

74 プラグイン
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    Display Posts - Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
    投稿者: Bill Erickson
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    WP Remove Query Strings From Static Resources
    投稿者: Rinku Yadav
    CSS ファイルや JS ファイルのような静的リソースからクエリー文字列を除去します。
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    Debug This
    投稿者: Razvan Aldea
    Peek under the hood with sixty debugging reports just one click away.
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    Advanced Views Framework - Display Posts, WooCommerce, ACF, MetaBox and Pods fields
    投稿者: WPLake
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    SQL Executioner
    投稿者: Justin Watt
    Execute arbitrary SQL queries against your WordPress database from the Admin.
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    Custom Post Limits
    投稿者: Scott Reilly
    Independently control the number of posts listed on the front page, author/category/custom post type/custom taxonomy/tag archives, search results, etc …
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    Loops & Logic
    投稿者: Team Tangible
    Loops & Logic is a template system with content loops and conditions.
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    Query Wrangler
    投稿者: Jonathan Daggerhart
    Query Wrangler provides an intuitive interface for creating complex WP queries as shortcodes and widgets. UI based on Drupal Views.
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    Run SQL Query
    投稿者: Fabricio Carella
    Run SQL Query is a simple plugin to quickly execute any type of SQL query into the WordPress's DB and export the results in a CSV format file.
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    Query Multiple Taxonomies
    投稿者: scribu
    Filter posts through multiple taxonomies.
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    Admin Bar Tools
    投稿者: Grégory Viguier
    Adds some small development tools to the admin bar.
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    Easy Query - WP Query Builder
    投稿者: Darren Cooney
    Create a custom WordPress query in seconds with Easy Query.
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    Display Posts - Date View
    投稿者: Bill Erickson
    List your content broken down by month or year. This is an extension of the Display Posts plugin.
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    Sort Query Posts
    投稿者: Túbal Martín
    Sort posts on-the-fly without making a new SQL query
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    WP Query Creator
    投稿者: Tarak Patel
    WP Query Creator provides an interface for creating WP queries as shortcodes.
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    Contact Form With Shortcode
    投稿者: aviplugins.com
    This is a contact form with shortcode plugin. With option to add unlimited dynamic fields to the form.
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    Display Pages Shortcode
    投稿者: Paul Angell
    Display a listing of pages using the [display-pages] shortcode.
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    投稿者: John Ackers
    Presents the results a database SQL query in a table. The query can be saved as a
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    投稿者: webvitaly
    Plugin shows in the admin bar the number of SQL queries, the amount of time in seconds and memory load.
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    WP Query Console
    投稿者: LUBUS
    Test Various WordPress Queries