Adds a map of your last Foursquare check-in location to a widget area, and makes it easy to share with your readers without giving away too much info.
Mis à jour récemment
September 11, 2010
Installations actives

Foursquare is rising in popularity, and will continue to grow. This plugin makes it easy to share your last check-in location without needing to worry about giving away personal info, and you don’t need to be an expert in mapping APIs!

The plugin places a Google map in a widget area and lets users enter their preferences over what they show, be it just the map, or the name of the place too, or the comment they left while there. Simple, effective, and sociable.


  • Offers an easy way to share your last check-in location with your blog’s readers.
  • Built on the Foursquare and Google Maps APIs, so expect blistering fast speeds.
  • Intuitive interface for editing options, with plenty more power under the hood.
  • Independent handling across multiple widget instances, using WordPress 2.8’s widget_class coolness.
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Installations actives
Testé jusqu’à version
Cette extension est disponible en téléchargement pour être utilisée sur votre installation WordPress auto-hébergée.