WordForce Lead Plugin is integration between WordPress and Salesforce CRM.
May 8, 2023
WordForce Lead

WordForce Lead Plugin is integration between WordPress and Salesforce CRM with Real Time Synchronization functionality. WordForce Lead Plugin sends the form submissions from wordpress website to salesforce contact object wherein form is implemented in the plugin itself.

Users can add contact form using shortcode as [WF_LEAD] and After submission of form lead directly goes to the Salesforce contact object .

No more copy pasting of leads, Also Users can get rid of missing leads.


You can configure all the different settings for the form, and then use a shortcode to insert the form into your posts or pages. Real Time Synchronization functionality is available , users can just click on the “Click to Sync” button for the lead which is not submitted to salesforce org but appears in wordpress submission data.

How to Set Up

  • Go to “Credential Settings” Submenu and then enter the salesforce org details.
  • Insert the Shortcode as [WF_LEAD] to the page or post where form needs to be implemented
  • Send the lead entry by filling up the form
  • Go to “Salesforce Org” Contact object and verify if entry was sent to Salesforce.

**Setup in Salesforce Org Login to your Salesforce account or you can create a new account. Create a custom field with name ‘Address’ from object manager in contact object as text type. Switch to the classic mode of the org-> Setup from the right side top bar. Create a connected app from left sidebar: Build-> Create -> Apps Enable API (Enable OAuth Settings) Add OAuth Scopes “Access and manage your data (api)” Click on Save Security Token: Click on the down arrow appearing besides your profile name in top bar-> Click on “My settings”-> From left sidebar under Personal tab Click on “Reset My Security Token”/ Or search Token in Quick find box from left sidebar. You will receive a security token on your email (we will need this token further for pursuing the connection )

** WordForce Lead Submenus

General Setting Form customization like Changing button color, Label , placeholder, width, font-size, can be pursued from General Setting.

Credential Settings Enter the mandatory details required for connecting to salesforce org Consumer Key, Consumer Secret will be available in connected app created in org Enter Salesforce Org’s username and password and security token associated with your salesforce org. Enter Login Base URL as “http://login.salesforce.com”

View Submitted Data Lead submission entries would be available here If any of the submission fails to send the data, we can manually send that entry to Salesforce Org’s Contact by clicking on “Click to Sync” button

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。