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76개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    WPtouch - Make your WordPress Website Mobile-Friendly
    게시자: WPtouch
    With just a few clicks, make your WordPress website mobile-friendly (iPhone, Android, and more). Recommended by Google, it will instantly enable a mob …
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    Multi Device Switcher
    게시자: thingsym
    Multi Device Switcher plugin allows you to set a separate theme for device (Smart Phone, Tablet PC, Mobile Phone, Game and custom).
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    iOS images fixer
    게시자: Bishoy A.
    Automatically fix iOS-taken images' orientation using ImageMagic/PHP GD upon upload.
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    Fix Image Rotation
    게시자: Gagan Deep Singh
    Fixes the rotation of the images based on EXIF data
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    HEIC Support
    게시자: Breakfast
    Allows .heic uploads to the Media Library. Creates .webp or .jpg copies of .heic images when they are uploaded.
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    Retina @2x
    게시자: Wouter Postma
    A plugin that looks for retina images automatically based on the @2x naming convention.
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    Device Mockups
    게시자: Justin Peacock
    Show your work in high resolution, responsive device mockups using only shortcodes.
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    PHP Browser Detection
    게시자: Mindshare Studios, Inc.
    PHP Browser Detection is a WordPress plugin used to detect a user's browser. Please report any bugs on the support forums.
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    Mobile Smart
    게시자: Dan Smart
    The Mobile Smart plugin allows your Wordpress site to switch your theme if a user visits it using a mobile device, plus adds template tags to help you …
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    Smart App Banner
    게시자: Stephen Darlington
    This is a WordPress plugin that allows you to use Smart App Banners, introduced in iOS 6, with your WordPress blog.
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    Devices for Elementor
    게시자: Namogo
    Devices for Elementor is a powerful Elementor widget that lets you add a phone, tablet, laptop, desktop or window / browser frame to your images or sc …
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    Photoswipe for NextGEN Gallery
    게시자: Guillermo Señas
    The default NextGEN gallery navigations (Shutter, Thickbox, etc...) fall short when using a mobile browser?
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    게시자: Rinat Khaziev, doejo
    Blimply will allow you to send push notifications to your mobile users utilizing Urban Airship API.
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    Official Add to Homescreen
    게시자: Matteo Spinelli
    Official Add To Homescreen plugin displays a callout to mobile users inviting them to add the website to the home screen.
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    isMobile() Shortcode for WordPress
    게시자: jairoochoa
    This plugin works with the open source Mobile Detect Library. You can get further information on its website.
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    Pronto - Mobile Site Convertor
    게시자: Obox Design
    Pronto turns your WordPress website into a fully function mobile plugin.
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    게시자: ContentRobot
    The iWPhone Plugin & Theme automatically reformats your blog's content for optimized viewing on the iPhone/iPod touch (Android too.)
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    Wordpress PDA & iPhone
    게시자: Imthiaz Rafiq
    This plugin helps the users to view your blog in a pda ,iPhone & Android browser.
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    게시자: Gino Cote
    WPapptouch is a WordPress plugin & theme to transform your WordPress website to a Native like application for mobile.
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    게시자: iBuildApp
    Create Android, iPhone and iPad Apps for free, no Coding Required. The iBuildApp tool has been used to create over 600,000 apps