
Mybizna Pods Migration

This pods migrartion plugin to perform pods migration that are saved as pods.json on themes or plugins.
최근 업데이트일
February 23, 2022

This pods migration plugin to perform pods migration that are saved as pods.json on themes or plugins.

I have added new functions to Config.php that has been in development.

The plugin functionality work’s as follows;

  • Autodiscover pods.json in themes and those add via pods_config_pre_load_configs.
  • prepare an array by converting JSON to an array.
  • MD5 the array and compare previously saved MD5 string for previous migrations so as to determine if migration is required.If MD5 is the same the pod is ignored.
  • Call add_pod at PodsAPI to save the pod
  • Save new MD5 from the array for reference during the next migration.

I have only tested with pods with fields and groups only and it is working both for adding, and updating.

NOTE: The plugin can not work if wordpress pods is not installed and activated

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