Create maps using geo-location data for your image posts displaying where your pictures are taken. Take control over how you share your location.
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November 19, 2015
Traverse Digital

This plugin lets you easily display the locations of photos you’ve taken. I developed it as part of a proof-of-concept for leveraging the WordPress app to create a Foursquare/Swarm checking functionality for your blog.

This will create a custom post type called « traverse » (optional) or will apply the functionality to posts. It checks posts for images or a gallery and extracts the EXIF geo-location data from the image. It then set’s up maps on the pages on which it found geo-data with markers for each of the images.

This is a great companion with my If Post Then That WordPress plugin that lets you trigger WordPress actions via tags in the post which makes the iOS and Android apps that much more powerful. This allows you to « check in » easily from the road.

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Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.