
isMobile() Shortcode for WordPress

This plugin works with the open source Mobile Detect Library. You can get further information on its website.
최근 업데이트일
September 17, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목
isMobile() Shortcode for WordPress

This plugin works with the open source Mobile Detect Library. You can get further information on its website.

[ismobile device=’iphone’ debug=true ] Your content [/ismobile]


device: Filters the device where you want the content to be shown. It could be more than one device, simply separate them with comma. debug: Shows Mobile Detect Library installed version. Also shows two arrays. The first one contains the devices which the library detects and the second one contains the devices where you want to show the content.


android: Shows content in Android devices. chrome: Shows content on Chrome browser (Only works on mobile devices). desktop: Shows content on a computer. Opposite to mobile option. ios: Shows content in iOS devices. ipad: Shows content on a iPad. iphone: Shows content on a iPhone. mobile: Shows content on a mobile device (includes tablets and cell phones). Opposite to desktop option. phone: Shows content on a cell phone. safari: Shows content on Safari browser (Only works on mobile devices). samsung: Shows content on Samsung devices. tablet: Shows content on a tablet.

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