Ajoutez des fonctionnalités à votre site avec des extensions

Ajoutez de nouvelles fonctionnalités et intégrations à votre site grâce à des milliers d'extensions.

14 extensions
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    Whereabouts: Swarm
    par Florian Ziegler
    Display your current location, automatically updated by your latest Swarm check-in.
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    Widgets for Foursquare Reviews
    par Trustindex.io
    Embed Foursquare reviews fast and easily into your WordPress site. Increase SEO, trust and sales using Foursquare reviews.
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    GT Foursquare
    par Global Task
    Integrate Foursquare with WordPress. Features Map and List view.
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    Save to foursquare Shortcode
    par Devin Reams
    Add the "Save to foursquare" button to posts with a simple WordPress Shortcode.
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    par Janyk Steenbeek
    Always your latest Foursquare checkins in your sidebar!
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    WP Quadratum
    par Gary Gale
    Display your last Swarm checkin as a map widget in the sidebar or embedded in a post or page, fully authenticated via OAuth 2.0.
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    Foursquare Latest Checkins
    par Florian Beer
    Displays the users latest Foursquare checkins including venue icons as a sidebar widget.
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    FourSquare Recent Checkins
    par Pär Thernström
    A widget that show your 5 most recent checkins at FourSquare. And on a map too. It's marvelous!
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    WP-Foursquare Todo Adder
    par Mitchell Hislop and Tim Barsness of SMCpros
    This plugin allows a publisher to easily add a foursquare todo button to a post.
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    Foursquare Map
    par Tom Saunter
    Adds a map of your last Foursquare check-in location to a widget area, and makes it easy to share with your readers without giving away too much info.
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    Traverse Digital
    par jackreichert
    Create maps using geo-location data for your image posts displaying where your pictures are taken. Take control over how you share your location.
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    Unite Mobile Optimizer Menu
    par Unite CMS
    Unite Mobile Optimizer Menu will create a widget of icons to link to your sites.
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    Pivto for Wordpress
    par Pivto
    Instantly transforms your blog into an s-blog! Change your classic blog or shopping site into a fun social networking site (SNS) around your posts and …
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    BP Foursquare API
    par John James Jacoby
    An API to connect BuddyPress to Foursquare.