
Illdy Companion

Illdy Companion is a companion plugin for Illdy WordPress theme by
최근 업데이트일
July 28, 2021
활성화된 설치 항목
Illdy Companion

Illdy Companion is a companion for Illdy One Page WordPress theme by This plugin won’t do anything for other free or premium WordPress themes and you need to download and install Illdy. If you are having problems with Illdy theme or its companion plugin the fastest way to receive help is via our theme support forum.

This plugin will add necessary WordPress widgets and allow to import demo content which will help you to with website setup.

While Illdy is a great one page WordPress theme it might not be for everyone therefore you might want to check other free WordPress themes that are created by Colorlib.

Plugin Options

  • Creates required WordPress widgets to be used in theme
  • Creates demo(dummy) content for widgets to make them easier to use and understand how they work
  • Provides an option to import demo(dummy) content.

About Colorlib

Colorlib is the best and by far the most popular source for free and premium WordPress themes. Our themes has been downloaded over 1,5 million times and are used by developers, webmasters and regular users all over the world. We believe in open source and that’s why we have made our themes free to use for private and commercial use.

Further Reading

If you are new to WordPress but are dedicated to make a website on your own Colorlib is the right place to start. Usually the trickiest part is to choose the right hosting because all hosting providers are not equal. We have outlined the best WordPress hosting providers and we hope you’ll find them useful. We can also help with WordPress related errors and problems.

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