Minify & Concatenate Enqueued Scripts & Styles.
최근 업데이트일
September 19, 2013
활성화된 설치 항목

Minification & concatenation of JS and CSS files can reduce the file size of your assets, and reduce the number of HTTP requests, helping improve page load times.

The plugin takes a manually defined list of script/style handles, and minifies and concatenates them into a single file which is then cached for future use.


  • Minifies & concatenates scripts and styles loaded using the WordPress dependency enqueueing system.
  • Handles scripts loaded in the header & footer.
  • Complete control – only a manually defined list of files is processed.
  • Multiple, independently processed files.
  • Minified files are only loaded if at least one component file should be loaded.
  • Compatable with localized scripts.
  • Helper tool – displays a list of scripts and styles enqueued on each page on the front end of the site.
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활성화된 설치 항목
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