플러그인으로 사이트 기능을 향상시키세요

수천 개의 플러그인으로 사이트에 새로운 기능과 연계 서비스를 추가하세요.

48개 플러그인
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    WP-옵티마이즈 - 캐시, 이미지 압축, 축소 및 데이터베이스 정리로 페이지 속도 및 성능 향상
    게시자: David Anderson, Ruhani Rabin, Team Updraft
    이 강력한 캐시 플러그인으로 캐싱 등의 기능을 활용하세요. 캐시, 이미지 최적화, 데이터베이스 정리, 성능 극대화를 위한 미니멀라이제이션이 가능합니다.
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    SpeedyCache - Cache, Optimization, Performance
    게시자: Softaculous Team
    SpeedyCache is a WordPress cache plugin that helps you improve performace of your WordPress site by caching, minifying, and compressing your website.
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    Minify HTML
    게시자: Tim Eckel
    Minify HTML output for clean looking markup and faster downloading.
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    WP Super Minify
    게시자: Dipak C. Gajjar
    A very light weight plugin, combines, minifies, and caches inline JavaScript and CSS files on demand to speed up page loads.
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    Merge + Minify + Refresh
    게시자: Launch Interactive
    Merges/Concatenates CSS & Javascript and then minifies using Minify (for CSS) and Google Closure (for JS with Minify as a fallback).
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    Add Expires Headers & Optimized Minify
    게시자: Passionate Brains
    This plugin will add expires headers for various types of resources of website and also help to add optimized minification and merging of resources to …
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    WP Minify Fix
    게시자: NodeCode
    [Fixed] This plugin uses the Minify engine to combine and compress JS and CSS files to improve page load time.
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    CSS Minify
    게시자: peterpfeiffer
    Minify and Optimize your CSS by clicking one button.
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    게시자: Matthew Haines-Young
    Minify & Concatenate Enqueued Scripts & Styles.
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    Powered Minifier
    게시자: Neoslab
    Reduce your page load by minifying your HTML source along with all the CSS and JS code present in your markup.
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    CSS Above The Fold
    게시자: Pau Iglesias, Blogestudio
    Faster CSS browser rendering displaying selected fragments of your theme stylesheet file directly into the head section.
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    WP Optimizer
    게시자: sh1zen
    Optimize your website performances - Image compression, scripts minification, caching, database cleaner, server enhancements, activity log and more.
    이 플러그인이 WordPress.com과 호환되지 않는 이유는 무엇인가요?
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    Optimize Scripts & Styles
    게시자: Seismic Pixels
    Optimize Scripts & Styles combines scripts and styles on your site, minifies them and provides cachable versions for improved site performance.
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    Minify Javascript
    게시자: peterpfeiffer
    Minify and Optimize your Javascript by clicking one button and place it in the footer or header.
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    HTML Minify
    게시자: Ben Marshall
    Simple & light-weight plugin that allows you to minify the HTML output of your site.
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    WP-Table Reloaded compatible for WP Minify
    게시자: Julius Fischer
    Make the plugin "WP-Table Reloaded" compatible for "WP Minify"
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    게시자: Alessandro Carbone
    Use Compass, Sass, Less, Stylus, CoffeeScript (and more ...) to develop your themes and minify your stylesheets and JavaScript.
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    APH Merge Scripts
    게시자: Agus Prawoto Hadi
    Merge and minify CSS & javascript files into one file. Easy to use. Support remote file - Javascript & CSS files hosted on other server or CDN
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    Dependency Minification
    게시자: X-Team
    Automatically concatenates and minifies any scripts and stylesheets enqueued using the standard dependency system.
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    WPCacheOn - WordPress Caching plugin
    게시자: Jeffrey Cooper
    Simple and lightweight cache plugin for WordPress that will also enhance your website loading time and increase the scores at GTMetrix, Pingdom and ot …