
Advanced Editor Tools

擴充並增強區塊編輯器 (Gutenberg) 及傳統編輯器 (TinyMCE) 的功能。
April 4, 2024
Advanced Editor Tools

Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) introduces a “Classic Paragraph” block for the block editor (Gutenberg). If you are not quite ready to switch to the block editor, or have plugins that cannot be used there (yet), using the Classic Paragraph block is your best option. It lets you to continue to use the familiar TinyMCE editor for most tasks, and at the same time gives you full access to all blocks and new features in the block editor.

Version 5.5 continues to improve and enhance the new features introduced in version 5.0 of the plugin. It includes an improved “Clear Formatting” button, several advanced settings for tables, and importing and exporting of the settings to a file.

If you want to continue to use the previous (“classic”) editor in WordPress 5.0 and newer, this plugin has an option to replace the new editor with the previous one. If you prefer to have access to both editors side by side or to allow your users to switch editors, it would be better to install the Classic Editor plugin. Advanced Editor Tools is fully compatible with the classic editor plugin and similar plugins that restore use of the previous WordPress editor.

As always this plugin will let you add, remove and arrange the buttons that are shown on the Visual Editor toolbar in the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks in the block editor, and in the classic editor (when enabled by a plugin). There you can configure up to four rows of buttons including Font Sizes, Font Family, text and background colors, tables, etc.

它包含了 15 個可依據使用者設定自動啟用或停用的 TinyMCE 擴充功能。除此之外,這款外掛還加入了一些可用於 [文字] 標籤頁編輯器的常用功能 (例如保留段落標籤),並可從佈景主題的 editor-style.css 中匯入 CSS 類別。

這個外掛能為內建編輯器新增的功能 (摘錄)

  • “Classic Paragraph” block that can be used instead of or together with the standard Paragraph block.
  • An option to set the Classic Paragraph or Classic block as the default block in the block editor.
  • Supports converting of most default blocks to classic paragraphs, and from classic paragraphs back to the default blocks.
  • Support for creating and editing tables in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • More options when inserting lists in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • Search and Replace in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • Ability to set Font Family and Font Sizes in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • 還有更多…


Advanced Editor Tools 不會收集或儲存任何與使用者相關的資料。它不需要 Cookie 配合,也不需要連線至任何第三方網站,因為它僅使用 WordPressTinyMCE 編輯器所提供的功能。

就此而言,Advanced Editor Tools 不會在任何層面影響到既有網站的個資法適用性。

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。