WordPress being very slow

  • I’m having issues with the website speed, I’ve been trying numerous things like different cache plugins, image optimizations, host-services but it will not improve. The website is getting pretty nice score when you run it through tests, but working around the website and browsing different sections is very slow. If I look back a few months, it was only the ‘public’ website being slow, but today the Admin Dashboards are also very slow. It takes several seconds to load anything. I’ve tried to disable all plugins, the problem will still exist. I’m beginning to think it’s related to WordPress updates, or some code crashing? How can I further investigate, this issue is driving me crazy! I appreciate any help offered.

    WP.com: Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    Den blogg jag behöver hjälp med är (endast synlig för moderatorer och personal).

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