
Theme Blvd Widget Areas

When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin extends the framework's widget area system.
최근 업데이트일
April 4, 2018
활성화된 설치 항목
Theme Blvd Widget Areas

NOTE: This plugin requires Theme Blvd framework v2.2.1+

In a nutshell, this plugin provides that infamous “Unlimited Sidebars” feature all the cool kids are asking for with your Theme Blvd theme.

When using a Theme Blvd theme, this plugin will allow to create custom widget areas for any of your theme’s specific widget area locations. Custom widget areas can be created for specific locations and then assigned to pages throughout your website. Additionally, custom widget areas can be left as “floating” (i.e. no location) and then be inserted within dynamic areas such as elements of the Layout Builder, for example.

Custom widget areas have two attributes to understand when being setup.

  1. Location: The location is where the widget area is on the page. Examples would be Right Sidebar, Left Sidebar, Ads Above Content, etc.
  2. Assignments: The assignments are where a particular custom widget area will then be displayed on your website. The assignments can be specific pages, posts, archives, and various other pre-set WordPress conditionals. Additionally, advanced users can input their own custom conditional statements within their widget area assignments.

NOTE: For this plugin to do anything, you must have a theme with Theme Blvd framework v2.2+ activated.

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