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24개 플러그인
  • plugin-icon
    Clever Fox
    게시자: nayrathemes
    Clever Fox plugin to enhance the functionality of free themes made by Nayra Themes.
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    Arile Extra
    게시자: ThemeArile
    Arile Extra is a companion plugin for ArileWP WordPress theme by ThemeArile.
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    Shapely Companion
    게시자: Colorlib
    Shapely Companion is a companion plugin for Shapely WordPress theme by Colorlib.com.
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    Desert Companion
    게시자: Desertthemes
    Desert Companion Enhances Desert Themes with additional functionality.
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    eCommerce Companion
    게시자: sellerthemes
    Introducing the eCommerce Companion Plugin, the essential tool for effortless setup of Seller Themes
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    Illdy Companion
    게시자: Colorlib
    Illdy Companion is a companion plugin for Illdy WordPress theme by Colorlib.com.
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    Specia Companion
    게시자: specia
    Specia Companion is created for Specia Theme. The plugin set frontpage sections, It allow edit customizer settings for the theme.
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    Arile Super
    게시자: ThemeArile
    Arile Super is a companion plugin for Aasta WordPress theme by ThemeArile.
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    CWW Companion
    게시자: Code Work Web
    This plugin adds some useful featuers to themes made by us(Code Work Web).
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    Lemmony Companion
    게시자: Shufflehound
    The Lemmony Companion is a companion plugin for the Lemmony theme. Adds additional block editor blocks needed for the best theme experience.
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    Ultra Companion – Companion plugin for WPoperation Themes
    게시자: WPoperation
    This is the companion plugin for WPoperation themes. This plugin will add extra features to the theme theme by adding social share, shortcodes, post v …
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    Ridhi Companion
    게시자: raratheme
    Ridhi Companion is a free companion plugin for Ridhi Theme.
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    Yuma Companion
    게시자: Shark Themes
    Add a supportive features, demos and options for Yuma Free and Pro Themes.
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    The Bootstrap Theme Companion
    게시자: thebootstrapthemes
    This is a theme companion plugin. This plugin generates the required post types and options for the themes.
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    uPress Link
    게시자: Drubit Raid LTD.
    uPress Link is a companion plugin for the WordPress hosting manager at https://www.upress.io
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    Bonkers Addons
    게시자: Colorlib
    This plugins adds several options in the customizer to use with your theme.
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    Theme Companion
    게시자: Philip M. Hofer (Frumph)
    This plugin is used to assist in designing sites without editing the original style.css
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    Companion Portfolio - Responsive Portfolio Plugin
    게시자: Papin Schipper
    A fully responsive portfolio plugin, looking sharp on every device! Easy to use and fully configurable.
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    Themepaw Companion
    게시자: themepaw.com
    A collection of premium quality addons or modules for use in Elementor page builder. Elementor must be installed and activated.
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    Beni Demo
    게시자: MobeenRaheem
    Beni demo is a companion plugin for MobeenRaheem's themes.