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16개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Content Aware Sidebars - Fastest Widget Area Plugin
    게시자: DEV Institute
    게시물, 페이지, 카테고리 등에 새로운 사이드바를 표시합니다. 클래식 위젯, 블록 위젯 및 모든 테마와 함께 작동합니다!
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    Ocean Custom Sidebar
    게시자: OceanWP
    Generates an unlimited number of sidebars and place them on any page you wish. Go to Theme Panel > Sidebars to create your custom sidebars.
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    Easy Custom Sidebars
    게시자: Titanium Themes
    This plugin allows you to replace any sidebar/widget area in your theme without writing a single line of code!
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    Simple Page Sidebars
    게시자: Cedaro
    Easily assign custom, widget-enabled sidebars to any page.
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    Stag Custom Sidebars
    게시자: Ram Ratan Maurya
    Create custom dynamic sidebars and use anywhere with shortcodes.
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    Theme Blvd Widget Areas
    게시자: Theme Blvd
    When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin extends the framework's widget area system.
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    Custom Sidebars by ProteusThemes
    게시자: ProteusThemes
    Allows you to create custom sidebars. Replace sidebars for specific posts and pages.
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    WP Custom Sidebars
    게시자: mnmlthms
    Create unlimited sidebars for pages/posts easily without writing a single line of code!
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    Multiple Sidebar Generator
    게시자: deepaksharma
    Easily assign custom, widget-enabled sidebars to any page.
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    Popping Sidebars and Widgets Light
    게시자: OTWthemes
    Create custom popping layouts with sidebars and widgets in just a few clicks.
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    PG Context Sidebar
    게시자: PeoplesGeek
    Show different content in the sidebar for each page or post - great for emphasising related offers, ideas, or quotes
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    Custom Sidebars Manager
    게시자: FRESHFACE
    Create one global sidebar from multiple sidebars, or multiple sidebars from one global. Widget visibility and implemented conditions as well
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    Power Widgets Lite
    게시자: Super Plugin
    Power Widgets creates custom widget areas (AKA custom sidebars) for specific pages, posts or categories, and manages them from one single location.
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    Custom Shortcode Sidebars
    게시자: Jason Grim
    Easily create additional custom sidebars to your theme. These new sidebars are called via shortcodes so you may add widgets in your content.
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    Acquaintsoft sidebar generator
    게시자: Acquaintsoft
    Create custom widget configurations for every page/post on your website.
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    REAL Wordpress Sidebar
    게시자: clickandsell
    Wrap sidebar content in an extruder. Create dynamically as many sidebars as you want. Take control where you publish it- increase content relevance.