

8 个插件
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    Jetpack Boost - Website Speed, Performance and Critical CSS
    作者Automattic - Jetpack Site Speed team
    通过 Jetpack Boost 优化页面性能,加快您 WordPress 站点的加载速度。 轻松激活一键优化功能,增强您的 Core Web Vitals。
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    Hummingbird - Cache & Page Speed Optimization for Core Web Vitals | Critical CSS | Minify CSS | Defer CSS Javascript
    作者WPMU DEV
    Optimize site speed with best WP cache plugin. Cache, minify CSS & minify JavaScript, defer critical CSS & JS, smush & lazy load images.
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    PageSpeed Ninja - Cache, Minify, Defer CSS JavaScript, Critical CSS, Optimize Images, Convert WebP
    作者PageSpeed Ninja
    Boost page speed: cache, compress, optimize images to WebP, minify CSS/JS, defer loading, lazy load, generate critical CSS, improve Core Web Vitals
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    Reduce Unused CSS Solution with Critical CSS For WP
    Critical CSS For WP removes the unused CSS which helps to paint fast and render the above fold content, before downloading the complete css files.
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    ShortPixel Critical CSS
    Critical CSS plugin by ShortPixel to speed up your website. Easy to use, works on any website.
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    CSS Optimizer - Remove Unused CSS
    Clean up and remove unused CSS from your website. Also generates Critical CSS to improve PageSpeed Score.
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    Eliminate Render Blocking CSS
    Get a better PageSpeed result by integrating the eliminate-render-blocking-css.com service into your site.
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    Critical CSS and Javascript
    作者Team Performance
    Defer render blocking CSS and Javascript with the best Critical-CSS WordPress plugin