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18개 플러그인
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    Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields
    게시자: Pods Framework Team
    Pods is a framework for creating, managing, and deploying customized content types and fields for any project.
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    Pods Beaver Themer Add-On
    게시자: Quasel, Pods Framework Team
    Integration with Beaver Builder Themer (https://www.wpbeaverbuilder.com/beaver-themer/). Provides a UI for mapping Field Connections with Pods.
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    Pods Alternative Cache
    게시자: Pods Framework Team
    Pods Alternative Cache is a file-based or database-based caching solution for hosts that have limitations on object caching.
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    Pods Gravity Forms Add-On
    게시자: Pods Framework Team
    Integrate with Gravity Forms to create a Pod item from a form submission.
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    Pods SEO
    게시자: Pods Framework Team
    Integrates with WP SEO Analysis for custom fields and Pods Advanced Content Types with WordPress SEO XML Sitemaps
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    Panda Pods Repeater Field
    게시자: Dongjie Xu
    Repeater fields for Pods Framework. Adding a repeatable field on pages.
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    Paid Memberships Pro - Pods Add On
    게시자: Paid Memberships Pro
    Integrates Paid Memberships Pro with the Pods Framework to add groups of fields to many areas of your membership site including Member Profiles, the M …
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    Elementor CPT Magic Tool
    게시자: Zypac
    Elementor addon for add Custom post type fields add in to page or post
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    Pods AJAX Views
    게시자: The Pods Framework Team
    Utilize AJAX cache generation and loading for Pods Views. If a view takes too long to load, use Pods AJAX Views to offload it to AJAX so the rest of t …
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    Pods Stream Connector
    게시자: Pods Framework Team, Nikhil Vimal
    Integrates with the WordPress Stream plugin to track changes to Pods and content
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    CSV Custom Content Importer
    게시자: Luca Vicidomini
    Import a CSV file as a Custom Post Type, for free!
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    The Future Posts
    게시자: José De Almeida
    Display future (scheduled) posts in responsive grids using shortcodes. Works with PODS, Advanced Custom Fields, WooCommerce, and all page builders.
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    Pods Auto-Display
    게시자: Tyson Lloyd Thwaites
    Automatically displays Pods custom fields below custom post content.
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    Advanced Pods Bulk Action
    게시자: iPragmatech Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
    Advanced Pods Bulk Action allow marking bulk items on several pages and uses POST instead of GET to avoid the "too long URI" issue.
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    Pods Toolbar
    게시자: Nikhil Vimal
    A small utility that allows for faster navigation to create and edit Pods, manage components, edit settings, and even clear the cache!
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    Pods Widgets
    게시자: Mike Van Winkle
    This plugin creates a multi-instance widget for inserting pod data into your sidebar. Requires the PodsCMS plugin.
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    Mybizna Pods Migration
    게시자: Dedan Irungu
    This pods migrartion plugin to perform pods migration that are saved as pods.json on themes or plugins.
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    Integrate Pods ACT with Yoast SEO
    게시자: Hasan Halabi & Ebrahim Qnaibi
    Integrate Pods Advance Content Type (ACT) with Yoast SEO