Baskerville 2

door Anders Norén

(Baskerville 2 is a refreshed version of the Baskerville theme, with more features and added flexibility.)

Baskerville 2 is a crisp, responsive theme that displays your writing, photos, and videos in a dynamic grid layout.

Baskerville 2 Responsive WordPress Theme

Content Options

Baskerville 2 supports all Content Options, including the ability to display your choice of full post content or excerpts on the blog and archives.

Custom Menus

The main menu area, under the site header.

The main menu area, under the site header.

Baskerville 2 comes with a Custom Menu location, which sits below the header and can display multiple nested submenus. To add items to the menu:

1. Go to My Sites → Customize → Menus.
2. If you haven’t created a menu yet, create one and select the menu location “Header.”

Social Links Menu

With Baskerville 2, you have the option to display links to your social media profiles in the header. To display them, set up a Social Links Menu.

Social links

Available Icons

Linking to any of the following sites will automatically display its icon in your menu:

  • CodePen
  • Digg
  • Dribbble
  • Dropbox
  • Facebook
  • Flickr
  • GitHub
  • Google+
  • Instagram
  • LinkedIn
  • Email (mailto: links)
  • Pinterest
  • Pocket
  • Polldaddy
  • Reddit
  • RSS Feed (urls with /feed/)
  • StumbleUpon
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Vimeo
  • WordPress
  • YouTube

Widget Areas

Baskerville 2 offers four widget areas:

  • The optional Sidebar, which appears on the right in single posts and pages using the default template.
  • Three optional Footer widget areas.

If there are no widgets in the Sidebar area, the theme automatically adjusts to a single column.

Sidebar widgets in Baskerville 2

Sidebar widgets in Baskerville 2

Footer widgets in Baskerville 2

Footer widgets in Baskerville 2

Site Logo

Baskerville 2 supports the Site Logo feature. To add your own image, go to My Sites → Customize → Site Identity. The logo will appear in the header, above the site title.

Baskerville 2 header with a logo

Custom Header

You can customize Baskerville 2’s header by uploading your own Custom Header Image, which will appear behind the site title as a background image. Decorative images work best in this space.

Page Templates

Baskerville 2 comes with three custom page templates: a Full-Width template, a No-Sidebar template, and a Contributors template.

Both the Full-Width and No-Sidebar templates feature a single column of content. The Full-Width template’s content area is quite wide, making it perfect for displaying larger media like videos, photos, and maps.

Full-width template

The No-Sidebar template displays a single column of content that is the same width as single posts and pages, and the column is centered.

No-sidebar template

The Contributors template displays your site’s authors in a grid. Their names, Gravatars, and profile descriptions are included, as well as links to their own post archives and websites.

Contributors template

To change the Page Template of any new/published page, go to My Sites → Pages and click the name of the page you want to edit. On the page editing screen, look for the Page Options module on the left and choose the page template that you want from the Page Template drop-down menu.

Post Formats

Baskerville 2 supports all Post Formats, and includes unique styles to help different kinds of content stand out:

To recreate the image slider for a gallery post as seen here:

  1. Add a Gallery to a post using images that you’ve uploaded to the post.
  2. Set the post format to Gallery.
  3. Go to My Sites → Customize → Content Options and make sure the “Automatically use first image in post” option is unchecked.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels):

  1. The main column width on posts and pages is 756, and 1120 for the Full-Width template
  2. Custom Header dimensions are fluid, displayed at varying widths and heights, depending on the screen size.
  3. Featured Images are 945 wide; 1400 wide when using the Full-Width template. There is no height limit.
  4. The Site Logo appears at a maximum width of 600 and height of 150.


social media, responsive, blog, travel, lifestyle, photography, portfolio, photos, travel, lifestyle, music, movie, media, magazine, press, news, writer, education, listing

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