scan and One-Click Fix

Hummingbird is a WordPress speed optimization plugin. It will scan your site, find files that are slowing it down, and provide tips and fixes for making your site run at top speed.

Hummingbird 甚至还具有一键式改进功能,如完整的缓存套件、一键式样式和脚本最小化、延迟 CSS 和 JS 以快速优化性能。还有什么比这更简单的?

World-Class Caching

You’ll get a world-class caching suite, including full-page, browser, and Gravatar cache.

Make your site load even faster with Hummingbird’s complete set of cache tools that give your visitors a faster browsing experience. Including full-page, browser and Gravatar caching.

Asset Optimization

Did you know that the more files you add to your site’s header, the slower it will load? With Hummingbird, you can easily customize the load position of your CSS, JavaScript (defer CSS and Javascript), Fonts, and other files to increase your page speed.

利用 Hummingbird 的精简功能,快速重新排序、压缩和重新定位文件。一键重置你所做的任何更改,或使用资产优化安全模式在推送上线前测试更改。

Transfer Data at Top Speed With GZIP

Hummingbird has GZIP powers to make sharing your site more efficient.

Sending zipped files is faster and can save you money on hosting. And don’t worry about setup, send Hummingbird instructions with the click of a button and she’ll handle the rest.

Built-in Cloudflare Integration

Hummingbird 还可用于控制Cloudflare浏览器缓存和自动平台优化(APO)设置!只需添加 Cloudflare API 密钥并进行配置即可。

Font Optimization

Boost site speed, Core Web Vitals, and the visual stability of pages for users with Hummingbird’s one-click font optimization features: Preload Fonts, which instructs browsers to preload essential fonts, and Swap Web Fonts, which applies a temporary fallback font until the primary one loads.

Fully Compatible With Smush Image Optimization

You can complement Hummingbird’s WordPress speed optimization features with our award-winning sister-plugin Smush image optimization. Smush compresses your images, giving your site less to load – and thus a faster load time. Hummingbird + Smush integrate perfectly together, and are the perfect match to speed up WordPress.

通过适当大小的图像、懒加载、下一代 WebP 转换、图像格式等功能,压缩、优化(优化)和修复 PageSpeed 性能。

使用 Hummingbird 配置节省时间

配置允许您保存自己喜欢的 Hummingbird 配置设置,只需点击几下即可将其应用到其他网站。您可以创建无限量的配置。

延迟 Javascript 资源(仅限专业版)

通过延迟加载 JS 文件和第三方脚本,直至用户直接交互(如滚动或点击),大幅提升网站性能。享受更快的页面加载速度,提高网站生命周期,并获得超高的 PageSpeed 分数。

一键激活,包括用户交互超时和排除关键文件延迟的选项。访问此功能需要付费的 WPMU DEV 账户(Hummingbird 的开发者)。您可以在此处查看我们经济实惠的计划。

生成关键 CSS(仅限专业版)

只优先处理最重要的 CSS,最大限度地提高网站速度和用户体验。生成关键 CSS 功能可智能生成关键 CSS 并将其嵌入每个页面的头部,优先处理页面上方的内容,从而显著提高加载速度。每次网站设计变更都会自动更新关键 CSS,您只需点击一下即可启用/禁用。

Faster Websites Rank Higher, Convert Better

Every millisecond counts: your visitors expect an ever-faster website, with a page load time of under two seconds expected – and the norm. If visitors don’t get that on your site, they will leave.

If you’re running a business website or eCommerce store, that means if your website does not load quickly, you will lose sales.

Hummingbird is here to help you; it’s a one of a kind WordPress performance optimization plugin that can make your site run at superspeed, for free!

You get our WordPress performance optimization suite, which includes minification and GZIP for small page sizes, full caching for faster loading, and integration with Cloudflare’s APO / browser cache, and our sister-plugin Smush image optimization.

Hummingbird is built with ease-of-use in mind; it makes your WordPress site faster, but it’s also fast to set up. You can scan your site and implement recommended changes in one-click, getting a fast site in mere minutes.

All the above is free and will speed up WordPress for you. If you need the very fastest WordPress site, you should get a WPMU DEV Membership.

Our Membership gives you access to Hummingbird Pro – which features automated scanning, uptime monitoring, enhanced minify compression (with 2x the regular optimization), CDN hosted minification – alongside Smush Pro image optimization, all our premium WordPress plugins, and 24/7 WordPress support.

It’s an incredible deal, and you can find out more here.

What do People say About Hummingbird?


Hummingbird is so easy to use. I thought it wouldn’t change my speed much because I already made improvements. I ran the scan, it gave me recommendations, I pushed a button to apply them and it made my site even faster!” – Camilo


“Hummingbird is getting smarter with each update. Today it’s become so good that it forced me to remove giant cache and optimization plugins like WP Super Cache and WP Sweep because now Hummingbird includes all those features – but in a more impressive way.” – swagatam1975


Hummingbird took me from 32 to 84 on Google page speed plus made my site 50% faster on GTmetrix!” – Nicolas


“I just built a real bloated sack of crap of a WP site, and after configuring Hummingbird and letting it do its thing, the site is actually fast — much faster than it has any right to be…I’m impressed.” – Cacarr

A Note From Hummingbird

Hey! This is Hummingbird, your trusted solution to speed up WordPress. I’m part of the WPMU DEV team, a superhero-suite of WordPress plugins, services, and support. Here are some of our other free plugins:

  • Smush – Image Compression and Optimization
  • Forminator – Form, Quiz, Poll and Survey Builder
  • Hustle – Pop-ups, Slide-ins and Email Opt-ins

And if you need ALL our Pro plugins AND 24/7 WordPress support, get WPMU DEV membership! You can try it for free:

My superhero friends run the WPMU DEV Blog, your source for the very best WordPress tutorials. If you need to be in the know about WordPress, check it out.

Thanks for looking at Hummingbird, and I look forward to flying through your site to make it faster than ever.

Enjoy, The Hummingbird

About Us

WPMU DEV 是优质的 WordPress 插件、服务和支持的高级供应商。在此加入我们:↵

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Hey, one more thing… we hope you enjoy our free offerings as much as we’ve loved making them for you!

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。