
글쓴이: Automattic
이 디자인 선택

Revelar WordPress Theme

Revelar is a single-column blogging theme, designed to showcase your gorgeous photography and highlight your writing, while providing an immersive experience for your visitors. With support for large featured images and multiple post formats, the theme is flexible enough to be used as a photoblog, personal journal, or tumblelog.

Featured Images

Revelar makes use of Featured Images, which helps to visually tell your story. Featured Images are displayed below the title on the blog posts and archive pages. A smaller version of the featured image is used on the blog index page, where posts are displayed in a grid. For the optimal result, add an image at least 1200px wide to each post.

Overhanging Images

On a large screen, left- and right-aligned images will overhang from the main column. Images that are 1200px or wider will be displayed edge-to-edge, filling all available width.

Revelar - Overhanging Images


Revelar - widget area
Revelar offers three widget areas, located underneath the main content. Widgets can be configured via Customize → Widgets.

Custom Menu

Revelar comes with one Custom Menu in the header, which can be configured via Customize → Menus. This menu is hidden by default, and will not be displayed unless a Custom Menu is assigned.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels)

  1. The main column width is 800.
  2. A widget in the sidebar is 360.
  3. Featured Images are 1200 wide.


photography, blog, travel, lifestyle, writer, design, personal

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